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November 02, 2023

Ep. 80 Turning Up the Heat: The TID Pepper Challenge & Shenanigans

Ready to feel the heat? Kevin and Matty are turning up the temperature with the TID Pepper Challenge, and Patty Flea is the victim. With a Scoville Scale superstar, the Carolina Reaper, and three other peppers in the mix, thi...

Ready to feel the heat? Kevin and Matty are turning up the temperature with the TID Pepper Challenge, and Patty Flea is the victim. With a Scoville Scale superstar, the Carolina Reaper, and three other peppers in the mix, this episode is bound to get you sweating! See how bread, butter, milk, and honey become valuable allies in this fiery encounter.

But our journey doesn't stop at the Scoville ratings. Buckle up for laughter, unfiltered banter, and some candid discussions. From football talk and Kevin's struggles with Excel to hilarious dog stories and Kevin's quirky idea of creating a 'lost episode', there's never a dull moment. We assure you, every anecdote, every conversation, will have you grinning from ear to ear.

As we brace ourselves for the future guests and adventures, we revel in Kevin's persona as the idea-man. Despite the scorching challenge, the humor kept flowing, making this episode a perfect blend of thrill, fun, and knowledge. Regardless of whether you are a spicy food aficionado or a spicy food rookie, this episode is bound to get you hooked and leave you craving for more!



Speaker 1:

So hot in, so hot in, so hot in, so hot in. Oh, what we doing live Echoes in eternity.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my belly's hurting right now thinkin' of it. Yeah, big episode 8-0,. Jerry Rice comin' flyin' in Catchin' a nice touchdown, fuck touchdowns and fantasy sucks.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, my team sucks.

Speaker 2:

Fuck football all together oh well, the first topic we did want to talk about was I think Khalil Max came.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, khalil Max came Yo fuck you fuck you, fuck you fuck you fuck you. Fuckin' rookie quarterback killed the fuckaball too much Assbag. Fuckin' McDaniels made shitty fuckin' plate calls all fuckin' dang. Matt did shit. He's turning red.

Speaker 3:

He did shit, he's turning red Fuck.

Speaker 2:

No no no he takes down the Raider sign. Oh my god, that is passion. I love it.

Speaker 3:

They're just staring at him all the time, you know.

Speaker 2:

With googly eyes Fuck. Hey guys, how you doin' hey bud, I know that's a great way to start the show. Just yeah, wow, okay, all right. Yeah, all right. Yeah, I don't even know what's I mean. Ted's fuckin' just Pretty job right there. Maddie, we love the passion. Listen, I'm in that boat with you, buddy. My giants suck Ball sack. All right? Who is it? Every episode, every fucking episode, somebody has it. He gets a clear pass, though, just because of his day.

Speaker 3:

So angry. Yeah, we don't want to poke him anymore.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I thought he was coming to attack you, Right. I didn't know what he was doing.

Speaker 2:

Holy shit, but we uh, you thought he was hot Um Special episode. So we have a special episode, since it's episode 80. And after long talks with my team, I realize I am the only one who will push forward and do this. You two will be left behind. Never allowed in my foxhole again. I'm okay with it. I didn't think, yeah, yeah, all right. So we decided what would be a good episode to do and since I have acid reflux, I was like, hey, kevin brought some fuckin' hot peppers on him Not just hot peppers. Man, and then not just hot ones. Okay, so he chose four. Did you choose the four, or did somebody tell you to take the four?

Speaker 3:

No, I don't know how they were.

Speaker 4:

You don't know how these were handled. I don't know how the process was when did you bring dragons? Fired Devils penis.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we have Satan's cum, um, that one supposedly is supposed to make you disappear. All right, uh, no, actually we have uh four peppers, four peppers yes. Pretty much everybody's familiar with. I don't know if anybody knows, or so the so the first one is the Thai dragon. Yeah, thai dragon, all right.

Speaker 4:

Now we need pepper.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the name alone sounds hot, but according to Scoville it's got like. It's like a hundred thousand right.

Speaker 3:

Um yes.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so which I think, and here's here's Kevin's solution to not joining me in doing so. He figured that if all three of us do the first one, just to do baseline. Did he not agree to this? Did you not tell him?

Speaker 3:

No, I think we, uh think we caboched that upstairs.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so you guys aren't even getting the baseline with me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we figured. You know why? Why ruin it, why fake it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You know why? Would just be real.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you're really fucking shitty oh so what do we have after, uh, after dragon penis, what's the next one?

Speaker 3:

Somebody who's not loyal? You have your, your classic habanero, all right, so. I'm not gonna lie.

Speaker 2:

I've had habaneros. They're fucking hot Like they are so. But what's crazy is when you, when you see him on the Scoville, it's it's pretty low on the Scoville. Yeah, so I'm scared. So that's like 350,000 Scoville, yes, all right. So then we're like, hey, let's kick it up a notch, kick it up a notch.

Speaker 3:

And then we also put the jalapeno. There is 8,000, just for a little reference point. Oh my.

Speaker 2:

God, oh, oh, I didn't see that. Oh, now I do.

Speaker 3:

That's not good All right, you know, just you know, so you're not going in blurt All right, so we decided to get two peppers that have seen people probably have killed people.

Speaker 4:

So you're going from habanero to the fucking ghost pepper, the ghost pepper. Never. I mean seven numbers after that, by the way.

Speaker 2:

I know. So if I looked at that like as per salary, that guy's making a lot more money because he's had a million four thousand Scoville.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's nuts.

Speaker 2:

I've never had a ghost pepper.

Speaker 3:

Oh, this is going to be great.

Speaker 4:

Okay, so we were like hey, so after that, what's next?

Speaker 3:

What's the fucking?

Speaker 1:

what's a Hawaii pepper.

Speaker 4:

Right, what's the Delano Island and what, what, what?

Speaker 2:

what it's the. I burn a hole in my asshole pepper to close the show.

Speaker 4:

You know the encore the showstopper the dreaded like the weather prediction the name.

Speaker 2:

The word alone in the name doesn't belong there because it's it's scary. The Carolina Reaper.

Speaker 4:

So that's double the Scoville of the ghost pepper Two million, point two million. Scoville, you are aware that Pat has had a stroke on the show before right.

Speaker 2:

Well, this is, this is him he wants I decided hey, what would be good to get things going and maybe get some fucking, some clicks and shit and people share and whatnot sacrifice myself for the team. Obviously, the other two guys I work with will never do so. They'll never jump in with me. Kevin's going in the lava by himself. Me and Matt are alone in the fucking zombie apocalypse. So sorry. You know. And then, when it comes to fucking peppers, it's I'm fucking. You know, forest comp and I'm just running, just run.

Speaker 4:

I would rather fight zombies with a pocket knife.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, then eat these peppers, yes.

Speaker 4:

So I've. It's not even. It's not even the pain of eating them, it's the fire that's going to shoot out of my body tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

So we watched the video yesterday of a guy. He's a professional, like pepper eater. I'm surprised there's people out there like that.

Speaker 4:

So he ate a fucking Carolina Reaper and he has no asshole left, so the shit just pours out of him Right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's something I'm like this dude must have like fucking an iron stomach. So during the process we're watching it and you see like there's like certain stages he hits.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And there was points where he was like losing. He's like that one's a little spicy, like that Spice.

Speaker 4:

Well, do we have? Do we have enough things down here to?

Speaker 3:

so we have, we have some, we have some lifelines.

Speaker 4:

All right, well, let's, let's talk about that. What do we got?

Speaker 3:

Um, we have your basic butter roll, okay.

Speaker 2:

Big thing is starches, oils, fats, dairy, okay, which I was like you know, give me some fucking yogurt.

Speaker 3:

We have a big glass of milk.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

kind of yogurt.

Speaker 2:

Preferably not the Reaper's yogurt.

Speaker 3:

We have a big glass of milk.

Speaker 4:

Okay, like a frosty glass.

Speaker 3:

It was. It took us a little while to get started. So it's it's still cold, it's curdled, it's still cold, okay.

Speaker 4:

As long as it's not chunky.

Speaker 2:

And then we have honey, honey, yeah, really, yes, surprise Honey. If you coat the tongue, the honey, it's subdues, the heat. Then I'm like well, what's it doing with that heat that's on your tongue and not around you fucking mouth? I'm like come on, there's really nothing. There's really nothing.

Speaker 4:

So so the heat's okay, it's just diabetes. You'll have it afterwards Pretty much. Yeah, all right.

Speaker 2:

So it's a big thing too, which I was surprised to read about.

Speaker 4:

I should have brought some M&Ms for you.

Speaker 2:

What's the word then? Where the heat comes from? The? What's it? You said, cause, uh, what Capsaisum.

Speaker 3:

Capsaisum. Yeah, that's the. That's what's in peppers. That gives it the hotness.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

All right. So the one time I had habanero one time is when I lived in my old apartment years ago. My next door neighbor decided to make chili and he put like 11 dried habaneros in the chili.

Speaker 4:

Well, you have to do that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dried, though Dried is worse. I know Dried makes it hotter.

Speaker 4:

It's all about. It's all about the seeds.

Speaker 1:

But why?

Speaker 4:

11? I mean, I put, I put five or six jalapenos, I put a couple of longhots in there, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's jalapenos and longhots.

Speaker 4:

I stopped it. I stopped at habanero.

Speaker 2:

Habanero in chili, though. Yeah, like I've had habanero bangles, and not only in chili not telling your next door neighbor there was habaneros in the chili.

Speaker 4:

I didn't tell you. You need to tell him.

Speaker 2:

Give him a fucking full bowl of it.

Speaker 4:

Fuck you. How are your TKs winnings today?

Speaker 3:

They were good Cock sucker.

Speaker 4:

Okay, okay, moving on, I still have some Awkward. How are your meatballs? Oh, you're throwing it at my face now, huh.

Speaker 2:

You want to stir it? I would too, after you said that.

Speaker 4:

The sweetest meatballs are pretty fucking good. They were delish, they were.

Speaker 2:

So, and that's when I took that spoonful of chili, not knowing I was. I was fucking miserable for God knows how long.

Speaker 4:

Did you shoot fire out of your eyeballs?

Speaker 2:

Really, like half hour, 45 minutes later, yikes, something like that. Cause, if I don't know it, yeah, I'm going to be shitting like if I do know what I'm putting in and kind of prepare me a little bit. I took some fucking medicine for my acid reflux.

Speaker 4:

We shall see, Did you take? Did you take medicine for the acid reflux today? Do we have some Tums down here?

Speaker 2:

I just took it. I just took the medicine recently. I don't have any more of the reflux I was getting earlier. Okay, hopefully I'm shooting fire on my mouth in like 10, 15, 20 minutes. All right, let's go.

Speaker 3:

All right. So I don't know if you want this option to, to bail out after the first little guy, like if that one gets you. No, I'm not bailing out after first, you're not bailing out at all. Huh, okay, boy.

Speaker 4:

All right, try your tie dragon penis, all right.

Speaker 2:

You're telling me to grab it? No, there's. You need special gloves, Kevin.

Speaker 3:

Hey, there's a fork, there A fork.

Speaker 2:

I need to touch the pepper to bite it.

Speaker 3:

No, you just get it on, Put on the fork, get on the fork.

Speaker 2:

This is really going to fuck some shit up.

Speaker 4:

It is.

Speaker 3:

I'm not going to feed you.

Speaker 4:

I'll feed you. You want me to feed you that little nugget looks a little scary, okay, all right.

Speaker 3:

Now you can eat that stem at all.

Speaker 4:

Okay, just just fucking, just go 100,000 on the skull.

Speaker 3:

This is like the roller coaster. This is like the first little. Oh, there's a little hiccup right there. Oh, no, Okay.

Speaker 4:

What do you think?

Speaker 3:

We got an audience too.

Speaker 4:

What do you think? It's not bad Tie dragon pepper. Is it like tasty or is it like no, it's, it's just, it tastes like assholes.

Speaker 2:

It's just hot.

Speaker 4:

It's a slow onset of heat.

Speaker 2:

Okay, the seeds are where it's at.

Speaker 4:

Of course.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's, it's there.

Speaker 3:

Do you think you have to tap into a lifeline yet?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, okay, that's good, a little sip of water or something that's good Water is not a good idea. I know. That's why. That's why I said that.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's mostly alcohol.

Speaker 4:

Well, even better, Palette cleanser. Do we have a? Do we have a raspberry sorbet or something to cleanse the palette?

Speaker 3:

Is it staying in the mouth or? Has it yeah that's the thing, it's just. It's just there Going down the pipe yet.

Speaker 2:

With down the throat, down to the gullet. Yeah, I feel it about here right now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

All right, that's not bad.

Speaker 3:

All right, Do we want to give you like time? We're going to give you some time in between.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I mean of course you are.

Speaker 4:

Hey Kev when we talk about the Washington commanders game, they put a pretty valiant effort against the Eagles today.

Speaker 3:

They did, they did. You know almost almost yeah.

Speaker 4:

That one, wow, cotton, you're pretty solid, play by play guy.

Speaker 3:

I didn't. I didn't see much of it by the time I got done doing my fucking. See that one. I walked into that to the end of that game.

Speaker 2:

It's a it's subduing, so All right. It's not. It's it's not as intense as I thought it. I mean it's still on my tongue. I could still feel it on my tongue, but around the mouth and stuff.

Speaker 4:

So it's kind of like that glory hole you went to in 2014.

Speaker 2:

For whatever reason. It's on my tongue, it's really fucking annoying. It won't go away off my tongue and I got a feeling it's because of the fuck, take a sip of milk.

Speaker 4:

Take a sip of milk. See if that'll, see if I'll take care of it. It's getting you know because you're going to have to.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy Like it goes. It's like it goes away, then it comes back and goes. It's like if I catch a seed.

Speaker 4:

Sounds like a shitty ex-girlfriend.

Speaker 2:

Bad Lieutenant, you know, you know who bad Lieutenant is, that guy Right? Oh, that was a seed I just fucking pull out. Ah, you got my lip fucking seeds, bro, all right.

Speaker 4:

I will see you perhaps later Package you to seed out of his nose.

Speaker 3:

This is 100,000 Scoville, all right 100,000. Now we're going to three. Bet that the 350.

Speaker 4:

Habanero, I'm just like, I'm not even sure like.

Speaker 2:

I'm looking at the hundred thousand and I'm just looking up and I'm like I'm a cost per million.

Speaker 4:

Don't look at that. Don't look at that. Keep your eye on what's in front of you.

Speaker 2:

Keep your eye on what's in front of you, it's hard not to look at it. It's right there.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

It's only 10 times more.

Speaker 2:

I swear to God the things you do to try to simplify stuff. You're a fucking dummy. Because it sounds stupid, right, it's not, you know listen.

Speaker 4:

if you get aggravated and grab the fucking ghost pepper, just rub it in his face Right on your teeth Right on his eyes.

Speaker 3:

Dude, that was like 12 times more than a jalapeno, so you could like. Yeah, that's something.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't eat.

Speaker 3:

You know, precise.

Speaker 2:

Oh oh, the second you catch it, it's just like I got you Like no, let go.

Speaker 3:

How much? How much time do you think you need in between peppers?

Speaker 2:

Probably like two more minutes. Well, this one needs like two more minutes probably, but I feel I feel like the acidity Like yeah, this can be good.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you tearing up, yet no A little bit.

Speaker 3:

He's a little watery.

Speaker 4:

You see his head's getting a little red. You see a little red showing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's not beating up yet. No, not yet he's not beating up yet Just red.

Speaker 1:

Just red.

Speaker 3:

It is getting a little shiny though.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

The TID Pepper Challenge. What who's?

Speaker 3:

watching us.

Speaker 4:

We got. We got four on there right now. We've been bouncing between three and five so far. So, hey, how'd your fancy football team do today, kev.

Speaker 3:

They suck man, they suck T. T Higgins is killing me. I need to get that acid down.

Speaker 1:

Destroyed me today.

Speaker 3:

He went for the lifeline.

Speaker 2:

Mm hmm, I just need to get the acid down. The cameo was good. Oh, that's good, that's some good stuff right there.

Speaker 3:

All right, Little move move juice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right so next is the Habanero. Yeah, 350,000.

Speaker 3:

300,000. What is that?

Speaker 2:

Oh, it was my old raising razor, fucking handle.

Speaker 3:

It's the orange one.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, Kevin, I just I don't want to mix them up. No, I know, I know.

Speaker 3:

You know, stay away from that green one. No, I got to get the other end because you're going to eat here. Pull it off.

Speaker 4:

Put your fingers on it, no, and then put your eye after you take it off. Rub your eyes, poor fucking honey in your eyeball.

Speaker 3:

You always that cheeky? No, just like scary All right.

Speaker 4:

So, now you chase away two viewers already. How much.

Speaker 2:

What am I biting off here?

Speaker 3:

Um, I'm getting anxiety. Think about it. Yeah, like up to the fork.

Speaker 2:

Up into the fork. Are you out of your fucking mind?

Speaker 4:

I mean you got to take at least half the pepper. Oh my God, I was kind of like your first time at the glory hole.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you take half.

Speaker 4:

See, you're an asshole because you're not going to fucking file the whole thing, you take half and then you go a little further. You're thinking too much about just.

Speaker 2:

I know, and it's hard not to, maddie, it's hard not to, as I'm like, oh my God, the house is coming above my upper glottis. I'm going quarter. Can I do quarter? Can we agree on?

Speaker 1:

whatever you want, quarter. I mean come on, quarter fucking.

Speaker 4:

You're the one who's doing it. You know I'm talking about third.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if you want to be a bitch, yeah, want to be the bitch who's not in this one. You too, what we do in life.

Speaker 3:

Shut up.

Speaker 4:

What I sound a meaty Swallow Swallow.

Speaker 3:

Away from the seeds pretty much swallow oh boy. Oh, that was a big one. That was a big one.

Speaker 4:

Being being booze old has nothing on this.

Speaker 2:

I'm waiting for it to come because I'm it's there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you feel it coming, that's what she said.

Speaker 1:

It's there.

Speaker 4:

Pat's not behind the computer.

Speaker 1:

I can't.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's better, that's better.

Speaker 2:

I guess I breathe it with my mouth.

Speaker 1:

I can't help it. Stop it. It's coming out so hot.

Speaker 4:

Milk. Take some milk. But look at this, take the milk. I'm starting to drool. Hey, kev Kev, take that honey and turn it over. So we're not waiting for it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I think he's going to have to save the honey.

Speaker 4:

Oh no, I want to save the honey too.

Speaker 3:

I want it ready to go, because I literally want to glaze his face with the honey, like the smart thing to do would be to wait as long as you possibly can, of course you know, but you got to be ready to go.

Speaker 4:

You didn't want to have to fucking wait for it to fucking drip down Wow.

Speaker 2:

I can't breathe and touch my lips it hurts so bad.

Speaker 1:

Anytime I breathe, it doesn't matter the other way I breathe, my nose it hurts.

Speaker 2:

It's stuff talkers, I'm sort of snot yeah.

Speaker 4:

You know what? Bang? Go, fuck yourself. Okay, I'm glad Tim Wakefield died. Fuck that guy.

Speaker 3:

Oh, wow, wow.

Speaker 4:

Pat's mouth isn't the only thing hot tonight.

Speaker 2:

My tongue, my lips, Eric.

Speaker 3:

So you got like three more minutes left.

Speaker 4:

I think you move right on to the ghost pepper, you said.

Speaker 3:

you said you needed like five minutes or something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like I'm giving like different timeframes on different pepper.

Speaker 3:

Like oh, that wasn't it.

Speaker 2:

Look at you.

Speaker 3:

Wasn't a flat rate. Okay, he's great. Hey man, there's slumlord.

Speaker 4:

I mean, if I was you, I get that ghost pepper down right now.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God man, that one.

Speaker 3:

No refills by the way.

Speaker 4:

I can't. I can't wait till he drinks a little more milk. He tries to take his tongue in a glass like oh oh, oh oh.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, it keeps on coming back too.

Speaker 3:

Why don't you like open up your buttered roll there and take like a bite, see if that does the trick? Cause that you know that was. You know we're acting. That was research. That was research. We're also myth busting here, people. You know science.

Speaker 4:

Follow the science. I like how you. I like how you wrapped the buttered roll and sell the family. It came from Delhi.

Speaker 3:

Well, I brought it down here. I didn't want to get like contaminated.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you never know, you don't want to put your dick in or anything. It's floating around. Did you just say you don't know what's floating around down here? Yeah, I did, but yet we're sitting down here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

We're good. Even that's the dumbest thing I've ever had but I'd go easy there, you know shut your fucking piehole, pussy, hole me pussy, cunt not joining me.

Speaker 3:

I'd ration, you know.

Speaker 4:

I'll ration you right out, you, son of a bitch, ben, you, son of a bitch.

Speaker 3:

I'd be a lot nicer to me you just moved the lifeline away.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right, all right one more sip of milk.

Speaker 4:

So, pat, how would you rate the? Uh, how would you rate that? Wasn't even ghost pepper, that would have habanero, right? Yeah, it was habanero the annoying part about the habanero, the heat.

Speaker 2:

The heat's not bad, it's like the almost. Like it pins in needles, like it fucking just just da, da, da, da, da keeps on coming at you. That's the annoying part. And then when you're trying to not coat your mouth and get it like it just sits on your tongue. My tongue right now is fucking. Forget it. Your tongue will be. My taste buds are gone. Your tongue will be fine. Tomorrow it'll be fine. No, I'm gonna wake up dead. Oh, don't say this, I'm gonna snot myself to death. You could eat a dirty pussy tomorrow, you wouldn't even know it no, I probably would cause my, my, my, my sciences are really clear.

Speaker 4:

Sorry, but I got it smells like garbage as you're dragging your sandpaper tongue over that piece of roast beef all right.

Speaker 2:

So wait, before I even do the ghost pepper, I'm taking my sweatshirt off, cause I know for a fucking fact I'm gonna be instant sweats with that love you too, ben let me burp. That's really not as cold as I thought it would be don't shit yourself well, I mean, it's been like 25 minutes since we poured it. I'm sorry, he's fucking Hitler, jesus. Sorry, I never loved nook so much.

Speaker 4:

This is a do now apparently our fans did not appreciate the sandpaper tongue over the piece of roast beef comment let me take my sweatshirt off. There's feedback on that already um, no, just people, people, people vote by not watching do you just Janet Jackson us?

Speaker 2:

did I show a nip? Whatever, I don't care wardrobe malfunction doesn't matter. They're gonna be lactating about six seconds anyways.

Speaker 3:

Yikes all right, ah god.

Speaker 4:

I'm just like looking at that fucking ghost pepper word and I'm like I'm so scared nah, it'd be fun which one's the ghost pepper um see orange one, the red one, oh, the red one yeah, the green one's the reaper. Kevin, get that off, man it's not the first time he was asked to do that and didn't deliver am I shaking, thinking about grabbing? This one nah, it'd be fun don't think about it, just grab it and bite it said the man at the glory hall, it'll be fine.

Speaker 3:

It'll be fine, oh my god, oh, give yourself some room dude just fuck you, I'm eating a fucking million skullville fucking pepper.

Speaker 2:

All right.

Speaker 4:

So if any, I mean really, it's kind of like a half a pepper. So is it really a million skullville if it's only half?

Speaker 3:

that's a good point you know what?

Speaker 2:

we're not even getting into that discussion. You, you, vaginas. You'll sit on the side like aah and then ulcer, ah.

Speaker 3:

I'm not gonna go forward with it, whatever I don't see like how much of that you've been going to Kevin does it matter fucking? Hot oh my god it does matter, all right here we go.

Speaker 1:

Oh size man, oh size, shut up fuck where's my other stuff, just in case you need.

Speaker 2:

Why'd you take the honey so far away? Because you were mean put it over here.

Speaker 4:

Now make sure you're not hiding behind the computer screw when you're doing all this.

Speaker 1:

Okay now, is that better, better, okay oh, I know what are you doing, I'm so scared.

Speaker 3:

I'm so scared, god, I'll just do it all right.

Speaker 4:

Oh, that's a good bite he didn't even get in his mouth.

Speaker 3:

Look how red his head is oh, oh, there is a oh boy. This is not gonna be good, oh no, I already know what's coming.

Speaker 2:

It's not that hot. I already know what you're doing there and what you're doing there, mr Ghost quickie to reaper quick.

Speaker 4:

Quickie to reaper quick, get it down. Get some screaming school, though get it down you add them together.

Speaker 1:

Ah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, oh, oh, oh, cool stop oh he really, oh convulsed there for a second it's like leaking hot fucking iron. It's like like it is oh, is your oh?

Speaker 4:

oh, is your mouth melting.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my god oh, it's coming on so bad, I can stop talking.

Speaker 4:

I'm so drunk, but this is so entertaining you all right bro, yeah yes, it's hot look how hot, look how red he is.

Speaker 3:

It's like Captain America when he's like getting made into Captain America it's like no, no, I can't do it, here's no walking way.

Speaker 2:

Captain America was really big up here what he's in philippine, I'm feeling Filipino.

Speaker 4:

Captain America was a Filipino god, oh, oh whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm sorry

Speaker 2:

she's coming down. I'm sorry you have to. It's like boiling water in my mouth. I can't do anything.

Speaker 3:

I can't do anything why don't you try some bread spitting a bucket? Spitting a bucket? No, no, no, no don't.

Speaker 4:

Why try some bread first go no, because I was gonna get it out.

Speaker 1:

I shouldn't have done that. It's all the way around, though.

Speaker 4:

I wish we had our five viewers back. They would enjoy this try some bread.

Speaker 2:

I love that embraces. By the way, I know you're not talking about it ha, ha, ah wow he almost gives off the impression like he's constipated and he's sitting on the bowl no, because I know there's pieces stuck in my mouth and I'm afraid to touch them because what, what?

Speaker 1:

they do. It means tongue is nothing. It's not. And then you're talking right now. I'm never being too bad. I don't even know what I was saying, ha we've had a 15 minute show today holy shit, does the knees feel better?

Speaker 3:

the what your knees, your ankle, your chest. Stop with the health, the health bullshit oh no, you're doing good, man, you're doing good.

Speaker 2:

I gotta plug in the batteries for the laptop but just said it was right on low would you plug the fucker in?

Speaker 4:

all right, wait a second this is great.

Speaker 1:

I got some back of my throat here you go hot.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, looks like a silver back gorilla ah, oh my god, I got a huge snap tray.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, I'm really gonna go out? What is it plugged in? Yeah?

Speaker 4:

you did it, big guy. Way to flake through it. Way to flake through it, pat. You did it, man. Nice job, reaper time oh my god. Ben, is this entertaining? I gotta know, I gotta see, ah, I mean, it's entertaining for me. I'm enjoying this, oh, but you know what? He's not even sweating yet.

Speaker 2:

I'm sweating, it's just. I feel his like all over me no, no, he's not like.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god he's not dripping yet. Looks like those little little baby bites. What'd you say, the little baby bites?

Speaker 2:

I should say that the very nice feeling on my tongue right now is that you want a baby bite.

Speaker 4:

That baby, did you? Did you say you're gonna tonkiss Kevin? I should hopefully you fucking melt him oh my god, it's just. It's like you should just lick Kevin's face from the bottom to the top, delayed. What happened? Would you have a scene? Your teeth, oh, what do I have to have it down my throat now, oh my god. I know I'm not showing it because I'm I'm half dead to the world, but oh, this is fucking hilarious.

Speaker 3:

This is great this is great, great moments in TID show history. Yeah, yeah, yeah thanks thanks for doing this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, no problem no problem, no problem, no problem. You're doing great, yeah, because moving forward, wait, just wait hey, I don't even think you need that any no, kevin, I know. I know for a fact because of my tongue is killing me right now.

Speaker 4:

I can't wait. He's gonna fucking squeeze that honey bottle I just get.

Speaker 2:

I know for a fact I'm gonna need it for the color. All right, repart, he's gonna look, it's gonna look like a buccat the repart you're doing good.

Speaker 3:

You're doing good, god damn nice job pat, nice job.

Speaker 2:

I can't even, I don't even know how to fuck and uh, well, maybe, but anywho, I can't explain that it's. It was like. It was like uh time released medicine but just came meh meh and you think it's gone already.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 4:

Nah, you think it was hot, eh, oh wow the butter probably helps put a lot of butter on there.

Speaker 3:

I did, I did. There's a fair amount of butter on there, that's good, that's good stuff.

Speaker 2:

Pat likes to butter himself up from time to time dude, I'm so hot right now but I'm not really sweating, but my whole body is like really hot.

Speaker 3:

I think it's tears, but like your uh your under eye is wet, moist. Yeah, I can wait, not like I'm waiting for your under eye is moist, did you just say his eyes are moist. His under eye is moist.

Speaker 4:

I don't know if I've ever heard another man refer to another man's under eye my underbelly's moist.

Speaker 2:

I don't know about my under eye, that's us peculiar.

Speaker 4:

All right, hey, hey, rain any uh weather protections for next few days.

Speaker 2:

I think he does have something, got a double track it's finally fucking drying out.

Speaker 3:

Forecast rain okay all right, so best sound bite ever, oh my god so did we want to talk about your journey up to this point it wasn't a good one.

Speaker 2:

I feel like we're thrown up already well, like it's just, it's like you don't know it's there, and like you hit a spot in your mouth and then boom it, just it flares back up like the mavi fires.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so with the tie dragon. When you started out with the tie dragon, that one was like it was quick, like real quick. Was there a point like who, um?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. You kind of know it like the second. You eat the seed and it just like fucking taste buds are like uh, this this ain't gonna this ain't gonna be good, did you just say?

Speaker 4:

did you just say, the seed pops in your mouth yes, it did again see what happens. Oh, it's back oh, he almost almost stabbed himself with the floor.

Speaker 2:

I don't even think I swallowed anything. It's still okay ah oh, try it. I'm just like I wish I had like a scraper, just to fucking scrape my tongue off.

Speaker 4:

I'm sure you'll be fine in like 15, 20 all right, this is going to eat the reaper, suck eat the reaper.

Speaker 3:

Eat the reaper take a big old chunk out of that baby. Come on, you got this, you got this.

Speaker 4:

Ben is enjoying himself immensely oh, is he yes.

Speaker 3:

I mean you're doing, you know pretty good. I think Shut up, all right, okay.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I don't know if that was called for.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

I mean, I don't know where the hostility is coming from.

Speaker 2:

Hey, who does that song? What's the name of that? Oh, jackass, the Jackass, right, isn't that Jackass?

Speaker 4:

I'm sorry. I can solve that tune in six notes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Now, corona, that's not. It MySharon, now I'm trying to remember the name of the uh, the uh, uh, the fucking guy who made the song. You know the song I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

I personally think you should play.

Speaker 4:

I think you should play, you should play, don't Fear the. Reaper yeah, yeah, who's?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Who does?

Speaker 2:

uh, it's a good song. Who does it's a? It's a, it's Karina, but I thought it was Karina.

Speaker 4:

That was actually in Conan the Barbarian, the original 1983. Who, yeah, conan the Barbarian.

Speaker 2:

Was it 1983.

Speaker 4:

Not the 2011 one with Jason Momoa Fucks, fucking, sucked. Yeah, yes.

Speaker 3:

Conan. He kind of stands up to the. You know it's a time.

Speaker 4:

Conan the Barbarian. It's good flick, fantastic movie.

Speaker 3:

Get Wilton there yeah.

Speaker 4:

Nope, that's. That's Conan the Destroyer, terrible movie.

Speaker 3:

Well, I know, I'm just saying the, you know the other ones.

Speaker 4:

Conan the Destroyer was terrible. I would have liked to have seen a third one to kind of redeem the first one's fucking timeless, fucking heads rolling.

Speaker 2:

Phenomenal movie. Nope, nope, we're not fucking cock sucker, all right, what did you say? What did you say?

Speaker 4:

Don't fear the Reaper. Okay, all right, as suggested by our number one fan, ben, got any of your props, or props, or do?

Speaker 2:

Oh man, I'm starting to really sweat under my fucking armpits Now. I'm just like starting. I feel like I'm melting on the inside.

Speaker 3:

You're all stretched out, you know.

Speaker 2:

Not really.

Speaker 3:

Now you're ready for the race.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, ladies and gentlemen, about time Me eating some fucking fucking Carolina Reaper Nice, all right, thanks, blue oyster cult.

Speaker 3:

Oh, come on now. Oh, it's so fucking scary. Come on now. You gotta take a bigger bite than that, bro. Oh, it's gonna get hot in my mouth. It's not even halfway.

Speaker 2:

Fuck you.

Speaker 1:

Cap, you're a dick.

Speaker 3:

I mean you don't have to take that whole like.

Speaker 2:

I'm not taking that whole thing.

Speaker 3:

At least up to like the curve. You know what curve? There's like 4,000 of them.

Speaker 2:

Here, touch it. What happened? What big wrinkle. That fucking piece You're out of your bag dude Fuck.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I mean, do you want to say you did it, or do you want to say you did it with, like an?

Speaker 2:

ass. Don't fucking sit here and try to try to strong on me.

Speaker 4:

Are we fucking? Asterisks him like Barry Bond?

Speaker 2:

Seriously, look at this guy. This guy's like you're like the guy. Hey man, you want some weed, it's like you're that guy.

Speaker 3:

It's like a wind dated home run, you know Okay.

Speaker 2:

Fucking scared. I don't want to do it. Stop being in front of me. Yeah, that's good one.

Speaker 1:

I'll get it in the bowl At least still on the side, I'm not gonna get it in the bowl.

Speaker 3:

I'm not gonna get it in the bowl. I'm not gonna get it in the bowl. I'm not gonna get it in the bowl, at least still on the fork. I think after this, like he should revisit, like the Habanero, because there's, you know he's fucking pounding the milk already.

Speaker 2:

Oh wow, oh wow, I just wanted to get it Stupid.

Speaker 4:

Go oh, oh, he's gonna throw up.

Speaker 1:

Holy fuck.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's like I took a big load from the dragon, it's so fucking hot.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, oh my God, You're doing great. Fuck you, Karen. He's burning so bad. He's burning so bad.

Speaker 4:

Now it's like a normal burn, like a regular, here it comes.

Speaker 3:

Here it comes, here it comes, honey, not too much, not too much, oh switch that around you don't want to cramp up, just eat the honey, wilford Brimley, is that helping?

Speaker 1:

No, oh my God, they're eating your head, dragon. Oh my God, I was talking to you all the time I'm gonna go, I hope the neighbors don't call it, fuck them. No officer, we're just eating peppers, Holy fuck please don't go back.

Speaker 3:

Don't go back. We definitely didn't mix the order up right. That was definitely hotter than the other one.

Speaker 4:

Okay. So would you say the Caroline Reaper was like too hot, or was it tasty? I'm afraid to breathe.

Speaker 1:

Are you shaking it? Oh, my fucking pants, my lips, my lips, oh, I can't even explain it.

Speaker 2:

It's like little people on my lips are just fucking standing.

Speaker 4:

Rub your eyes now. I don't know.

Speaker 3:

How did the honey do it?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I don't know my lips.

Speaker 4:

Hey, Cap, can you reach?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I can. I need to just rub the pepper on his forehead. I will fucking go to my. Well, I'm sorry. What will you do?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I feel like I'm melting.

Speaker 4:

I just wonder, if it I don't wanna smile.

Speaker 2:

I hate it when I swallow saliva.

Speaker 3:

I think you should eat the habanero again. You know because you know when you go from like.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it'd probably be like a green bell pepper at this point.

Speaker 3:

That's what I mean Going in cold water.

Speaker 1:

And then going in Go, fuck yourself.

Speaker 3:

Science dude.

Speaker 2:

Here's science, man, here's science. You are two fucking lab results. I wouldn't want you fucking losers. I'm tearing up my fucking mouth, oh ho.

Speaker 4:

Get the eye wash.

Speaker 3:

We need to saline.

Speaker 2:

We need the eye wash.

Speaker 1:

Dude, we need some, because I.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, it's like any time. The second I get saliva in my mouth, it fucking burns. I honestly think I have the glands.

Speaker 4:

Do you have a hose outside? We can bring them outside.

Speaker 2:

If I had something that could spark I have the glands of a dragon right now I could shoot fire out of my mouth. I could do that. I'm not even joking with you right now, because it's laying in the bottom of my tongue and it's just melting that little sack under your fucking tongue.

Speaker 4:

Are you saying you can see some dragon? See him in out of your mouth? Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

I'm like dizzy as hell.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you're doing good, man, you're doing good.

Speaker 4:

I'm actually disappointed here I don't even see you sweating, he's getting a little shinier. I mean it's red, but it's just. I feel like I'm sweating a lot Not.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Not as much as I thought you'd be. I think we're up to a little bit of that reaper on your brow. Perhaps I would get a sweat comb.

Speaker 1:

Oh okay, I still can't breathe. You're doing good.

Speaker 4:

Way to power through. Way to power through. Pat, I'm proud of you. That was probably a terrible thing to do, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Lungs burning. Now Are we okay, all right. Okay, all right.

Speaker 4:

It's fantastic.

Speaker 3:

Maybe go bread.

Speaker 4:

We're gonna have to cut this up and get this out on YouTube.

Speaker 1:

Oh my.

Speaker 2:

God, how fucking cut you up, you motherfucker. Shut up right now. There's devils dancing in my mouth right now.

Speaker 4:

Hey Ops, can you slip that ghost pepper into your butter roll?

Speaker 2:

I don't like that idea at all.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 3:

Is that something?

Speaker 2:

you would do again. No, I wouldn't, I would not put myself through it. Why? What do you mean? We got an advertiser or something.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, man, maybe people like it. You know what?

Speaker 2:

I also wear a top hat and I dance on the side of the fucking tree on the corner over here and somebody's mopping. I look like the little fucking monkey that dances around with a leash on. Fuck you.

Speaker 4:

Well, not for nothing, but if I saw that monkey eating, ghost peppers.

Speaker 1:

I would I put a dollar in a cup Right. Fuck.

Speaker 4:

Oh boy, I didn't think anything could make me feel better after the Raider game today, but this did it.

Speaker 2:

There was a B-square in my mouth and I, just I literally was like, well, I'm diss. And it came up and I went down with my fucking teeth and now, just like I can tell me, dropping dreams of forecast rain, rain of fire there in my mouth, fuck and shit.

Speaker 3:

Which thing do you think helps the most? Is it the classic milk?

Speaker 2:

No, it's. I mean it's subdued the heat a little bit right, but then it's then it's like it stops, and then the second, it like. It comes at you like the blob, it's just like or or Peter North facial, like one of the two. Just keeps on coming at you.

Speaker 3:

How about the bread?

Speaker 2:

Bread and butter is actually probably the best, I would say, out of all of them. Really, yeah, no joke, because the starch in the bread is what helps the like fires kind of be put out. But unfortunately, unfortunately, Unfortunately, Baking powder. The higher. The higher you go up, the like it'll subdue it a little bit. The second you take it off it's just like oh, look at that. Second, we got a fire under the brush, let's light it up again.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you did good, dude, you did good.

Speaker 4:

How do you feel right now?

Speaker 2:

Like it's like I would never like. I already know the the issues I will be having with my belly later, so I was wondering can you put my adult diaper on before I go to bed?

Speaker 4:

What you do to those sheets is your business.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 4:

If Pat's out in the backyard burning things tomorrow. You know what happened, so I'm wrong.

Speaker 2:

It's just it's it hides it like fucking hides until you find it it's crazy. I can't explain that, dude. It's like certain spots in your mouth just fucking explode on fire. The other side's like what the hell's going on over there next? Then this over here nothing over. It's fucking nuts my back of my tongue. Forget about I.

Speaker 4:

Am not gonna be able to deep throat again, so Pat doesn't appreciate things exploding in his mouth.

Speaker 2:

Well, I like to keep it clean. Hmm, this I would never keep it clean for this shit, though. This is just, oh my god, dude, I just I everything. I feel the heat traveling through my body, getting into my belly and just like stirring it up. Can we free the shit later?

Speaker 3:

Dude, that's like the hottest pepper. You know, you did it, man, you did it.

Speaker 2:

That's awful, bro. Way to go, Pat. That's fucking Awful, dude. Why would I even fucking agree to do this? And then you too.

Speaker 4:

Cuz you're a fucker. You know you're a dummy. You're a dumb, fucking dummy.

Speaker 2:

Why dummy? For what? Trying to get some extra clicks?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, dude, maybe you just started the next like trendy challenge, Like the four pepper challenge.

Speaker 4:

I'm sure it's.

Speaker 2:

There's people probably chewing that up and spitting that out real quick. Well, they're doing. What's the what's that out of that wing show they have?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it went through ten wings yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, is that what it is? Yeah, it's celebrities, it's yeah, but he's in cause a hot, hot Something hot, yeah, yeah see. The corners of my mouth. I it's like somebody took a coal piece of coal and it's just still sitting here. It's just sitting here and it's like we're gonna do this to you.

Speaker 1:

Okay. I can't fucking do you know it'd be awesome if the corner of his.

Speaker 2:

I'm even where you've been butter on it. It's not. It's not working.

Speaker 4:

I told you Wow it's not he's gonna forget. He did that. He's gonna go out of the house tomorrow a butter all over his face. Which turned into lard in the morning. I don't remember putting mustache.

Speaker 2:

Kevin, did you come into my this name trouble?

Speaker 4:

Just wondering. I know was dragging his nuts across your face again.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he's, he's dude, he does it all the time. Yeah, he does oh.

Speaker 3:

He's taking my balls.

Speaker 2:

Checking my balls. I just did some math. Oh, that's the way he is dude he's a straight up.

Speaker 4:

Methodic dog. It's all right, they're gonna be going one day, oh, november 1st, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Can't wait. I was like let's have a Fucking little going to where party for his bullsack tonight before.

Speaker 4:

I mean, maybe let him run around lose for an hour or two, let him sew his oats real quick before he loses his nuts. Man, I used to have my dog, shadow Shadow, go sew your oats, he take off. You come back an hour and a half later, cigarette in his mouth like I'm good.

Speaker 2:

Sounds like my dog lady back in the day. She was the biggest whore on the block. She had, like I remember she had like four letters. Oh yeah, she was taking a deep every fucking day.

Speaker 4:

Every day, because how dare you talk about your dog that way?

Speaker 2:

Well, we would catch her that. We knew the second she got pregnant, because every time she got pregnant a dog got stuck to her. You ever see that. You ever see everyone. The dogs meet, sometimes they get stuck. No, it's awful, awful. I Well, how many probably watch that?

Speaker 4:

then do the pepper thing how many different baby mom is to the dog? Half, I Think four different. Oh, really, it wasn't the same guy twice. Oh, he's like I'm not getting stuck.

Speaker 2:

No, no, she was straight up. Here's my hole. Come get it, Just one baby mama, baby daddy. You know, and yeah she was, she was like a hot dog down a fucking hallway door price.

Speaker 4:

She went to the party. That was it. Whoever stayed up late enough was able to.

Speaker 2:

Every, every litter, like we had dogs to give away. And she, and by the her, after her fourth letter, her nipples on the bottom of her Stomach were just hanging on the floor like fucking loose udders. Oh brutal but we had some cute. We had some cute dogs. We kept out of her letters and you know really thanks for being a whore lady. Lady in a whore, not lady in a tramp, she was straight up fucking woman of the night Anytime she got loose and tell until she had nipples like an ash or geographic. I was like are you a dog or an octopus? What is going on down there? And you know the eight nips just fucking swinging. She was almost like, if you wanted to, you spray it up real quick, little car wash beautiful thing. Whoa, that's it.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god, dude that Good job, man, so which?

Speaker 4:

one. Which one was the tastiest?

Speaker 2:

Carolina Reaper. Really when he's in the memory of how he's. The guy said is like that real floral, like you taste?

Speaker 4:

that and it like, and then it burns your fucking face that that aroma is almost not to be like.

Speaker 2:

Coach your mouth. That's almost like it's almost like an atom bomb Going off, and that's probably the best way to say it. Like you, you taste it and smell it at the same time and a split second later, like the videos of the nuclear bombs that are fake so Carolina Reaper has to drink some pineapple juice the night before you eat it.

Speaker 4:

What huh?

Speaker 2:

drink pineapple. Oh, oh, I got you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, little tasty, you gotta make a little tastier. I guess I've eaten so many flowers Because it was like juniper in my mouth, I don't know what it was, but juniper is very flammable, oh, I know. Yeah, it was like a, it was a fucking for it. The way to explain it. Your mouth is the forest. It starts in one spot and just blazes. I think the I Would say like the ghost pepper was was more, more violent Just cuz it kept on hitting you with the fucking pins and shit. The Carolina Reaper was just fucking straight up lava, dad, I you can. It almost paralyzes your mouth.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you.

Speaker 2:

That's not. I mean you're gonna have to back that up the bowl to and I would just throw everything ready to go out right now. Has mad suit with it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, no thanks.

Speaker 2:

Why don't you take a bite? You bitch.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

She was fucking hot man, that was so fucking hot.

Speaker 4:

Thank me a lot. I would have thrown my headphones so it probably broke this glass against a wall. I just would have left a dude.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I thought you were doing that before. Yeah, I.

Speaker 2:

Mean for Khalil Mack. We should, we should have him in the studio. See how that goes. How do you think down?

Speaker 3:

ago Denise to play for. I think so Fuck yourselves.

Speaker 2:

Mack, fuck you. Fucked readers today. Six acts Good, fuck you. I gotta get the rest out of that. Fuck you. Oh, my god, I am so afraid to go to sleep tonight and and next. No, it's like I'll feel what. Oh, and I know I'm gonna be fucking throwing up acid. I bet just like laying down. Oh, I gotta stand straight up tonight, hang from somewhere.

Speaker 4:

Hang went to flowers.

Speaker 2:

No the flowers. We don't talk about the flowers on the show anymore, no, so we have a mutual respect for each other.

Speaker 3:

Since the cleansing.

Speaker 2:

Well, since you're fake cleansing, you mean you mean honestly, you should be cursed for doing that. I wasn't sure, I wasn't sure you remember that. Yeah, you should be cursed for doing that.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's yeah better.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, it's some, some, what? What kind of fucking Himalayan sage? Himalayan say it. So that's a first of all, straight up lie. Hungarian, oh, it's Hungarian.

Speaker 1:

I was for. You said himalayan, but it was Hungarian time, wasn't it?

Speaker 2:

No, this is regular, regular time from shop break. Stop chop.

Speaker 3:

Okay, that is not cleansing any spirits out of anywhere except the people over a chopper, I mean you don't know, I mean I bet there's like a book that says, like you know, like sages for this time is really, I bet I bet different ones do different. Thanks, you know, I bet you did cut some kind of benefit out of it. You know, just saying I mean, well, is he alright? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

You just seem lean out of the screen he's doing disappeared.

Speaker 3:

He's back, well, please.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, before before Matt falls asleep at the wheel. Um, I think we're gonna end the show. We're gonna end the show right there, because 45 minutes no, we got an hour out of it, did we really? Oh it's a yeah 59, 37, 38, 39, 9, 8, 9, or Is there a 9 or in there? I'm gonna take this pepper, I can put it straight in your ball sack and hopefully you can live with that.

Speaker 3:

We get near my balls.

Speaker 2:

Oh God, I'm gonna put it on fucking Gunners balls sack to have him tea bag you I think I'd be fantastic as gunner screams balls are so hot.

Speaker 4:

He just drags them across your face and now you're fucking.

Speaker 2:

Races on the ground. He's waving his balls in your face like that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and with that image.

Speaker 2:

We got a call it quits. Ladies and gentlemen, episode 80 pats a fucking idiot. Good job. And his two other co-hosts are vaginas. Good job. Big fat roast beef sandwiches, you too.

Speaker 3:

We're proud of you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, fuck you, I don't care, I don't care, it's you know what fuck it.

Speaker 4:

Ben said sleep only on your left side tonight. Why, I don't know. That's what he said. What's the difference? But he did say truth after it. So I'm thinking he's trying to be serious.

Speaker 3:

Hmm, I think it's got to do with like location.

Speaker 2:

So he knows what it's like to have the devil's sperm in him.

Speaker 4:

I mean, it wouldn't surprise me had so himself to the devil. That'd be a doctor, oh.

Speaker 2:

He, do you think he's? You think he's milking the devil?

Speaker 4:

Like a horse, it helps.

Speaker 2:

Like a stallion, he said, it helps Look get up there, lucifer, let me put this shock thing right. Your butthole, give me that, give me that load. He's got you on a leash.

Speaker 3:

Oh, no, I couldn't do that. My back would go out.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, that's a fuck up when you said the devil apocalypse, when that whole shit, you said you're jumping in the lava brawl.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, dude, I'm out.

Speaker 2:

You jumped right in it. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about faggot.

Speaker 3:

Why. But, I don't know what we're beeping, oh maybe I'm starting to lose my mind oh.

Speaker 4:

I'm hibernating till next.

Speaker 2:

This bird so bad?

Speaker 4:

I Guess you're so much joy.

Speaker 2:

It's just not good. It's like, you know, it's first time taking it. You know, you know.

Speaker 4:

Like the first time you got pegged.

Speaker 2:

I've never been pegged, that was a funny episode.

Speaker 4:

I listened to that not too long ago, dude. It was hilarious. We should bring Danielle on us. And where are they now?

Speaker 2:

I'm a pegging mistress. Yeah, it's. I found out how much funny I could be on an Onlyfans.

Speaker 4:

Oh, okay, good for you. I think he's gonna shout out to the show or something, yeah you know fuck.

Speaker 3:

What's up with our maybe future guests?

Speaker 2:

I will take care of that this week.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we're gonna have guests.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, we're gonna start getting guests on the show Not our normal guests like real guests, yeah, real guests.

Speaker 3:

I started looking at that on my phone. It's so hard to look at it on my phone.

Speaker 2:

That's the annoying part with it. I'm trying to find a way to simplify that.

Speaker 3:

So I just stopped.

Speaker 2:

Of course you did. Of course you did. Why would you do anything for the show?

Speaker 3:

anyways, I don't know. I was built to fuck a room.

Speaker 2:

Oh my, oh shit, here we go. He pulled the card.

Speaker 4:

He pulled the card he's like bad lieutenant.

Speaker 2:

He's like that guy bad lieutenant. You know what?

Speaker 3:

I'm talking about. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Don't you dare make me feel bad about myself. I can't believe you pulled that card?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, bro, seriously.

Speaker 3:

Listen, I contributed, I didn't say, you didn't. But he insinuated I didn't.

Speaker 2:

Well, but I'm saying, if you're not gonna put the effort to look in your room, I did.

Speaker 3:

I tried, and it's too difficult for you.

Speaker 2:

I tried zooming in and it like the easiest thing to do is choose the square and press the thing down below and it gives you the whole summary. I do and that's too much for you.

Speaker 3:

But he didn't do that. He definitely did Cut off.

Speaker 2:

Like I can't read the whole thing, yeah, because you have to go to a certain square to actually reveal that. That's like Excel 101. I did, I did no, you didn't you definitely?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Because I know exactly where you're talking about, because I did that.

Speaker 4:

You are not an Excel guy. You definitely didn't. I'm not an Excel guy.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's the problem.

Speaker 4:

There it is. So just admit it. Maybe if you had doors on it. Just admit it, if you had doors on it.

Speaker 2:

Would it be easier for you I?

Speaker 4:

am admit it.

Speaker 3:

If you put a garage door on the Excel spreadsheet.

Speaker 2:

If there was garage doors on the boxes. Would it be easier for you?

Speaker 3:

Just wondering. I could do more than that.

Speaker 2:

All right, so this fucking episode, fucking 80. Yeah Well, it's actually it's gonna be 79 now, because, don't fucking matter, do we have to lose one? 74. Remember the whole audio? Oh yeah, that sucks so we'll do 79. Yeah, what I'll do is we're gonna skip 70. We're gonna skip 75 and just go straight to 76. Okay, so why?

Speaker 3:

don't you leave it at 80 and it'd be like a lost episode. You know, maybe one day it gets.

Speaker 4:

Now he's an idea man Again. Yeah, all of a sudden, you're going to give ideas Too hard to look at the spreadsheet, but check this out.

Speaker 2:

I got an idea. All of a sudden, you're going to give ideas for the show. Huh.

Speaker 3:

What, what.

Speaker 2:

What no, huh Spreadsheet.

Speaker 4:

Ben wants to come to the studio and be a guest. Is he paying us? I?

Speaker 2:

don't think that's how that works Ben.

Speaker 3:

That's how it works around here.

Speaker 2:

So, Ben, you can sign up at our website and just Venmo me, maddy and Aubz, and we'll see if we agree upon the the 10 minutes of the show. And we'll see if we agree upon the the tender to offer the sitting fee. Yeah, yeah, so you're going to have a sitting fee, there's going to be interview fee and yeah.

Speaker 4:

And you got to eat a Carolina Reaper.

Speaker 2:

Yep Out of Kevin's butthole.

Speaker 3:

Oh, or you cannot be on the show, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

The gauntlet's drawn right there, bro, no.

Speaker 4:

If Ben agrees to do that, you have to do it now.

Speaker 3:

Yep it doesn't sound very funny, you have to do it. If you do that, we are not happy about the show.

Speaker 2:

There's no way, ben. Oh, get that fucking bowl away from me, do it. I'm having like PTSD.

Speaker 4:

If you want to have a snack, just leave it there because you want to snack.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to Amber heard that later Right on your pillow, Right on your pillow Fucking instant oatmeal cookie. No reason dude. No, it doesn't work for the heat. No reason.

Speaker 4:

No, what was the big objection? Here say what do you mean? Huh, what was the big objection in that trial that you fucking said 8 billion times? Here say Objection.

Speaker 3:

here say oh, maybe I don't remember what the Cheney Devtrial yeah.

Speaker 2:

Amber, it's fucking great dude. All right, we're going to fucking end it right there. I got a bad feeling about poopies later, so I play some music.

Speaker 4:

It's not going to be. You'll feel better.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, maybe sooner, maybe not later. Oh my God, I can't.

Speaker 2:

I hope right on Facebook live from the hopefully you fall asleep in the living room and you hear it and I can shit like the chick did in hall pass Like that venom from that fucking dinosaur in Jurassic Park, wow A little mud coming your way, just clean his oil. No, I mean you sit in the cat.

Speaker 4:

He's got like flame. He's got flame cleaning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're going to do that.

Speaker 3:

Oh, still hot. I don't want to walk in tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

He had crime scene, hey there, picasso, I can't do it. Fuck that Do. What's that? What's that other artist? I don't know, it doesn't matter. I'm going to be shit in fire. Later I'm going to be spitting acid and hopefully turn into a superhero.

Speaker 4:

I can't wait to talk about this next week. No why, I want to know what the after effects were.

Speaker 2:

I mean, figured, next time I take a shit we'll just take a video of it with a GoPro and a camera.

Speaker 3:

Oh sweet That'd be awesome.

Speaker 4:

Just my face.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if you're going to do updates, that's fun. Yeah, just my face.

Speaker 3:

Maybe that's our wheelhouse. My only fans challenge A nice fetish group. What did?

Speaker 1:

you just say Shut up, kevin, maybe that's our wheelhouse, fuckin' idiot that goes in a ton of things.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that was my idea, by the way. Yeah, whatever, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us. Episode 80, the TID show. All you motherfuckers can take a deep breath. I'm going to be a fucking idiot. I'm going to be a fucking idiot. I'm going to be a fucking idiot.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be a fucking idiot.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to be a fucking idiot. I'm going to be a fucking idiot.

Speaker 1:

All you motherfuckers can take a deep breath.

Speaker 2:

Which is onto the next victim the night beim.