00:00:35.057 --> 00:00:36.598
Thank you what we do in life.
00:00:38.441 --> 00:00:56.564
Echoes in eternity Go Niners, yeah, go Niners.
00:00:58.039 --> 00:00:59.000
And the over that was good.
00:01:07.045 --> 00:01:07.465
Yeah, yeah.
00:01:07.465 --> 00:01:45.290
Yeah, super Sunday, on a Saturday night it's fucking great Catching some fire A little pre-Super Bowl edition Moving up the charts on good pods.
00:01:47.299 --> 00:01:53.268
Nobody even knows who the fuck we are yet Tell you that Was it 4 million podcasts or 4 million listeners?
00:01:53.268 --> 00:01:58.234
4.2 million podcasts and we're top five in lists.
00:01:58.234 --> 00:02:00.704
00:02:00.724 --> 00:02:01.025
Love it.
00:02:01.025 --> 00:02:10.099
Number four we just made another list and this is what fucking kills me, because we're doing, we're doing really real just things still playing.
00:02:10.099 --> 00:02:16.828
Give me a sec, I gotta figure that out I think you got it.
00:02:16.948 --> 00:02:17.550
You got it.
00:02:17.550 --> 00:02:18.092
I don't hear it.
00:02:18.092 --> 00:02:21.448
Nope, there it goes something where's that coming?
00:02:21.508 --> 00:02:24.627
from where's that coming from?
00:02:24.627 --> 00:02:25.229
It's still playing.
00:02:26.724 --> 00:02:27.628
How do I get that off?
00:02:27.628 --> 00:02:28.663
Well, it's for the Raiders.
00:02:28.663 --> 00:02:30.027
You can let that play the whole show.
00:02:30.108 --> 00:02:33.268
I don't care oh, it's playing from fucking Spotify.
00:02:33.288 --> 00:02:38.108
What an idiot I am we still love you, that guy's voice makes me want to play football.
00:02:38.368 --> 00:02:43.748
It's true in a land far, far away, rain Thunderson was born.
00:02:43.748 --> 00:02:45.768
That's what you would hear.
00:02:45.768 --> 00:02:55.806
But, all seriousness, if you got I mean those who, first of all, I got to give a fucking shout out to those who consistently listen to us.
00:02:55.806 --> 00:02:57.371
Amen, all right.
00:02:58.382 --> 00:03:02.569
We appreciate you Shout out to those who are watching us right now on Facebook live.
00:03:02.569 --> 00:03:04.366
That's Kevin, me and somebody else.
00:03:04.366 --> 00:03:05.921
Okay, shout out to you guys.
00:03:05.921 --> 00:03:05.896
You us right now on Facebook live.
00:03:05.896 --> 00:03:06.163
That's Kevin, me and somebody else.
00:03:06.163 --> 00:03:06.709
Okay, shout out to you guys.
00:03:06.709 --> 00:03:08.552
You guys are consistent and I appreciate that.
00:03:08.552 --> 00:03:10.805
Can you pop the chat on?
00:03:10.805 --> 00:03:12.182
00:03:12.182 --> 00:03:16.610
I'm looking at it, see, this is why do you do you have to see the chat Kev.
00:03:18.341 --> 00:03:22.058
It makes it easier For what I don't know, cause I look at the screen sometimes.
00:03:22.099 --> 00:03:22.419
Oh, you just look.
00:03:22.419 --> 00:03:23.822
Oh, I don't know, because I look at the screen sometimes.
00:03:23.822 --> 00:03:25.343
Oh, we went down to two, we're up to four now.
00:03:25.463 --> 00:03:27.967
Because of Kevin's fucking complaining, we're getting a lot of.
00:03:28.007 --> 00:03:28.828
Karens in here.
00:03:28.828 --> 00:03:32.453
I'm not always looking at my phone man, you know I'm looking at the screen sometimes.
00:03:33.274 --> 00:03:40.266
Well, you know what would be easier If we had like little tablets?
00:03:40.266 --> 00:03:41.491
You know whose podcast I watched the other day?
00:03:41.491 --> 00:03:43.141
It was actually really good.
00:03:43.141 --> 00:03:43.481
Which one?
00:03:43.481 --> 00:03:44.003
The PBD podcast.
00:03:44.003 --> 00:03:45.006
You know what I'm talking about?
00:03:45.006 --> 00:03:48.453
Pat, bbc, patrick, david.
00:03:49.441 --> 00:03:52.149
Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, Dude, Dude he's legit.
00:03:52.288 --> 00:03:53.502
He is what a.
00:03:53.502 --> 00:03:54.766
I got to give a shout out to them.
00:03:54.766 --> 00:03:58.606
What a really good podcast they had Michael Rappaport on.
00:03:58.828 --> 00:03:59.770
Oh, hello, Miss Dawn.
00:04:00.360 --> 00:04:11.332
Oh yeah, michael Rappaport was on and he actually apologized for some of the shit that he said back in the day about Trump, because he's like I've actually had time to see what these motherfuckers have done.
00:04:12.063 --> 00:04:12.998
And they've done nothing.
00:04:13.039 --> 00:04:19.312
He's on the fence of possibly voting for Trump and he's not voting Democratic ever again.
00:04:19.312 --> 00:04:39.363
He said yeah, so I was like, wow, yeah, he was on the other day and he apologized for what he said about the whole nonsense down in Charlottesville it's good to know people can admit their fucking wrongs, but anyway, that's why we're funny.
00:04:39.444 --> 00:04:41.322
That's why we're on the politics list.
00:04:41.322 --> 00:04:42.827
That's why we're on the weed list.
00:04:42.827 --> 00:04:45.392
That's why we're on the fucking D&D list, the comedy improv list, the comedy interview list.
00:04:45.392 --> 00:04:45.569
I don't know if you guys on the politics list.
00:04:45.569 --> 00:04:45.822
That's why we're on the weed list.
00:04:45.822 --> 00:04:47.927
That's why we're on the fucking D&D list, the comedy improv list, the comedy interview list.
00:04:47.927 --> 00:04:49.324
I don't know if you guys have known this.
00:04:49.365 --> 00:04:50.661
We're every man's podcast.
00:04:50.742 --> 00:04:55.252
I'm kind of a big thing, this show is kind of a big thing.
00:04:55.291 --> 00:04:56.964
We are the biggest unknown out there.
00:04:56.964 --> 00:05:00.026
Yeah, number two in the world.
00:05:00.807 --> 00:05:01.911
And this is no bullshit.
00:05:01.911 --> 00:05:02.932
This is what's crazy.
00:05:02.932 --> 00:05:07.156
Like really, why would I say this on a fucking podcast?
00:05:07.175 --> 00:05:08.357
But it just sounds weird.
00:05:08.620 --> 00:05:09.485
What is a good pod?
00:05:09.485 --> 00:05:28.872
So, if you go to good pods, good pods is a great, great, great app website Platform that assists podcasts that aren't known Like us To get known Like us and the number is that I get sent via email is.
00:05:28.872 --> 00:05:34.410
There's 4.2 million indie podcasts out there that are on this website.
00:05:34.410 --> 00:05:43.451
We're one of them, yeah, and they have all these crazy lists that you can get onto based upon your, your streams, your listens, your likes, your reviews.
00:05:43.451 --> 00:05:44.473
What's crazy?
00:05:44.473 --> 00:05:45.684
I don't see the likes or the reviews.
00:05:45.684 --> 00:05:49.562
They don't show those we want to know.
00:05:49.562 --> 00:05:56.910
It's nuts now, because it's only the reviews that come from, like Spotify, apple Podcasts.
00:05:56.930 --> 00:05:57.290
00:05:57.290 --> 00:05:59.026
They pull them to that, okay.
00:05:59.660 --> 00:06:02.990
But you'll have your listens and whatnot on the good pods.
00:06:02.990 --> 00:06:09.887
So far we have, I don't know, over 400 and something minutes listened to in the last week.
00:06:10.387 --> 00:06:11.110
Really yeah.
00:06:12.821 --> 00:06:13.403
That's what I was like.
00:06:13.403 --> 00:06:14.461
What the fuck Nice?
00:06:14.461 --> 00:06:15.927
You know I don't listen to the shows.
00:06:15.927 --> 00:06:23.386
I download them on the thing, whatever just count as fucking downloads for us, whatever, but I don't listen to them again, I don't do any of that.
00:06:23.968 --> 00:06:28.146
We know you gotta cook chicken.
00:06:28.146 --> 00:06:28.709
Here's the thing.
00:06:30.101 --> 00:06:36.269
When the fire's going out, you love to add a little spark to the fire and just bring the attention towards you.
00:06:36.269 --> 00:06:40.160
And then, next thing, you know you're like my feelings are hurt.
00:06:40.160 --> 00:06:41.345
Why are you guys attacking?
00:06:41.345 --> 00:06:43.101
Because you say some silly things.
00:06:43.182 --> 00:06:44.725
Would you like us to put the spotlight on you?
00:06:44.725 --> 00:06:45.927
Do you put the spotlight on?
00:06:45.947 --> 00:06:46.007
00:06:46.007 --> 00:06:46.850
Do you want the spotlight on you?
00:06:46.850 --> 00:06:48.031
No, I want to hear the rest of the story.
00:06:48.273 --> 00:07:04.526
Oh so, so right now, we are number two in the world On good pods, on good pods for Indie Pods this week, for funny podcasts, funny comedy, improv.
00:07:04.526 --> 00:07:07.610
Yeah, number two in the world on good pods.
00:07:07.610 --> 00:07:15.389
So this is why, yeah, so this is why we need to attack Kevin, I think more frequently we seem to have picked up speed once we started attacking.
00:07:15.428 --> 00:07:17.947
Yes, there's some fire, has really got behind it.
00:07:19.040 --> 00:07:20.122
Cause what's even crazier?
00:07:20.122 --> 00:07:20.762
I can take it.
00:07:20.762 --> 00:07:21.644
I can take it, motherfucker.
00:07:21.684 --> 00:07:22.125
We would be.
00:07:22.125 --> 00:07:23.447
I'm not sure about that.
00:07:23.447 --> 00:07:26.831
We would be high on the political list when we talk politics and stuff.
00:07:26.831 --> 00:07:27.673
So I was like fuck.
00:07:27.673 --> 00:07:28.795
I was like I don't want to be on that.
00:07:30.100 --> 00:07:31.660
I was like I don't want to be on that, I don't want the politics list, Nope.
00:07:31.660 --> 00:07:33.668
So I said let's verbally attack Kevin.
00:07:34.512 --> 00:07:35.156
It seems to work.
00:07:39.526 --> 00:07:40.588
And it has worked to date.
00:07:41.288 --> 00:07:44.814
I wonder how many supporters I have.
00:07:44.814 --> 00:07:46.055
From what I've read zero.
00:07:46.055 --> 00:07:47.826
I know Ben's on my side, Just zero.
00:07:48.079 --> 00:07:49.586
I don't see Ben on here chipping in.
00:07:50.903 --> 00:07:51.766
I just mean in general.
00:07:51.766 --> 00:07:53.211
I know he's team ops.
00:07:53.514 --> 00:07:59.906
All seriousness now shout out to those who do consistently listen to us and hopefully shortly down the road.
00:07:59.906 --> 00:08:02.963
We are a household name and getting money for this.
00:08:03.043 --> 00:08:06.067
If you are listening to us, go sign up on our website.
00:08:06.067 --> 00:08:08.468
Get on our mailing list.
00:08:08.468 --> 00:08:12.105
When we come out with the new set of merch, we'll send some stuff out.
00:08:14.329 --> 00:08:16.233
Yeah, tell it, you know.
00:08:17.802 --> 00:08:19.389
You got to tell us who and where you are.
00:08:20.319 --> 00:08:23.689
There's our website, wwwthetakedeepshowcom.
00:08:23.689 --> 00:08:26.848
Hoo-yah, you'll have a little thing that'll come right up.
00:08:26.848 --> 00:08:28.725
It's going to ask you to sign up for that email.
00:08:29.166 --> 00:08:29.548
Sign up.
00:08:29.548 --> 00:08:30.790
Are you hotline ready?
00:08:31.540 --> 00:08:33.160
Yeah, we're always hotline ready, but you know how?
00:08:33.160 --> 00:08:34.605
We're the only podcast that calls you back.
00:08:34.605 --> 00:08:36.370
Yeah, we'll call you back, that's our tagline.
00:08:36.370 --> 00:08:47.226
I'm telling you right now, dude, that's how we're going to see you called.
00:08:47.226 --> 00:08:48.049
Oh shit, Were you at Salt?
00:08:48.070 --> 00:08:48.269
and Gold.
00:08:48.269 --> 00:08:48.792
Let's call them back.
00:08:48.792 --> 00:08:50.457
Listen, the phone's right next to me, oh shit.
00:08:50.577 --> 00:08:52.705
It's Salt and Gold Phone's right next to me.
00:08:52.705 --> 00:08:57.870
So this is how it always works, for whatever reason, it tells me to select one and it fucking hangs up automatically.
00:08:57.870 --> 00:09:04.404
We will call you right back because we do have a good old ID on the phone that we can tell who it is.
00:09:04.485 --> 00:09:05.846
We're 100% on callbacks.
00:09:05.865 --> 00:09:08.989
Yes, yes, we are 100% on callbacks, so don't be afraid.
00:09:09.089 --> 00:09:09.409
We are.
00:09:09.409 --> 00:09:10.910
We are over on call-ins.
00:09:10.910 --> 00:09:12.913
We are 100% on callbacks.
00:09:13.633 --> 00:09:17.716
And then, once again, just go to our website, wwwthetakedeepshowcom.
00:09:17.716 --> 00:09:20.480
Sign up to our email list.
00:09:20.480 --> 00:09:31.446
You'll get first dibs on anything that's being released as per shows, videos, merch, merch we're going to start selling some some of Kevin's stuff online, nice.
00:09:32.248 --> 00:09:33.289
Oh, dude, let's, we've.
00:09:33.289 --> 00:09:37.908
Actually, we should do that, Like put his TV up, raffle off his TV in a living room.
00:09:37.908 --> 00:09:41.913
So, obi-wan, pay someone to take.
00:09:41.974 --> 00:09:45.447
Obi-wan, we're going to putan, we're going to put free at the bottom of that.
00:09:45.447 --> 00:09:46.330
You have to come pick it up.
00:09:46.330 --> 00:09:47.231
Traffickers out there.
00:09:51.388 --> 00:09:53.332
Oh, we just became top five on another list.
00:09:59.001 --> 00:10:00.267
That's bad, dude, that's bad.
00:10:01.000 --> 00:10:02.065
Lacey wants some merch.
00:10:03.822 --> 00:10:16.871
So we figured, since we have the big weekend of the Super Bowl 58 going on tomorrow night, fuck the Chiefs, everyone say it, man, that's been a good game, man.
00:10:16.871 --> 00:10:21.385
And after my numbers I just saw I was like fuck this sucks.
00:10:21.385 --> 00:10:23.407
Fuck the Chiefs, then it's going to stink.
00:10:24.840 --> 00:10:27.990
I mean the one set's terrible, but the other one's not bad.
00:10:27.990 --> 00:10:29.701
Yeah, nine.
00:10:29.701 --> 00:10:30.966
Nines is a pretty rough one.
00:10:30.966 --> 00:10:32.543
Man Like I wouldn't expect much.
00:10:32.543 --> 00:10:34.309
29 to nine, yeah.
00:10:35.240 --> 00:10:36.666
Can you get that easily?
00:10:36.666 --> 00:10:45.106
No, no, no, unless you get 20 and then kick three field goals 20 is easier to get.
00:10:45.126 --> 00:10:48.450
You would have to kick two field goals prior to that to get 20.
00:10:48.990 --> 00:10:50.873
Yeah, so you're looking at one two, five field goals.
00:10:50.873 --> 00:10:51.494
Five field goals.
00:10:51.494 --> 00:10:54.216
Good defenses yeah why, not Maybe.
00:10:55.482 --> 00:10:57.009
Hey, listen, crazier things have happened.
00:10:57.009 --> 00:11:01.361
I don't want your numbers to hit, I want my numbers to hit, but I mean it could happen.
00:11:01.361 --> 00:11:02.163
What numbers do you have?
00:11:02.163 --> 00:11:03.283
I'm not telling you.
00:11:03.624 --> 00:11:05.767
Have you Like I've never won a Super Bowl box?
00:11:05.767 --> 00:11:09.190
No, I don't think so, Probably won bullshit.
00:11:09.230 --> 00:11:10.451
I've never won a big one.
00:11:10.451 --> 00:11:12.173
You know like I've won a couple hundred.
00:11:12.173 --> 00:11:12.812
You know like.
00:11:13.354 --> 00:11:15.655
May Tom Coughlin burn in hell.
00:11:15.655 --> 00:11:20.043
Why the last Super Bowl the Giants won.
00:11:20.043 --> 00:11:22.006
Remember they scored that late touchdown to go ahead.
00:11:22.368 --> 00:11:25.394
Oh, with Ahmad Bradshaw, when he tried to stop at the goal line and he fell in.
00:11:25.700 --> 00:11:26.946
Yes, and that was fine.
00:11:26.946 --> 00:11:28.059
That worked out to my advantage.
00:11:28.059 --> 00:11:38.575
If he kicks the extra point, frank Matty Sy and myself splitting $20,000 from the Fids pool, well, you know what Instead?
00:11:38.575 --> 00:11:38.674
00:11:39.000 --> 00:11:41.568
That's just the rich getting richer, and I'm honestly happy you lost.
00:11:43.980 --> 00:11:47.687
This is 10 years ago, cocksucker, doesn't matter, I'm talking about now.
00:11:47.687 --> 00:11:50.234
Damn it, gator, don't play that.
00:11:50.234 --> 00:11:53.148
I was drinking powdered milk with my kids, right?
00:11:57.523 --> 00:12:04.125
Okay, so now 58 Super Bowls in what goes down into the greatest Super Bowl of all time.
00:12:08.210 --> 00:12:08.951
00:12:08.951 --> 00:12:18.966
So in in my mind, just the way the game played out, it's, uh, it's, it's Rams the Titans.
00:12:18.966 --> 00:12:21.725
That was a good Superbowl.
00:12:21.725 --> 00:12:26.576
That was to the last, fucking, last, giant fucking, giants-bills Last fucking year.
00:12:26.615 --> 00:12:31.604
Giants-bills was good, you know Listen Giants-Patriots game, giants-patriots too, eli threw that pass.
00:12:31.624 --> 00:12:33.845
Yeah, that Beaten undefeated.
00:12:34.186 --> 00:12:34.386
00:12:35.001 --> 00:12:36.039
No, yeah, that was a good one too.
00:12:38.724 --> 00:12:39.184
That was.
00:12:39.384 --> 00:12:40.967
Mario Manningham's catch right.
00:12:41.227 --> 00:12:42.850
Manningham caught that one at the sideline.
00:12:42.850 --> 00:12:44.232
Tyree's the one that caught it on the helmet.
00:12:44.474 --> 00:12:45.315
Was that the same game?
00:12:45.315 --> 00:12:49.248
I thought Manningham was the second one, tyree was the first one.
00:12:49.460 --> 00:12:53.652
When Plaxico caught the winning touchdown, that was Manningham's oh okay.
00:12:53.652 --> 00:12:55.302
And then Tyree.
00:12:55.302 --> 00:12:58.110
That's when you had Steve Smith on the team.
00:12:58.110 --> 00:13:03.323
Manningham wasn't with them yet, oh okay, the first time they won, all right.
00:13:03.323 --> 00:13:05.009
Wasn't with them yet, oh okay, the first time they won All right.
00:13:05.009 --> 00:13:06.432
Yeah, they had a good receiving core back then.
00:13:06.432 --> 00:13:07.775
They did that.
00:13:07.775 --> 00:13:09.259
Fucking sucks being the Giants, not so much now.
00:13:09.259 --> 00:13:10.721
Daniel Jones.
00:13:10.721 --> 00:13:11.745
Hopefully his arm falls off.
00:13:12.967 --> 00:13:13.730
Sorry, he doesn't need it.
00:13:13.730 --> 00:13:14.792
Sorry, I say that live streaming.
00:13:14.792 --> 00:13:18.510
He doesn't need his arm anyway, he just runs, it's better off.
00:13:19.581 --> 00:13:20.082
It is what it is.
00:13:20.263 --> 00:13:24.590
You Do you not see no draft trade day quarterback move up?
00:13:24.590 --> 00:13:25.410
I hope they do.
00:13:26.011 --> 00:13:31.417
You know I hope they do, but the problem with that is it's going to take 800 number one picks to move up this year.
00:13:31.417 --> 00:13:36.364
Nah, I mean, did you see what the Bears were asking for?
00:13:36.364 --> 00:13:36.965
The first pick?
00:13:36.965 --> 00:13:39.568
What Isn't there like?
00:13:39.750 --> 00:13:40.309
a formula.
00:13:40.309 --> 00:13:43.375
It's not like they can ask like an exorbitant amount.
00:13:46.159 --> 00:13:46.764
There's like a formula to it.
00:13:46.764 --> 00:13:48.919
There's not when there's multiple quarterbacks and multiple teams.
00:13:48.919 --> 00:13:52.250
I thought there was where they have a chart.
00:13:52.500 --> 00:13:52.883
Yeah it's.