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December 25, 2023

Thanksgiving Unplugged: Birthday Cheers, Black Friday Tales, and the Great Feast Debate

Ever spilled your drink during a heartwarming toast? We've got you covered with laughter and a dash of chaos as we kick off our Thanksgiving special, live and unscripted. Join us as we celebrate Jess's birthday, dive into our...

Ever spilled your drink during a heartwarming toast? We've got you covered with laughter and a dash of chaos as we kick off our Thanksgiving special, live and unscripted. Join us as we celebrate Jess's birthday, dive into our holiday traditions with a side of playful mishaps, and juggle the unpredictability of live podcasting. There's even a Thanksgiving serenade to spice things up, and trust me, you'll want to hear our impromptu cleanup act after an accidental spill nearly takes down our equipment!

Holiday shopping can be a battlefield, and we're sharing our front-line stories from the frenzy of Black Friday. Amidst tales of epic deal-hunting and the characters you meet in the trenches, we also take a stroll down memory lane, reminiscing about Thanksgiving feasts of yore. From debates over the perfect level of crispiness in stuffing to our family's unique sides (hello, Brussels sprouts with a twist!), our banter is guaranteed to stir up your appetite and tickle your funny bone.

As we slice into the Thanksgiving pie—figuratively speaking—we can't help but debate the finer points of holiday desserts. Is skipping sweets a savvy move, or just an excuse for more late-night turkey sandwich escapades? Plus, we don't shy away from the great cranberry sauce divide: to jell or not to jell, that is the question. Wrapping up with a heartfelt chat about legacy and the echoes of our actions, we leave you with a full plate of reflections and a promise of more unplanned fun just around the corner. And remember, keep an eye out on Facebook for our next live session and have yourself a Happy Thanksgiving!



Speaker 1:

Beautiful thing. We have one viewer, ben. Oh, we're live. Yeah, we are live.

Speaker 2:

Hey, hey live.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we got another one, awesome, so we're just gonna start this off.

Speaker 3:

Let's, let's get this one.

Speaker 1:

There's no better way to scripted TID. Yes, I scripted. It's so much better when it's unscripted, I think, because then then we have to stick to a fucking script, and I don't think we're good at that. No no, we have to ask Nareesh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll have. We got to talk, no rest of you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we haven't even like we'll talk about, and I gotta put it out After the show. Remind me to hit publish, so I put, so it goes out and we've been lazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, real life is listen, sometimes life gets in the way, kevin. Yeah, man, I was away, but so we were trying to think of an opening song and this.

Speaker 1:

There's no better opening song. Then this, then this song, because of the holidays coming. So it's Thanksgiving on Thursday. It's actually Jess's birthday. Well, happy birthday Jess. Yeah, she's gonna be an old bitch. She's finally breaking her 20s. I can say that as much as I want, cuz she doesn't listen to the show. There you go. Thanks, bad lieutenant, but let's, let's just fucking, let's get this started. Five, let's do this. Wow, nothing better than this.

Speaker 4:

This is a thanksgiving cheers boys.

Speaker 1:

Happy holidays, motherfuckers.

Speaker 4:

A good boy that clappings messy my head. I appreciate it, but I was trying to think of the next line. I'm like oh, I hear is clapping, thanks. Anyways, let's eat the turkey in my big brown shoe. Love to eat the turkey at the table. I once saw a movie with Betty Gravel eat that turkey all night long. 50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong. Turkey, lurky do, and Turkey that I eat that turkey, then I drink. Oh yeah, thanks Is a special night. Jimmy Walker Used to say oh, that's right, what we do in life it goes in a strategy.

Speaker 1:

Oh, Sorry, yeah, just fucking shoot me already. That's gonna have to try out. That was a let's go Brandon moment of the night right there. Are you trying to get me to have to buy a new road? I did that so on purpose, kevin, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Just do we normally do just leave it there On that chair behind you. Yeah there's a t-shirt in there or something Kevin's got like a long sleeve shirt.

Speaker 2:

He probably does not wear.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that'll work. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the unknown episode of the take it deep show. Yes, this is the one where I'm about to die. I just spilled my.

Speaker 2:

Scotch, yeah. No, that's all you get what? Yeah you're all done now fuck that.

Speaker 1:

Okay all right, it's a hundred dollar bottle, motherfucker. You just threw it on the table like it didn't, like it was fucking no white label. You didn't see. You didn't see that flower trickled down after it happened like he spilled the white claw. No, you didn't get a black check, a black cherry, white claw.

Speaker 4:

You didn't see that flower.

Speaker 1:

Just come by. You know the flower that's over there. All right, is that still a thing? We didn't take care of that yet. No, kevin gave me fake sage.

Speaker 2:

I remember that wasn't fake sage, it was real time.

Speaker 1:

Shit bags. Yeah, let's try not to leave the ice under the road caster. No, it's not good. Now we're good. Chances are this is gonna go dead in any second. Now.

Speaker 2:

Why don't you leave the shirt underneath the road caster? Yeah, cuz if you leave it there it's gonna soak in whatever's on it and what's ever under it. Thank you, brony.

Speaker 1:

Fucking stupid. You're correct.

Speaker 2:

They can't see the new addition. It's behind the globe.

Speaker 1:

I thought I was going deaf, but it's just, I'm wearing it. So we got a this new button that we're gonna be using. That's not gonna stay up there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's, that's. That's a great spot.

Speaker 1:

But what it does anyways, thank you. That's if you're stupid, that's if you're right.

Speaker 2:

This is your fucking stupid but what if you write twice in a row? You can't be well, just pick somebody out to be stupid.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and now? Nobody's ever right twice in a row. Kevin, who the fuck's right twice on the row? All right, so we're okay. Welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen.

Speaker 2:

How we doing we're doing good, how you doing doing all right living life short.

Speaker 1:

We call they coming up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, hey, thanksgiving, you guys, you guys black.

Speaker 2:

Friday shoppers. What'd you say? Are you guys, black Friday shoppers? I'm offended, you triggered, we go there. I can't believe you just said that to me is that's next.

Speaker 4:

Forecast is raised.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, uh, black Friday, huh like, wouldn't you be triggered I think, you know, I think that it probably should have went before Redskins, but a which is hopefully coming back you are correct and you're stupid for saying that this is gonna work out just fine.

Speaker 1:

It's great, good time, good time, oh, oh, like it's the bourbon talk, I would love to know when did that term black powder like? Because so it's the first. It's the first day of sale Starting Christmas. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's an invented day.

Speaker 1:

Of course, exactly, it must have been invented by a white man. Why? Why does it have to mean that I'm just saying, oh Ben, you're fucking for your fucked up then? And to all the black Friday looters out there no, let's, let's be honest. Tell me there's gonna be a fuck of Walmart. It gets fleeced.

Speaker 4:

Tell me yes.

Speaker 1:

Tell me you have not seen videos of what people look like when they're at Walmart waiting for the 32 inch high-deaf fucking TV on sale for a hundred dollars and people getting trampled and killed. Pat, I went out once once Shopping for the. I was a be walks. I was in Walmart Right after Thanksgiving. I was listening to the Jets lose to the Patriots. My wife dragged me out. I said, fine, I'll go, I'm not letting you go by yourself. You went at midnight, yeah, and it was Fucking madness. See, I just can't like I Couldn't do it. The same sales are gonna be there in a few hours. I told I made dawn leave. I'm like we have to go right now. No, okay, I understand you got limited products, but most likely what your shopping for is gonna be there or it's gonna be somewhere else. Well, it's gonna be so. What, what did, or?

Speaker 2:

well, I mean.

Speaker 4:

Order it online, you're right.

Speaker 2:

There's like. There's like a. Two breeds of black Friday shoppers, right Like there's the people that wait out there for the fucking store to open and there's people that which one do you identify as yes, so there's two versions of black Fridays shoppers shoppers, shoppers.

Speaker 1:

Shoppers can. Okay. What type of shoppers are they?

Speaker 2:

Well, they're the ones that are waiting out there, since, like tonight, you know and you got what. You talking about the people that just go shopping, like the people that wait there for the door to open, or fucking maniacs.

Speaker 1:

But that's what I'm talking about, like I've seen. I saw a video last year I think it was in the Midwest, somewhere where this heavy-set woman was, she was, she was like a baby rhino, all right. And that fucking, the fucking automatic door was an opening and she was just like she was like mr Fantastic pushing through the door fucking crumbles, some old little dude gets caught under the door and gets trampled. Well, he had no Rino, no baby rhino, the fucking, the safari that came afterwards listen, if you're an old dude, you got no business being up front. I give him credit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no credit.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, I like I felt terrible for him. Yeah, you kind of get what you get there. If you're not ready to throw fists and you're gonna go to go, go to that atmosphere like you gotta be right and if you're gonna be like the shoppers. You know what I'm talking about. Come on, what Jesus, god, I didn't want to hear them hear me curse. Oh Jesus, like wow Ben, holy shit. Well, I mean not for nothing, but you are fucking Adolf over there.

Speaker 2:

I really I Don't know why this is so funny. Like what the fuck?

Speaker 1:

Come in, come from the. What was he going? The falafel, that, not the falafel. The Flop, no, what was the? The fucking thing he brought up? Oh, I don't remember, it was some type of food. Oh, he was, he would. Now we know, we're not even getting into that, don't even, don't even go there. Oh Sorry, do we? Did I say something wrong? Well, no, are you talking about that? No, no, no, no, no. Was it the mufflado? You got it. Good job, ben, remember it with the mufflado. Yes, the good old mufflado.

Speaker 2:

Nothing like a good muffler.

Speaker 1:

What is a muffler Lado?

Speaker 2:

take a bunch of olives on bread, it's not a yambo. No.

Speaker 1:

Mmm, I am still thinking about that yambo. That's why I'm sweating right now.

Speaker 2:

It looks so good, did you enjoy?

Speaker 1:

it. No, it was delicious.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so happy for you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you what the fuck was that? I thought you were actually gonna fight him for it. You kind of had to look in your eye for a second. I was a little hungry. You saw him cut it in half. You're like is he gonna offer me that? Jess made some. Jess made some ma's, she made big ziti, but then she used it. I guess a customer for okay, I'm hoping the customer is listening you, oh boy, here we go. I am hoping the customer's listening right now. I'm very Picky about what you eat. Sauce-wise, right Okay. So like he makes a great sauce, his sauce is fucking delicious. Are you talking about a marinara sauce?

Speaker 4:

Yes, it's a type of marinara Right.

Speaker 1:

So she mixed it up with her, with the ZD and everything Did the fucking. You know what I'm talking about the avocado and what not, and what to go. It was what the fuck is that Am I seeing shit? Oh, there it is, it's Gunner's hair. It was the most watery tasting, stale, unsalted, unpeppered, fucking flavored sauce I ever had. And the motherfucker has to go. Do I have to say the answer? Did you have the sauce yet? I'm like, did you tell him yeah, and I would have rather shat in my bowl.

Speaker 2:

Where were you like?

Speaker 3:

I'm not sure we're still trying to figure that out?

Speaker 2:

Was that the?

Speaker 1:

tasteless, runny sauce that we had the other day. It was dude, it was so bad and then he had like See, but you gotta taste the sauce before you put the macaroni in the second we did, though Jess was like, oh, it's okay, and I'm looking at it. And when I opened it up it was in the mason jar and you saw it was watery on top and oh, what did they do like fresh, and it didn't settle right. I have no idea. All I know is I took one look at it. I'm like I am not eating that and I'm like you're so lucky, I'm starving. I had to put 14 pounds of salt on this shit Just to eat it. Then you eat the meatball. Who made the meatball? The guy.

Speaker 4:

Now, not only is he the guy I don't even wanna know, because if the sauce was shit, the meatball's gonna be gone.

Speaker 1:

Not only is he the guy, he's the rat guy.

Speaker 2:

Excuse me, he's the what.

Speaker 1:

He's the rat guy. Rat guy, yeah, the pest guy. Why are you eating anything that the fucking rat guy?

Speaker 4:

gives you.

Speaker 1:

That's what I asked. I was like you're lucky, I'm hungry, but you fucking ate it. So you had rat ball, no flavor whatsoever, except it was like powdery pepper balls in the middle of the meatball Like a whopper. No, it was like you got the meatball and it was like dry pepper in the middle and I'm like I know I did not put that much pepper on. Interesting oh, joe.

Speaker 2:

Mason's watching Joey. Wait, is there, Joe?

Speaker 1:

How do you see who's watching?

Speaker 4:

I can only see people watching.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's nice to see because we have eight people watching. I'm not gonna fucking lie, that's probably the most we've ever had in one shot. Listen, stop talking about it, we appreciate it.

Speaker 4:

No, stop talking.

Speaker 1:

If you guys want to call in and discuss anything. Did you put that on 845,?

Speaker 2:

wait a minute. Oh yeah, dude, dude the banner. Yeah, look, we're gonna get fancy Facebook.

Speaker 1:

Just bear with us for a second before it back kicks to power cord. Yep.

Speaker 2:

We're still looking for production guys, so anybody out there?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so the hotline's 845, 842, 1652. What's up? Bubba, joe, joe, listen, joe, would be fucking great. I want to know what's funny. Joe is one of the first people I asked to do the podcast with. Well, he has a background in public broadcasting and his son is doing a stellar job as a reporter. Did you see his son? I did. I think he's announcing hockey games right. I have seen some. I don't know if he's announcing hockey games.

Speaker 2:

The ones I saw. I was like this is this is.

Speaker 1:

It's the reincarnation of Joe Mason. It really is, really yeah. And just seeing that, but like, and you hear, like I don't even look at him and I hear the voice, I'm like, oh my God, it's like back in the day when he would go to the carnivals. I wish, I wish we could pull up the old video of RCN Cable.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say the little.

Speaker 1:

Listen, Joe, if you have that video. It's still on YouTube. People send it to me all the time because I'm actually in it. It's on YouTube. Yeah, thanks, wait a minute. Yeah, I can share the screen. Oh, would Joe two agreed to that? Do we have to call legal and send a disclaimer? Can?

Speaker 2:

we get an E signature real quick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think he signed his life away when he put it on YouTube. Fuck, I'm sweating right now. What were we talking about? Take your hat off. We were talking about the wrap balls that you ate. Ok, so it had like. It was almost like he put too much pepper in one spot and he made the meatball over that.

Speaker 2:

The pepper core.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was just a dry, fucking flaky pepper core, the black pepper that's nauseating. So when I remember I'm sitting there, I'm like I know I did not put that much pepper on. So I take another bite of it and I'm looking at it and I'm like this motherfucker, you know he's hide something. Well, anywho, the worst meatballs I've ever had in my life, the worst sauce I ever had. Thank God Jess did her thing to it because I wouldn't have. She worked the balls. Yeah, she worked the balls pretty well. I can say that because she doesn't listen to the show. That's why I said that. She worked to meet the balls with one hand what you do with the other one. You want to know what she did to my. Oh, jesus Christ, when did you get that bottle Today? Yeah, today, ok, all right, good, $100. Happy holiday. So holiday starting gets crazy. The fucking. You got the Black Friday. Courtney.

Speaker 4:

Kevin, there's two Black Fridays you got the shop Regular two Black Fridays and they got together.

Speaker 2:

But, it's funny every time. It totally is.

Speaker 1:

Now I see you know why it all. Stop it. I fucking love it.

Speaker 2:

It just sucks that I'm like fucking German too.

Speaker 1:

I wonder you know your way around oven so well?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Wow, man, I cook on the stove top. I don't want to.

Speaker 1:

So you do plenty of work in the oven.

Speaker 2:

We should turn away from this.

Speaker 3:

I actually want to hear your last breath Breath, breath, breath.

Speaker 1:

You don't know how bad I tried to get Tommy O to come in here on Sunday night. What last Sunday, this Sunday he was, he was up.

Speaker 2:

Does he not want to come?

Speaker 1:

Now he had something to do in Poughkeepsie at like eight o'clock and I was like we're not recording anyway.

Speaker 4:

Fuck, you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.

Speaker 1:

Well, at least I know where all my buttons are. Now I'm starting to figure this shit out. Yeah, we're actually. We're on point right now. Yes, yeah, now. So we were, kevin and I were discussing like we could do this now, this week of topic to do now, because it's going to take up a lot of time. Well, where is everyone going for Thanksgiving? I'm going to Jess's father's and I'm going to Tommy and Antonette's For dessert, or, like you doing, like the double meal. I'm doing the double meal oh Thanksgiving bro. Well, I'm going to shit my face off the whole night because I'm gonna eat so much. I appreciate the gameplay.

Speaker 2:

What are you gonna do? I'm gonna go to my sister's.

Speaker 1:

Before he even says anything. He probably made another real bougie comment outside earlier.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there's no doubt in my mind. No, doubt.

Speaker 1:

Could you share with us? Sure can. We can totally, totally, totally share with that.

Speaker 2:

You gotta frame it, though we are framed.

Speaker 1:

It's breaking news, Kevin. What did it all have to say? He loves ovens Come on, Come on, Brute.

Speaker 2:

What the fuck man? What are?

Speaker 1:

you gonna walk out. I gotta get an oven sound effect on here. I might Just an oven door slamming.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna shut the fucking breaker off. How about that, yeah?

Speaker 1:

This is you getting your fucking army all set up.

Speaker 2:

All right, liz, seriously.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God. Okay, all right, all right. Is that the last one? No, what bougie comment did you say? So we're talking about the, we're gonna do the best of tonight right, yeah, we'll bring that topic up in a little bit, and then we're just in there talking like brought up, like fucking mashed potatoes, candy ends, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

And I said Thanksgiving was my favorite food holiday.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then I said, even though, like I get like beef Wellington at Christmas at my cousins, like Thanksgiving in the turkey and all that stuff, is still my favorite food holiday Beef Wellington.

Speaker 1:

You get beef Wellington on.

Speaker 2:

Christmas, I do yeah.

Speaker 1:

Wonderful, wonderful Beef. Well, you bougie, bougie bastard, on Christmas we really need a beef Wellington.

Speaker 2:

It's not me. It's not me, dude, I'm getting fed. Oh, let's do it Like I'm getting fed by my family.

Speaker 1:

I listen, we have to record two different tracks.

Speaker 2:

No, he's not even gonna do a live yeah.

Speaker 1:

I gotta come up with a script for that?

Speaker 2:

Am I bougie for eating it?

Speaker 1:

No, it's just like you know then on Christmas we have a beef Wellington. I'm like muh-fee, muh-fee, please. Oh, billy, billy, billy, billy, Billy, billy, baru, when I open another bottle of this chateau d'Ibrejon home, yeah, spray it on your face With my beef Wellington. I love you. He looks a little sad. I think he's a little taken aback by somebody. Uh, some of the comments directed his way. So I mean we have pretty much called him anti-Semite. Yeah, yeah, yeah, fucking idiots.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, fuck it idiots. Yeah, fuck it idiots, fuck it idiots, fuck it idiots, fuck it idiots.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why. Him and I just get this huge kick out of it.

Speaker 4:

Right it's funny as fuck yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's awesome.

Speaker 2:

It's awesome so great You're not helping Fuck. It's so great, man. Yeah, like ratings are through the roof right now.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we have the most views. You had a long time. Yeah, dude, we got one like yeah, yeah, and we're down. Yeah, listen, all right, okay, so all right. With that came the best of, so we haven't done the best of in a while and he looks like a powder cake about to explode. No, no, I got 18 people coming to my house on fucking Thanksgiving. Oh, you're hosting, so you're the only one hosting. I got a fucking deep fry of turkey. I got a good turkey in the oven. I got to make a fucking ham Ham. People don't like fucking turkey. Well, oh, wait, a minute, a no caller oh shit, oh, oh shit. Uh, ladies and gentlemen, are we calling them back? No wait.

Speaker 3:

Except press one To send a voicemail, press two.

Speaker 1:

This is great. We are gonna. Hello, lucky caller. Hello, who is this? Oh, yes, if it really worked, I know how to do this now. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Take a Deep Show Our number one fan, ben Travers.

Speaker 3:

Oh, Tell us, how are you.

Speaker 1:

What's going on, buddy? How are you? What's going on, benny?

Speaker 3:

I was just gonna say to Kevin that while he's cooking his beef, well, he may want to check for the paper. I'm not hearing anything. I'm assuming you're all laughing. Either that or you're gonna be shut down by Facebook.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, uh, ben Ben, you were my biggest supporter man. What happened?

Speaker 3:

No, I still am. Well, why did you turn the ball? I got a tiny Sweet.

Speaker 1:

What happened? Oh, there it is. Oh, that's it. The papers got some. Oh my God, what's going on? Buddy, you need a paper, give me your papers yeah. So, ben, you're going out for a little Chinese turkey tomorrow. No cooking for you, well no cooking for the family.

Speaker 3:

No, no, we're actually going out for dinner. We decided to go a little easy this year Nice, a little thick in the family and so we just make it easy for everybody Just go out and have a little dinner, go home.

Speaker 1:

Where were you going to eat? I was going to eat Burger King.

Speaker 3:

That's where I would go for fucking Wendy, Wendy Fucking.

Speaker 1:

Wendy, I'm going to Denny's the crowd house, jesus we're going to Arby's because they got the meat.

Speaker 2:

Now, when you go out, do you have like the traditional Thanksgiving or do you have like going out for like an Italian? What are you doing?

Speaker 3:

The restaurant that we're going to is a little bit of Portuguese food and some seafood Portraits and seafood. And so they're going to do a little, yeah, a little traditional Thanksgiving as well.

Speaker 1:

So I think we're going to go for lobster. You're going to have Portuguese turkey. Yeah, portuguese turkey. Perhaps, I don't know Pigeon, whatever, flying rat, no big deal, no biggie. I was going to say something about the Portuguese, but I can keep that to myself.

Speaker 3:

Town spot who's going to the town?

Speaker 1:

spa. Who's who's? Edward William Redmond I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Oh, as the, as the front of mind, yeah, oh, wow.

Speaker 1:

Oh wow, what's up Ed? Is he a little fruity in the pants like yourself there? Ben, I'm sorry, it's been two, it's been no, you didn't hear that. That's good, we're good, that's fine, no big deal.

Speaker 3:

And the good friend of mine. He's a very, very dear friend of mine. He lives in Florida now. He's a Massachusetts native that's moved down there. He thinks just like us.

Speaker 1:

What's up, Edward? Thank you for joining us on the ticket. Well, he's joining us on the Take a Deep Show. We appreciate that. And we appreciate that Ben because of you, we have two fans Nice, and you're one of them.

Speaker 2:

You're going to get a shirt one of these days.

Speaker 1:

The army is growing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's taking.

Speaker 1:

it's one person a year, so by 6,022. By the time we're in our 70s, we'll have 20 or 30 loyal followers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, totally Right. Yeah, yeah, We'll be there, we'll be there, all ourselves, like the deep army, like what.

Speaker 1:

No, that's TID Nation.

Speaker 2:

We got a TID Nation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, tid, I mean at least, at least so Kevin sells the house, because we're never going to have a studio like this again anywhere. Yeah, the bunker? No, maybe Probably not.

Speaker 2:

It's no time to sell in the near future, guys. So you know we're safe for a bit.

Speaker 1:

Well, not for nothing, but can you put in a contract when you sell the house or we get to use the studio? Yeah, Can we get a disclaimer on that? Can you tell? Can you not report this on the sale of the house? This does not go on sale.

Speaker 2:

This does not exist in the blueprints, but we'll see what the law is. What is that? That's?

Speaker 1:

open space, that's just yeah. There's nothing to void, nothing to see here. You can't go there. How come I keep on seeing three guys walking in and out every Sunday night? I mean it would be nice, before you sold, if you put the bathroom down here. Someone off the peanut guy's yard.

Speaker 3:

That'd be fucking great, and Kevin will put in that the. What do you sell for house or put in the closet? You see nothing.

Speaker 1:

Here's my smoker. Don't worry about what those ashes are.

Speaker 4:

I can't believe it Nothing, nothing.

Speaker 2:

Like what the fuck is going on here.

Speaker 3:

I'm just happy that Pat stayed on this long without filming off.

Speaker 1:

Hey, you shut your fucking dirty worn mouth, ben. You shut your dirty whore mouth, ben. You know what, ben? That's what you get, pal Fucker. Get in the get in the giggity. Oh yeah, we haven't had that one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was great Ben.

Speaker 1:

Shut up, kevin, fucking zing-hal over to you, oh, oh.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

We do. We do tend to jump the shark pretty quick with shit. Ain't that the truth?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, oh my God, we can't figure it out.

Speaker 1:

Ed what does? What does three Sadies mean? Is he into trafficking? I'm not sure Sadie is. Oh no, no.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. That's Ed. I have no idea what that? I think he's. Did that mean? Ladies, I'm in a kite right now? Oh, oh, I have no idea what the fuck is. Oh, good for him, good for him. God bless you.

Speaker 1:

Ed, oh, three fans with him right now. Oh snap, let's go. You're not watching with Paulie T, are you? No, no, oh shit, if you are, you're a black party. Ed, if you are, get out, get out and don't offer him coffee or the white stuff, because he'll never leave. Get your keys back and leave, definitely. Get the keys back. Get, definitely. Get the keys back. So what we're gonna do now? All right, ben, you can join us for this. I almost hung up on you, fucking jerk off. Let's see if Pac can work this out. Yeah, totally Listen. It might sound a little funny.

Speaker 4:

So here we go, here we go. No, no, shut up.

Speaker 3:

Shut up.

Speaker 1:

All right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, here we go.

Speaker 1:

It's gonna sound like shit because I got Ben on the phone.

Speaker 4:

Can you?

Speaker 3:

hear it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it sounds terrible. No, you can't hear it at all.

Speaker 4:

I can hear it.

Speaker 1:

All right, we're gonna shut that off because it sounds terrible. See, that's why we can't do it through the phone, but you'll get the point. Yeah so we got to download that to the board. Yeah, that's actually no way. That's a good call, Good call. So we're gonna do the best. Of side dishes Thanksgiving. It's a big one. That is a big one. I mean, it's monstrous. You could have Grandma Nelly with her sweet potatoes with 30,000 marshmallows on it. All right, kevin's mashed potatoes. Oh my God, I call it Fival for Kevin's mashed potatoes. Kevin's mashed, I'm gonna say it right now your mashed potatoes are in the top two, two. I would lather that on myself and let Don't say it Something.

Speaker 2:

I could say it who's? Who do I have the honor of sharing? I'll let Lick me, okay. Who do you have one? Who do I have the honor of sharing it with?

Speaker 1:

Ah see, this is, it's like my dad's turnips, it's like up to my dad's turnips are fucking awesome Mashed turnips, I don't know why. Oh wow, yeah, really good, but there's so much stuff. Okay, here we go. See, you got your, you got the regular tradition, yeah, and then you got the. Then you got the sides, yeah, like you got the extras.

Speaker 2:

Well, you got the stuffing sweet potatoes mash.

Speaker 4:

Now, ben, here's the staples, right staples? Yeah, here's the question for you.

Speaker 1:

Then you got the sides. Ben, do you like stuffing spicy or do you like it not spicy, not spicy? Yeah, I like it spicy, of course you do. You like those Latinos? So so a little something, we Wow. No, I don't like the Latinos.

Speaker 3:

I like the Latinas, Tomato, tomato. Whatever you say, Ben Well done, well done.

Speaker 1:

It makes a difference, dude. Brown holes are brown hole.

Speaker 2:

No, there's a six inch difference right there Leave it to the doctor to be specific Wow. The man is quick.

Speaker 1:

We have breaking news Ben likes six inches, measures it six times, but anyhow, listen, I'm all like. See, there's a toss up now because you don't like the spicy, the spicy stuff, I mean, I never had a spicy Italian sausage. Oh okay, all right, I got you. So Two totally different. Yes, there's a stuffing that you stuff in the bird that one usually comes out moist and all wet and gooey.

Speaker 4:

That's like knee jerk and off at night yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then you have the sausage, the carrots, the celery. Did you bake it in the oven? Yes, now you could do it with spicy Italian, yeah, so you do two versions of that and you do the one version in the bird I do, yeah, see, that's the way. It's the same way. I'll have regularly, like, two versions of stuffing in the oven, yep, and you got the wet, moist bird stuffing. It looks like what it looks like when you unclog a sewage fucking pipe.

Speaker 4:

But it's what it looks like inside the bird.

Speaker 1:

Oh, there it is. There it is Birds eye, pearl onions and cream sauce.

Speaker 2:

I was about to say that.

Speaker 1:

That's a Joe Mason staple right there. I've seen him talk about that. Joe, it's not discontinued, because the crazy thing is I will have that on Thursday at my girlfriend's father's house. Does he make it himself, or is it it's made at home?

Speaker 2:

But that can of birds eye pearl onions is from 1988. Yeah, I don't know what to do.

Speaker 1:

I have. I'm not going to lie, because every time I bite into one I'm like this is nice, this is not an onion, this is like. I have no idea where this comes from.

Speaker 2:

You see, spying an onion three years ago, or you're like that one was really soft. I'm like, wait a minute.

Speaker 1:

I'm like this is this is actually a vegetable I'm chewing on right now. Where did?

Speaker 2:

you get such small onions that one just disintegrated. Oh, those are too chewy, it's too chewy, get it out.

Speaker 1:

Get it out. Or you get one where it has like it's, you'll bite into it and it's, and it feels like it's like a, like a hard piece of the onion, and you can't chew through it or you get like a, like a slurp of something that is not the shape of it.

Speaker 3:

It's the worst dude. It probably feels like a fucking marvel after 35 years.

Speaker 1:

You're sitting there, Then you're like when you're chewing it, you realize it's like something totally different. You're like you're trying to switch it around your mouth. That's when. That's when you slam the glass of wine, Chew on a piece of turkey for 10 minutes. I got a fucking I'm drinking a fucking bottle of scotch with me.

Speaker 3:

That's all I know. Now we know how our girlfriends in white feel.

Speaker 1:

Would you say I didn't hear that. What do you say he said? He said now we know how our wives and girlfriends feel. Well, well, let's, let's see. It is now. If you were to choose, all right, what is your number one? Or give me your top three, now it's too too little. Give me your top four side dishes Well, why don't we do top state and top number one staples, okay. And then and then your, your, your two, your two favorite sides, okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

All right, all right. Why don't you go? Why don't you?

Speaker 1:

go Boozy, boozy beef Wellington. Wow, and my bordello, that goes perfect with the Wellington.

Speaker 2:

Seriously, I've agreed, so solving your own blog. This is it Fuck. You Don't drink wine.

Speaker 3:

Unless it's from Germany. No, what the fuck does that even mean?

Speaker 2:

I don't even know what that means. Man the fuck.

Speaker 3:

It's a reeling.

Speaker 1:

It's a reeling.

Speaker 4:

Black Forest. What's?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

When did fucking Arnold get on here from the black, from the black forest? Is that like a black friend? Come on, dude. Come on, it's a reeling, third edition, reeling with your little body. Come on, oh God, all right, back out, point, put your foot Put your foot.

Speaker 3:

Put your car back on the road when it's totally unscripted.

Speaker 1:

It's so much better. Put your car back on the road. Come on, dude. Come on, kill me. Do it now. Come on, kill me.

Speaker 4:

All right, kill me, kill me, kill me Kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me.

Speaker 2:

All right, come on Staple. All right, staple, two staples, One staple, one staple, top staple, top staple's got to be stuffing man. Thanks to getting these got to be stuffing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. You know when it was so Stuffing kind of like falls off the map for me. I don't know why Love it. Here's a big question. I love, I love stuffing, but not as a as a. It's always been like fucking mashed potatoes.

Speaker 2:

Where does gravy fall into this? Oh, gravy's huge dude. No, no, like that's not a side dish. That just goes with it. That's condiment, but that goes.

Speaker 1:

How important is it that makes the whole plate. I would go as far as to say that you have to say stuffing with the brown gravy or with oh, no, yeah, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

That's why I'm asking your whole plate.

Speaker 1:

I don't care what you have on your plate, it's got that gravy. Of course, I don't care what you got on there Cranberries, whatever. Oh yeah, of course it gets gravy, and then you let it drip on all over your face.

Speaker 2:

You rub it in. Yep, I got to go stuffing. We took down a little far, Sorry sorry, I am so excited for Thanksgiving.

Speaker 1:

All right, all right, all right. Stuffing with the turkey gravy is a staple.

Speaker 2:

What are the parameters here? Like one staple, one side.

Speaker 1:

One staple, two sides, two sides.

Speaker 2:

Two sides. I mean you got to go green bean casserole, you know like it's classic side.

Speaker 1:

Now how you making the green bean cast, because there's a lot of ways you can make the green bean casserole.

Speaker 2:

Well, there's cream, mushrooms, cream and mushrooms.

Speaker 1:

And you know, crunchy onions, right, crunchy onions. You know See, I have different.

Speaker 2:

Because I'm not a big vegetable guy. No, neither am.

Speaker 1:

I, I'm not a fan of green bean. We actually discontinued a green bean casserole, my dad See, that's why my dad created like this, the green beans with like tomato paste and little bit of tomatoes and breadcrumbs, and then bakes that. That's fucking See. Quite honestly, I would just go with the string beans and oil and garlic Garlic. Yeah, I am so hungry now. How's that yumbo?

Speaker 2:

It was delicious.

Speaker 1:

All right, so green bean casserole and, what's number two, sweet potatoes.

Speaker 2:

So you don't think sweet potatoes are a staple? I don't feel that they are. I feel mashed potatoes would be a staple.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's a definite. You know, see, I always thought sweet potatoes were a staple. The reason why I say no to sweet because the abuse of sweet potatoes. So you got people who do sweet potatoes Great Right, oh, and you got people that brown sugar butter, yeah, brown sugar. The marshmallows, then, okay, a little bit of, maybe a little bit of marshmallow, little pineapple juice. Then you, what did you just say, little pineapple juice in there, telling you it's fucking phenomenal?

Speaker 2:

I've never heard of that. I will. I will bring Very curious.

Speaker 1:

I will bring you some fucking sweet potatoes and you will swear by them.

Speaker 2:

Okay, listen, when it comes to this, I gotta go.

Speaker 1:

I'm leaving right now after that comment pineapple juice. I believe him. I believe him. Oh Ben, what is your thought on that? You guys forgot Ben was there.

Speaker 3:

I heard him to me like everything Kevin likes is baked in an oven. I don't know about that.

Speaker 4:

Oh my God Dude, your reaction was fucking awesome, oh my God bro, like I'm breaking up with you now, man.

Speaker 3:

I broke my hands.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's. I mean that's way over.

Speaker 2:

I just accepted you as a friend of Facebook too. Man, Fuck you, Ben I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

You guys are just even yourselves wide open all night.

Speaker 1:

First of all, we like being wide open. Sounds like a Saturday night, Sounds like it's a day and scores.

Speaker 2:

Smiles more, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Kevin's more of the plastic chair whore. So since, since we're trying to get Kevin out of the oven again, I think I could flex. He likes to bake a lot. Hmm, anyway, but it's, I think it's the abuse of the abuse.

Speaker 2:

Go on with your fucking soliloquy.

Speaker 3:

So, I think it's because you know he was like six years old. He got like an easy bake off of the shirt.

Speaker 1:

And he put the GI Joe right in it. Gi, what wasn't GI Jane?

Speaker 3:

He's like I'm putting the biggest fucking life, all of that thing. I'm just thinking shit.

Speaker 1:

I feel for you now.

Speaker 2:

Dude, this is funny because of the bad right fucking Netflix.

Speaker 4:

Are we, are we, are we leading with this in a TID show Netflix special.

Speaker 1:

Fucking great. With that, we have a Netflix special that just follows us in the studio. Oh, you can't follow us outside the studio because it's not good. No, no, but anyway. So to get back with the they don't have a rider strong. You got. You got your two versions of candy the Ames on this one Cap, but you have the people who abuse it with the ridiculous amount of marshmallows. Yes, yeah, dude, like that's. That's what made me like me. I'm not I'm not a huge fan of candy Ames, it's like a s'more.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, might as well. Dip my fucking big ball sack on there, make us fucking s'mores. Yes, let's go. I was going to say something else. It was going to come out so wrong and we would have been kicked off. This fucking it was going to come out of your ballsack.

Speaker 3:

Wow, we're dropping viewers, All right well, guys, listen, I am going to hang up.

Speaker 1:

Good, because we were going to hang up on you before, but before you go, before you go 2024, baby, before you go, what is your?

Speaker 2:

Oh, he had to go. He had to go, he had an emergency man. Oh you know, where does it say that? I don't know he did.

Speaker 3:

How to go. Maybe he had to go and he hung up.

Speaker 2:

He had to go All right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, all right, so we're going to figure out that his, his stuff is baked, so he likes his baked in the well, he's going to a fucking Portuguese restaurant. So you know the first fucking thing about Thanksgiving, but that's different. All right, your staple, your two sides, see my staple, see, my staple would be the sweet potatoes. That was always, that was always the big thing. I didn't start doing mash until I started running Thanksgiving. My mother, my mother, always did. It was always a sweet potato holiday. So, my staples of sweet potatoes, you know, mashed up brown sugar. Did you still have the peels on them like the skin?

Speaker 2:

No, I see no, no.

Speaker 1:

See, my mother used to buy the cans Okay, okay, okay, and she would bake. She would bake them and mash them. Yeah, it's like my family does it, where it's almost like fucking candy and fucking potato skins. So, though, so, open them up and bake them like that. Oh see, I baked them in the skin, which, I'm not going to lie, is actually good.

Speaker 4:

It's nothing wrong.

Speaker 1:

Because when you get to the bottom of that dude you're like oh my God, this is all like sugar yeah that's when it's good, but that's how I do them now. I baked them any other than I take the skins off and then we mash them. Okay, okay.

Speaker 4:

But then my two sides.

Speaker 1:

You're going to laugh at me for this one Cauliflower and cheese sauce. That's been a staple in my house since I was a fucking baby Cheese sauce.

Speaker 2:

Like uh, now is that like one side? Yes, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Like a little bit of a fontana Mash cauliflower. No, no no, the whole, the whole fucking head, like two fucking heads. I like I love cauliflower. Yeah it's, it's fucking phenomenal. And I like it left over, because then you met, you mix it with the mashed potatoes so it's like cheesy mashed potatoes. I'd rub that right on my balls. Yeah, yep, yep, people come lick that. That's good stuff, right there, I said I'm going to be biased. My second one, my second one's got to be my Brussels sprouts. They probably suck. No, no, I've been very good. I make, I make some. I do make some kill. We've you, and I have spoken about this. I make some killer Brussels sprouts. I fry the bacon up in the pan, take the bacon out, then I put onions and garlic, then I put the Brussels sprouts in in the bacon grease and as they're getting soft, then I crumple the bacon, I put it back in. Oh yeah, oh yeah. But if I told you there's a technique that makes it even better than that, I'm listening. So you saute them for a little while, you have them whatever. Yes, take them out, dry them off a little bit, throw them in the air fryer. Oh, not only throw them in the air fryer, there's this fucking honey that they sell at Shoprite no-transcript, the hot honey with the fucking bacon, with the sauteed onions. Oh, my god, what time and shopper open to that I was. I wanna do it with pancetta next time. Oh yeah, you could do that with that too. Yeah, yeah, bacon I'm not. It's like when you try to.

Speaker 2:

Same thing just not to smoke.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you know, but it's like you got a fucking Cook bacon to make it crispy a shit.

Speaker 2:

I hate that. It's a pancetta.

Speaker 1:

It's paying, yes, but pancetta is thicker and it tends to two pounds of bacon Crumbled up in there.

Speaker 4:

Yeah it's like oh, that's delicious in a bacon grease.

Speaker 1:

It's a heart attack waiting to happen.

Speaker 2:

I have to fuck, so bad.

Speaker 1:

Please don't, please don't. You need to shit yourself last time. Oh, he's trying to squeeze a quiet one out, okay.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Wish it was a camera.

Speaker 4:

Exactly what it?

Speaker 1:

was. I just kept on looking at him. He's just like All right, patty shits, all right. So what's your staple? My staple is I gotta go with my dad's mashed potatoes, delish like a lumpy. That's creamy Jours.

Speaker 2:

But not really.

Speaker 1:

I haven't had on Thanksgiving yet. If I have that on Thanksgiving, that's a game changer Not many hours. Creamy is his. I think he's so creamy. I think he has wife.

Speaker 2:

You're damn right, it is.

Speaker 1:

It's cuz I stirred with it, it's only cuz he makes a man. No, just my dad's mashed potatoes. They're always like just fucking spot on, those you can. You can eat four or five days later and they're still good. You know, every now and again you run into mashed potatoes that you can't. Yours you can reheat all the time. Yeah, some you can't, some you just can't. Just no good, yeah, you made this with the powder.

Speaker 3:

Oh oh, that's not real potatoes.

Speaker 1:

Give me the o-face on that, oh no, and I would say my two sides, all right, my two sides. My dad makes this crazy. Like mashed turnips that are just. You usually don't eat turnips, typically. No right, I mean, I don't mind a turnip. I've never had mashed turnips. Mashed turnips, butter, salt and pepper fucking perfect. You make the little gully. You put the fucking gravy in it. I'll only just that you put butter and gravy on anything you can you do. Seriously, you put my, you put my shit on a fucking plate with butter and no, no, you're not gonna eat it. I don't, I don't, I don't think it's gonna have to consist. Is the? Anyone wants you never know this is not. You're not healthy. You're not healthy that's not coming out of log with tapered ends. And then my, my sister, my sister makes this broccoli with with garlic and oil. Well, you can't go wrong with that, no, and it's what I love about it. She like makes the. She put any oven so a crisp up a little bit. You just took the words right out of my mouth. It makes. She makes it a little tiny bit crunchy, yep, but it's soft on the stamina, everything to where I'm just like I will fucking. Let me jump in this real quick, you get that as extra crisp in the oven? Yeah, yeah, she would know. I mean, you don't want to burn it to ash, you fuck you in there somewhere, hahaha.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

He broke character.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Just when you looked over at me and you had that grin on your face and you're like yeah, you haven't had some crisp to it. And you just did.

Speaker 2:

That was it.

Speaker 1:

That was like shit, dude. Uh, and for that comment you're an idiot. Yeah, but the dude. What about desserts? Man Cause it's. I'm not gonna lie, I think Thanksgiving is the hardest holiday to eat dessert because of how much you've eaten prior to it. All depends on the spacing, how many hours in between you talking about yes, Okay, yeah, so you're gonna have. So you guys? You guys don't do super anything first, do you? No? When I was a kid, we used to do soup, we used to do fucking monogot or stuffed shells, and then the fucking turkey in the sides, and then dessert. I had to cut the fucker pasta out. I'm like no one eats any of this other shit. This guy had to cut the pasta out. All right, well, let me, can I? Can I give you a little context? Can I give you a little context, Please, please? When I was a child, we used to have people come to the house around Wait, you're an adult In age only Dick, Come on, let's go. We used to have people come to the house around 12 and you'd have the little empty pasta and everyone would hang out. Then, one o'clock, you'd have the macaroni and everyone would watch your football, and then three o'clock, you'd have the fucking turkey right. So, yeah, I started hosting. I'm like turkey's going on a table three o'clock. I'm at 2.30. That's this. This is how this. No. Cocktail hour no, this is how this shit's gonna work.

Speaker 2:

You're out by fucking 3.45.

Speaker 1:

Come eat. I gotta clean the fuck up. Come, that's it. Eat C-O-M-E oh, okay, c-o-m-e. Whoops, way off on that. Okay, only fans goes on at 11. Okay, okay, only fans are gravy the gravy special. I would pay to watch that one Kevin's like if I could set up some lice, if there was an only fans with all these mashed potatoes and some turkey gravy. So you're serving turkey at three. Yep, what happens after that? How long, okay, are you pushing people out to finish to get dessert on the table, to get people out? Nah, everyone travels enough. It's kind of like all right. So you're gonna, you're gonna, oh, finish that off, thank you. So you know everyone's gonna come and eat it. You know, turkey at three. Whatever, you're finish eating 4.30. You throw the fucking dessert on a table, like you know 5.30, 6.00.

Speaker 2:

Pretty up by 7.00, 8.00.

Speaker 1:

Most people want to go anyway. At that point the kids are getting restless, the kids aren't getting restless.

Speaker 4:

The kids are getting backhanded.

Speaker 1:

The, uh, the, the, my, my, my brother-in-law brings his in-laws and you know they don't want to fucking stay out till fucking midnight anyway. But yeah, so you know you try to space it out. If you're going from like 12 to 8, you can space it out. From 3 to 7, you're a little so truncated. I've been known to skip dessert. Get the fuck out, Because because stop, stop, don't do it. Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na. Fuck you, that's a lie. No, it's not. You know why? Because you're watching your figure. I don't know, because I'll go to sleep on the couch for a couple hours. I'll wake up at like 12 o'clock and I will make a turkey and stuffing sandwich On white bread. Wonder bread yes, dude, there's. With a lot of mayo. Yes.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say, with mayo, lot of mayo, mayo.

Speaker 1:

Fuck yeah Do you do a little bit of cranberry. I'm not a big cranberry sauce fan, not the cranberry sauce. The canned cranberry no, I'm not a fan, not a fan.

Speaker 2:

What about you? I like the cranberry. Put that right on there with that mayo.

Speaker 1:

Well, I see it, I can understand it. Calm it. It says on it C-O-M-E. Matt just told me to come and eat what? No, that's what happens at my brothers Ever since my brother started doing it. It's like quick man, it's like a fucking Guys where you going, tommy. Bing, bing, bing, bing, go. Yeah, I usually go to Jess's Chill, relax, eat a ton of fucking appetizers Like you got your fucking shrimp cocktail.

Speaker 2:

I gotta bring an app to my sisters. I don't know what to bring.

Speaker 1:

We gotta bring some fucking Supersod. Or you know what? Artichoke spinach dip Sell out Pig's in a blanket. That's gay. You want to know how to know your dad? You bring pigs in the blanket.

Speaker 2:

I could do artichoke dip. I make a good one.

Speaker 1:

Get the store bought once. Yeah, I would definitely. I would do spinach artichoke dip. I make a good Pat. I should stick his dick in the spinach artichoke dip. Stir it. No, I have not had your spinach artichoke dip, really. Ben says you should bring a muffalada. He adds a little to a muffalada.

Speaker 2:

He's obsessed with muffalada.

Speaker 1:

I want some muff Now, excuse me All right so now. Now I said spinach artichoke dip. I'm like, hmm, do you have spinach artichokes in the house? Let's make it now.

Speaker 2:

That's angry. I know I got artichokes. I don't have the cream cheese. No, we're going to be cream cheese.

Speaker 1:

I'll give you a lot of cream cheese right now. Hold on, this show's gone off a cliff. Here we go. I'm a little backed up, so I give you some cream cheese Kepp. Oh, we just went over to the guardrail. Come on, dude. Close the show. Close the show. How long have we been recording? For Just an hour.

Speaker 2:

That's not bad.

Speaker 1:

No, why does it go all the way up to where it's like red? Oh, ok, like a race car in the red. No, ok, just checking, it's just weird. Like when I switch screens it goes to like there's a show red. I don't know why. Blood flows right on the highway. Now I'm like, now I'm excited for fucking desserts. They're good, so where do you? What kind of dessert do you usually go? With Apple pie, with vanilla ice cream, staple, staple. I'm not having anything else. You're not going to have a piece of pumpkin pie with a little apple pie. The apple pie with the fucking ice cream does not even that's here to here. Warm hot pie, it's easy. Warm hot pie with cold vanilla bean ice cream. Are you warming up pie in the oven With my hands?

Speaker 2:

Nice warm apple pie. Nice warm apple pie.

Speaker 1:

But there's nothing like when the apple pie is made perfect and is there a whole humility apple pie when you ring into the table.

Speaker 2:

Just for my dick, buy, it Is my dick in the box.

Speaker 1:

That's a great episode. That's one of the best episodes of Saturday Night Live all the time. Now that is, you'll have your cookies. You'll have your Hold on Joe, the Marie calendar, dutch apple pie Best apple pie you ever had. You have not seen a homemade pie better than the Marie calendars. Really, what's Marie calendar? It's a store bought.

Speaker 3:

It's a store bought, is it yeah?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a freezer section. They're good, they are good. They are good, they are good. It's in the freezer section.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sure. It's in the freezer section.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just in the Like I'm not breaking your balls, I'm just curious. He said never Wow, it's phenomenal, wow.

Speaker 2:

Huh, hmm, he needs to call in. Yeah, that's bad. Just call in Joe Style, the phone.

Speaker 1:

Come on, it's making a happen.

Speaker 2:

But you know you're watching on your phone, just dial in.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, because, coming from the Italian background, you have your three-color cookies, all the fucking.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

I don't do that for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is very simple, that's Christmas.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Dude, I get them at Thanksgiving and Christmas Apple pie, pumpkin pie, my old man makes a Like that does a chocolate mousse, a chocolate cream pie, chocolate cream, like chocolate freezer pie, you all about that chocolate. And a banana cream. Banana cream, huh yeah, I don't know why he. I'm not quite sure why he picked those, but you know he goes with it every year. I wouldn't go banana cream.

Speaker 2:

It's pretty tasty it's maybe like a I mean delicious pie.

Speaker 1:

It is, it's tasty. Yeah, I prefer your chocolate.

Speaker 2:

Not what I would pick on a family feud survey. As far as Thanksgiving deserves.

Speaker 1:

No, but delicious yeah. Yeah yeah, apple pie, apple pie number one.

Speaker 2:

Would think. I think pumpkin would be for Thanksgiving, right, I would even, I would even say, apple number one. I would, I would have a whole thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, apple pumpkin definitely to one one. It's good You're tired of the Halloween by then there's a rhubarb, you know funny. You say that now I really do want to try you, do you? Do you really good? I've never, had rhubarb, rhubarb pie or like a rhubarb tart, what's a little thicker crust. No, you got to go pie. Um, you got to go pie. So I like to rhubarb tart myself, cuz you're retard.

Speaker 2:

I think the term is retard American proper term. You got it right. You got it right.

Speaker 1:

I'm just an idiot for bringing it up.

Speaker 2:

I think, either way, I like rhubarb. Yeah, I do too now rhubarb's like the.

Speaker 1:

It's like a Green stalky sort of reddish.

Speaker 2:

It's right, greener, greener, red. Yeah, it kind of looks like celery. Okay, so I've never had, you see, red with seeds, right yeah, yeah, but the shape of it kind of looks like celery.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've never. I've never had like Joe Mason, I know you've had a rhubarb pie. You got to weigh in on this. No, no, just the good ol Marie calendar Dutch apple pie. I might be the best, but I know he's had a rhubarb, which are delicious. Yeah, it's. It's when, when you know somebody who's baking, who knows how to fucking bake, you're not worried about that pie because you know that's gonna be a great. My sister, darlene, fucking big, she makes great shit. All I need to good gallon of fucking vanilla ice cream and a full pie and I'm good for the night. I'm good for dude, I don't care if I have to go up for thirds and fourths and it looks embarrassing, I don't care, I Will eat you out of house and home that night. That did nothing, you've said, surprised me so far. No, no, yeah, that was just bad timing on that kev. Now I'm really fucking hungry. All right, maybe time to call it quits. We about done. Yeah, I would six hour and seven with your Thanksgiving special yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's a special who ya? So it's a quick hit.

Speaker 1:

It is a quick hitter TID, quick hit my doing there, buddy Pat, why don't we tell us a little little something about the episode 80? If the prior to. Okay, so we're going to be releasing the interview with Norish Norish big interview. Yeah, I do apologize for it not being released, but real life shit has happened recently. Yes, I know you're saying podcasting is your only job, you guys. What are you really doing? It's living life, you know, just fucking live in life. But warm wishes out to my girlfriend and things will get better soon. So she's not listening. No, I know. So I just wanted to sound like the good boyfriend right there.

Speaker 2:

Just think you never know.

Speaker 1:

In case you decide to listen, she's like, oh my god, you know, but her, her children listening is really not going to appreciate the last part. But whatever, her three daughters so impressionable Wow. Oh and that's where we're gonna end the show, maddie, because if we don't end the show there, it's going bad, just that's just. Kevin just said wow, so and usually when he says wow, it means bad things. Hey, coming, coming, next week we might have a couple guests in studio, right, feels like I've been saying wow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's a possibility?

Speaker 1:

Are we gonna have guests in studio next week?

Speaker 2:

Are we yeah, what, what?

Speaker 1:

What we had some people upstairs. I want to get on the show.

Speaker 2:

Oh, they're going home on Sunday. What time so we have a time? Oh, probably early Saturday night show.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna.

Speaker 2:

And I mean we could, we could like talk about it. Yeah, if you want to do something like that, why not?

Speaker 1:

We need to get some young bucks on the show. We'll see how it, like we can do, we can do a fucking game show. Oh, actually, actually it would be pretty fucking cool with a couple young kids. Yeah, we could do a game show. Okay, we could do. Do, we could do, yes, a TID special.

Speaker 2:

TID special. We're gonna have to do it Saturday night then yeah that's fine.

Speaker 1:

That's golden dude. I think I'm good Saturday.

Speaker 2:

I know Saturday I'm not good. Saturday I'm going to somewhere to watch Ohio State Michigan. I know that, so like what did you just say? I'm not good Saturday, oh no, what did you just say?

Speaker 1:

I said I'm going somewhere to watch Ohio State Michigan, my wife's my wife's birthday is on the 23rd and I have to take her out to dinner. It's the same as just that's. We heard birthdays on Thanksgiving too. Yeah, is it? Oh happy birthday to. Don.

Speaker 2:

How's it? A fucking effect Saturday bro.

Speaker 1:

Because I got to take her out to dinner and I can't do it on Thursday because half it's called take her out on take her out on Friday.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, take her on Friday Sunday brunch, bro, fuck man. Sunday brunch, she would love it. No, she would love it, no, she wouldn't love it, no she would love it.

Speaker 1:

Love it, no, love it. Going to satan joint in Pleasantville Phenomenal what Italian joint, I forget the name of it. It's fucking phenomenal, though, right across street from cemetery. Yes, exactly, that's used to be my cousin's place. Get the fuck out of here. My cousin Chucky.

Speaker 4:

Oh wow, yeah, I was like grandmother's, buried in that dead cemetery right across street.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that place got robbed a few times too. It's like when Chucky. When Chucky was there, it's not gonna rob now. Yeah, I think it was the guy that took it over. It was the guy that was robbing. My cousin Could be make sense it actually makes sense, so it sounds about right. All right, let's just call it as it is. Yeah, what do you think, kev? I mean, put him in the fucking oven, right?

Speaker 2:

What we do in line, it goes in eternity.

Speaker 1:

Perfect time to be leaving right there. Ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna have to talk about this. No, we don't. Thank you for joining us on episode unknown of the TID show, the Thanksgiving episode. Happy holidays, you fuckers. We'll see you, guys. Fuck that shit. Happy Thanksgiving, happy Thanksgiving. Yeah, we'll see you this Sunday, tuesday, wednesday, don't fucking matter, We'll see you. We'll shoot something out on Facebook. You know what we're going live.