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Kathy Forti


Kathy Forti, Ph.D. is the author of the newly released Truth Book Series: STACKS Library of Truth and STACKS Awakening Truth, a sci-fi thriller which takes place in Washington, D.C.’s Library of Congress, where a library employee accidentally opens up an interdimensional portal into a library within a library, where all truth is stored.

Prior to penning her novels, she was a clinical psychologist with over 30 years of experience in the mental health field. Her knowledge of psychopathology adds unusual character depth to her stories.

As a direct result of her own near-death experience in 2003, where her heart stopped, Forti became more creative. This led to the development and patent of the Trinfinity8 and Ascension11 energetic software technology, now used by holistic healing practitioners worldwide.

With a degree in journalism, she worked for several years as an associate producer for CBS-TV. She also wrote a TV pilot script for STACKS that won a Slamdance Teleplay Award. She launched, with the help of Pacific Rock Productions, which was led by an Emmy-winning producer, an original 11-part web series called STACKS The Truth Can Kill You.

She has authored a non-fiction book as well: Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience & Journeys Into the Mystical, and a children’s book series: Freddie Brenner’s Mystical Adventures.

Forti is a blogger and was a keynote speaker for NEXUS Magazine in Australia in 2010 and 2015. She addresses subjects related to health, consciousness, spirituality and the weird and wonderful. For years, she has been leading ancient mystery school groups to Egypt, having explored the water tunnels under the Great Pyramid, as well as closed-off tunnels under the Sphinx. Sometimes referred to as “a female Indiana Jones” after finding alien artifacts in Mexico, she is, at heart, an ancient explorer of the origins of humanity.

Born in Chicago, Forti has called many cities her home, including New York City, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Kansas, and Prescott, Arizona. She currently resides in Maui, Hawaii. For more information, please consult: https://stackslibraryoftruth.com/