CEO & Author
Wes was the sole founder in 1981 of Delphi Internet Services Corporation, "The Company That Popularized The Internet" according to Michael Woolf, and was the creator of the world’s first online encyclopedia. At the time it was sold to Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation in 1993, Delphi had been profitable for years and was among the four largest social networks, along with AOL, CompuServe and Prodigy. In 1986, while CEO of Delphi, Wes launched a spinoff, Global Villages, Inc. to serve magazine publishers and business clients with their own private-label social networks.
Wes focused the attention of his new team on the need for reliable identities of individuals on the Internet, starting with the development of the VIVOS Enrollment Workstation. While developing VIVOS, Wes began collecting source material for a book about a hypothetical world public key infrastructure, built upon digital certificates representing measurably reliable identities, which would bring authenticity to online interactions and privacy to individuals. As the book began to take shape Wes was introduced to a group at the International Telecommunication Union that was attempting to implement a world PKI that was similar to the one he envisioned. Wes was subsequently appointed to the High Level Experts Group at the ITU's Global Cybersecurity Agenda. In an address in 2008 to the United Nations World Summit on Information Society in Geneva, Wes introduced the City of Osmio, a new certification authority. Wes’s book, entitled Quiet Enjoyment, published in 2004 with a second edition in 2014, was followed by Wes’s other titles including Don’t Get Norteled in 2013 and Escape The Plantation in 2014.