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Oct. 11, 2021

Ep. 50 One Year.......And Still Here!!!!

Finally the TID Show one year anniversary show is here. Take a listen and see what the crew has in store for you. All of us here would like to give thanks for those who have supporters this past year and 50 episodes. Can n...

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Aug. 20, 2021

Ep. 49 T Minus 10, 9, 8, 7……

In this episode the crew is together with Patty Flea, Matty, Aubz and once again “El Diablo” Pauly T. The guys just shoot the shit getting ready for their one year anniversary and 50th episode. Though Pauly is in studio it se...

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Aug. 20, 2021

Ep. 48 We Are All Going To Hell

The title says it all........Patty Flea, Aubz and the devil himself Pauly T are in studio. Sounds like we have to get Patty Flea some oxygen because he can't breathe the whole episode it seems. Matty calls in from Delaware ...

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July 26, 2021

Ep. 47 Just Gonna Leave This One Here

The crew is at a loss of words with this episode, definitely push the envelope with this one. May God have mercy on their souls…… DISCLAIMER*** They are not responsible for Pauly T‘s comments, they just enjoy the stories.

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July 16, 2021

Ep. 46 Jizz Paws and The Tres Amigos

The three amigo crew get together with Jizz Paws again and let me tell you…….hilarious.

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July 12, 2021

Ep. 45 “Up Around……Just Take Out The Bend”

What more is there to say……Pauly T our #1 fan is in studio with the crew…….buckle up and hold on to your hats……the first 4 minutes sets the tone for the show. Absolutely hilarious.

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July 4, 2021

Ep. 44 Fireworks 4 Independence Day

Happy 4th of July from the crew at the TID Show. In this episode we discuss the state of affairs in the U.S. Finally UFO information is released, but is it what we were hoping for. Is the mafia the answer to stop all the no...

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July 1, 2021

Ep. 43 “The Purge”

In this episode the crew purges all their bad thoughts on Fauci, masks and whatever else is crazy in this world.

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June 15, 2021

Ep. 42 “The Rivera”

Oh boy in this episode the gloves come off with the electronics, Fauci Gate, the BOE vs Tatiana Ibrahim and much more. Tommy O is not being loyal to the guys as he’s sending cryptic messages to his wife about strip clubs and...

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June 4, 2021

Ep. 41 Aging Sucks......Think I Need A Diaper

In this episode the guys admit getting old sucks, Aubs breaks his ankle during a fantasy football draft in a tire. Patty Flea sounds like he needs diapers he’s getting so old. They talk NY sports, Biden running someone over...

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May 26, 2021

This “40” Goes Out To Our Hommies

In this episode the crew talks UFO’s and the end of the world. Matty makes Patty-Flea a drink he wish he didn’t ask for. There’s technical difficulties again since they have no clue what their doing with electronics. They dis...

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May 19, 2021

Ep. 39 "Action!! Take 25.....Straight To DEFCON 5"

What’s better than a dead body found behind Patty-Fleas house???? Big billy on Viagra??…….Maybe Tommy Os own monster …….who cares!!! Episode 39 brings the norm of a ton of laughs and shenanigans.

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April 30, 2021

Ep. 38 How big did you say?…..3 Hands??

Ladies and gents you are about to listen to the funniest episode to date by the TID Crew. The NY Knicks are relevant and looking like a contender. Kaitlyn Jenner ……..just stop it, you are not a future governor of California....

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April 15, 2021

Ep. 37 Our Friend Ben

One of our loyalists la masshole loyalist Big Ben and the Parliament calls in and we have an in depth discussion about Biden, politics and whatever else crosses our minds. http://www.tidshow.com

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March 23, 2021

Ep. 36 The Patty Flea and Matty Hour +++

In this episode the rarest of rares occurs. Patty Flea and Matty are in studio by themselves, yes just the two of them........let's jut say this......the fireworks start from the first second of the show. Special guest grow...

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March 12, 2021

Ep. 35 Cancel This.......Dare Ya!!

In this episode we discuss and dig in with cancel culture. We all suck at relationships especially when Matty tells his wife she’s a bag of dicks. Tommy O’s wife calls into the show and she wants them to be rabbits. This go...

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March 10, 2021

Ep. 34 The Ringers

In this episode the crew is disgusted by Mattys choice in the 100 drink challenge. They dive into Cuomo’s cover up and what is really involved with the Rona Bill.

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March 5, 2021

Ep. 33 The The Daily Double Deuce (TID Show/BDNN Crew Stars On TID Je…

This episode should be called the double douche.......take a listen and see what the white trashyness of the BDNN crew looks like on a huge game show. http://www.tidshow.com

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Feb. 26, 2021

Ep. 32 And Then.......There Was BDNN

In this episode well, how about you take a listen to BDNN and the news crew as they release their first commercial form their first news broadcast. Patty and the boys then follow that up with the funniest post show report po...

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Feb. 23, 2021

Ep. 31 Hotline or Bust! 866-TIDEEP1

In this episode the crew is joined by the 2nd sexiest voice in podcasting.....Aubs. They get into discussion in this week of "I drank too much" starring Johnny Damon and his hostile wife. The most important thing that happe...

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Feb. 19, 2021

Up In The Air

In this episode Pat, Matt and Tommy talk about Brady winning the super bowl and how much more human he is for getting hammered in public......The boss Bruce Springsteen doing tequila shots on the NJTP......DWI???? We dig de...

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Feb. 17, 2021

When There Was 4

In this episode we discuss the hall of fame inductees for the MLB. We have a panel discussion about normal nonsense. We get into name that tune for music from the 80's, 90's and 2000's..............and finally get into the ...

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Feb. 7, 2021

Ep. 28 Nothing Can Stop Us

In this episode Patty-Flea discusses why he left the previous show and what really happened. The guys get into discussion about the Super Bowl beyween the "GOAT" and Mahomes. How did the RobinHood App make the market do wha...

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Feb. 5, 2021

Ep. 27 Beanboozled...........CLEAR!!!!!

In this episode some of the craziest things occurred. The guys get back into the flow with the most disgusting game ever, the jelly bean challenge from "Beanboozled". Get the barf bags ready because someone may blow some ch...

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