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October 28, 2020

Pegged!! You're it!!

In this episode we turn the corner from discussing politics and get at one another as we have our whole lives. Patty-Pipes's head blocks the fan from blowing air to everyone else, yeah it's that big. We finally get a female...

In this episode we turn the corner from discussing politics and get at one another as we have our whole lives.  Patty-Pipes's head blocks the fan from blowing air to everyone else, yeah it's that big.  We finally get a females perspective in studio, Ms. Danielle Sweet drops a bombshell if that's what you call being pegged is.  Seems love is in the air with Mikey and Ms. Sweet as she drools all over herself when they met.  Tommy-O's Florida trip review and defense of our #1 fan Paul Thorpe.  The Smothers Brothers finally unite, Pete and Tommy-O are a match made in heaven.  We always save the best for last......TID Squares the spinoff of Hollywood Squares brings us some of the best people that have part of TID Nation.......Mr. Despicito, Sage Ocean-Fern (Version 2.0), Wicket The Ewok, Big Phil from AZ, Sal the Sewer Guy and yes Tyrone Biggens.  Another hilarious show with the TID CREW!!!
