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October 26, 2023

Ep. 78/79 Riding the Waves of Cataclysm to Comedy

We're taking you on a wild ride through doomsday predictions, apocalypse scenarios, and even alternate realities. Buckle up for our dissection of the September 23rd doomsday prediction and the conspiracy theory frenzy it spar...

We're taking you on a wild ride through doomsday predictions, apocalypse scenarios, and even alternate realities. Buckle up for our dissection of the September 23rd doomsday prediction and the conspiracy theory frenzy it sparked, punctuated with a surprising revelation about the numeric recurrence of 9, 2, and 3 in popular culture. We assure you, Massachusetts is still in one piece, thanks to the confirmation from our trusty correspondents, Aubz and Ben.

We've got your disaster scenarios covered, from zombie outbreaks to asteroid strikes, with a smattering of humorous banter for good measure. What could it possibly be like if an asteroid crashed into the Atlantic Ocean or Yellowstone National Park? We speculate about these cataclysmic scenarios and more. And just when things get too dark, we lighten up with an alternate dimension where Kevin is the only currency and tree branches become legal tender.

To top it off, we rank our favorite Halloween candies, share laugh-out-loud anecdotes about Kevin's nephews' football games, and provide exciting updates from our YouTube channel and website. This episode is jam-packed with off-the-wall theories, lively debates, and intriguing discussions - a true rollercoaster ride of entertainment from start to finish. Strap in and enjoy the ride!



Speaker 2:

What we've got here is failure to communicate. What we do in life echoes an eternity.

Speaker 3:

Take it TTTT.

Speaker 2:

TTTT, yeah, shit, we got six people on us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, ready, tttt Fuck.

Speaker 1:

They stink.

Speaker 3:

We're going in half time, but it doesn't matter. I'm excited because we're about to use something that we haven't used in quite some time. What are we using? What's?

Speaker 1:

that Mushrooms Rubbers.

Speaker 3:

No no rubbers tonight.

Speaker 1:

I don't think anyone in your every household uses rubbers.

Speaker 3:

No, especially the dogs, definitely not the dogs 42 dogs and they're just plowing away. He's got a kennel over here, the Thundersons kennel. Did the Thundersons use rubbers? Of course not, dude. They got spies in their family. You know, jackson Bjorn, I kind of love it.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm excited because I'm trying to stand and act. I got to look.

Speaker 3:

I'm trying to think back. When's the last time we actually used the wheel of punishment? Yeah, the wheel of punishment, it's been quite a while. This one's the wheel of misfortunes. There's a lot. There's a lot Reason why there's significance to what today's date is. There is a lot of misfortune on there, yeah, I mean, and there's only probably one I'm going to choose out of that. That I would rather do. But in September 23rd, you just learned about this too, right? This is news to me. Okay, it's big news to me, because, supposedly, today's the day, today's the day the world's supposed to end.

Speaker 1:

That makes perfect sense why I spent it at the bar and not with my family.

Speaker 3:

Oh shit, I guess there. I mean, I thought we had until 12 o'clock, but unfortunately the public service is now. We're done, we've got to go. What's coming? Well, according to this TikTok user, black Apple Gallery 369.

Speaker 1:

Sounds realistic. Black Apple Gallery.

Speaker 3:

What's it going to mean? What's a Black Apple?

Speaker 1:

They're bigger oh yes, oh, is that really a? Thing?

Speaker 3:

Bigger. You know what it is Exactly? No, so he was one of the among the many who shared his September 23rd doomsday. That's a big Black Apple. Here we go, september 23rd, doomsday prediction.

Speaker 1:

Real name Barry Wood.

Speaker 3:

He claimed, the conspiracy theories about the world coming to an end on the date have flooded the internet. That comes after numbers nine, two and three, which have repeatedly appeared in several television shows and movies.

Speaker 1:

Well, we've been in the bunker basement, are we sure nothing's happened before we do this show?

Speaker 3:

I've been detached from reality for a while. I'm not unfortunate, but fortunately we have boots on the ground. Obs, who's how many rabbit holes were you in this week? Oh, this week maybe three, that's that seems minimal.

Speaker 1:

Ben, is Massachusetts still okay? I was working a lot this week Okay.

Speaker 3:

Well, okay, so working.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was where it worked today Really.

Speaker 3:

Oh, so the numbers nine, two and three have repeatedly been in television shows and movies, so the TikTok users shared a list of movies that showed something terrible happening on September 23rd. Mind you, today is September 23rd.

Speaker 1:

Ben says, massachusetts is okay.

Speaker 3:

No, that's a shithole. So we know that's coming to an end in mass. I got to go to there. Tomorrow I'm going to be in Boston, ben, you're going to.

Speaker 1:

Boston tomorrow.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

The fuck's up with that.

Speaker 3:

Bad Lieutenant. I got a bad Lieutenant and I are going on a trip, really yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for any particular reason. Uh, you going to grab like a fucking lobster roll, or?

Speaker 3:

something. I would like that. I would like that Maybe you know a little shimmy sham right behind the. You know the fucking hallway somewhere in some place out there in Boston. Be great, ben. If you know where any Borey holes, please let us know where we can handle some shimmy shams. All right. But some examples included the asteroid striking the earth on a aforementioned date in the Big Bang Theory and the movies seeking a friend for the end of the world and deep impact, the movie knowing show.

Speaker 1:

Deep impact with Morgan Freeman, or deep impact with Jesse James Uh Colt Steel, I think.

Speaker 3:

I think it's what Colt Steel. So he's going, you know he's going deep, deep impact. Yeah, that's double deep impact and it says that too. Atm.

Speaker 1:

That's funny walking for a couple days.

Speaker 3:

The movie, knowing the movie. Knowing that was with Nicholas Cage, right I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I haven't watched Nicholas Cage movies since 63. Yeah, I think so.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and the movie, knowing that was with Nicholas Cage, right? I think it's a little bit of a spoiler flare. On the mentioned date as well. Little little shop claimed that humans will receive a deadly threat on the date. Tomorrowland showed that disaster strikes on the date. The number 23 movie showed the date is when hell arrives and the television show sleepy hollow showed a new dimension being open on the date. What's going on today?

Speaker 2:

I mean you got a few others.

Speaker 3:

The movie this is the end. Was that September 23rd Really, I guess? So that movie was hilarious. That was fucking awesome Pandemic labyrinth and lost.

Speaker 2:

Are we raping With her, with her mining?

Speaker 1:

I enjoy when James Franco got eaten by Danny McBride.

Speaker 2:

Fucking chatting. Tatum comes running out on his little leash.

Speaker 3:

And then it says a stopwatch and he Tatum a stopwatch and a Guinness beer commercial that claimed that one one can discover dark secrets if they keep their mind open and stopped at 923. That sounds just a black eyed peas video also show the affirmation date and the movie Don't worry darling was also released on the date.

Speaker 2:

It's starting to be a lot of them.

Speaker 1:

I mean, sounds very coincidence, anything from the Simpsons?

Speaker 2:

No, because that's the truth.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Somebody claimed that. When a woman claimed that a great solar flash is going to take place on the date. Now, okay, so what I did was this we have several hundred spaces on the wheel of misfortunes. So I decided, hey, let me write them down. Let's fucking get the wheel going a little bit. And strike a little discussion on what type of misfortune do you want to be in, because there's only one on here that I'm looking forward to. It's just new dimension. You and I were discussing it. I want to go to the dimension where the snorks are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that'd be pretty sweet Snorks.

Speaker 1:

Would you become a cartoon?

Speaker 3:

That would be fucking awesome, yeah, because then you can make it rain all over.

Speaker 1:

Let's have sex. I don't even Forkast rain.

Speaker 3:

If I saw a cartoon character of a guy saying that every couple of minutes Phenomenon, I know I'm in the right place.

Speaker 1:

Phenomenon. I am in the right dimension.

Speaker 3:

So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go over what's on here, we're going to spin it, and then what's the? What's the likelihood or likely chance of it actually happening? And what would you do? A little spin and discuss. Yeah, you know, simple minded people. You know, because we're all special needs adults in here anyways Simple people doing simple things. Where's my helmet? You got my helmet? Is there one to fit you? No, all right, of course. First we're going to have zombies, zombie apocalypse. Yeah, all right.

Speaker 2:

You going to run through each category.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so we got an asteroid hitting the earth. Solar flares, hell arrives. I thought hell arrives every moment.

Speaker 1:

I woke up Like Satan comes up like he's banging Saddam Hussein.

Speaker 3:

It's usually when my eyes open and the sun fucking hits him. That's when hell arrives.

Speaker 2:

Like this is the end.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know like.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Fire brimstone.

Speaker 3:

Seems like everybody's favorite A new dimension.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's why it gets my vote.

Speaker 1:

Only if it's a snorke's dimension.

Speaker 3:

This I put up there because I was watching Band of Brothers Concentration camp.

Speaker 1:

Well, band of Brothers, kathy Huckle, whatever, yes, totally she deep throats I have fucking content Nuclear war oh, I mean there's probably two.

Speaker 3:

Alien invasion I would love to see an alien invasion. Agak, agak, nwos fucking established.

Speaker 1:

Razor Amon's coming back from the dead. How do you know, colkin?

Speaker 3:

Kevin Nash, they're all in their prime. They come back in their prime.

Speaker 1:

Didn't Goldberg party NWO Little bit, but that was stupid.

Speaker 3:

That was absolutely stupid. Real apocalypse, cockpocalypse, cockpocalypse. Everyone run for cover. It's a cockpocalypse.

Speaker 2:

Swing a dick out there, it's fine.

Speaker 3:

So we'll figure out what would be like the worst, like apocalypse.

Speaker 1:

I think a cockpocalypse is pretty fucking bad.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I mean compared to like fucking asteroids hitting the fucking earth.

Speaker 1:

I'd rather get by an asteroid and a cock Pat.

Speaker 3:

That is pretty extreme.

Speaker 1:

We can discuss that.

Speaker 3:

The resurrection of Christ. Is that spelled right? It's probably two S's too many, okay, resurrection, resurrection.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

What I've read? Okay, plague, okay, I think we had one of those A pandemic.

Speaker 1:

They're kind of the same Like a real pandemic or to made up pandemic which ones you enjoy more.

Speaker 3:

I think I'll get more memes out of one that's made up. That's right, compared to one that's real. Okay, it's a little bit more serious. Wear your masks, you know? Mass extinction, oh, like Massachusetts? Yeah, it's, it's totally Massachusetts, definitely. God Ben, quick, get to New York. It's, it's like. What was that? I am, I'm a legend.

Speaker 2:

Was it in Massachusetts?

Speaker 3:

Oh no, he was in the city. They're coming out with part two of that. You know that. Yes, I did see that, from the sounds of it, sounds pretty good, and keep his fucking wife's name out of your mouth.

Speaker 1:

Well, I don't want to come in here slapping orbs and we're back to zombies. So let's spin it, let's let's make this a little, a little more festive zombies or mass erections.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

The cockpock lips is coming with mass erections.

Speaker 3:

So what we can do here? All right, all right, little wheel of misfortunes for everybody? All right, let's give it a little spin. And what are you hoping for, matty?

Speaker 1:

Probably. I think I do okay in a zombie apocalypse.

Speaker 3:

You're the first. Fuck, I want to zone. He's the first one. What are you looking for Besides the dimension UFOs?

Speaker 2:

Yes, all right. Alien invasion.

Speaker 1:

Don't break it, Pat.

Speaker 3:

Let me screw that, and I'll be real quick.

Speaker 1:

Not the first time I've been ordered today. How'd they get loose? They're shaped like cocks, all right, and the cockpock lips is, oh, I mean, the wheel of misfortune. There we go. Oh yeah, here we go. Hell, the wheel arrives. Can we get saved by the blue light if we do something selfless?

Speaker 2:

So that, like this is so you're going to bite off of.

Speaker 3:

You're going to bite. Yeah, I mean. So is this like yeah, you know what it is? Yeah, because that, if that actually happens, people really have to discover themselves.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like in, this is the Well not for nothing In any of these scenarios.

Speaker 1:

You're really going to have to fucking. They really use got to come out because you're either fodder or you're surviving. Oh.

Speaker 2:

I think, asteroid, you're fucked Well you got nothing.

Speaker 3:

You're done in a blink of an eye.

Speaker 1:

You're just fucking running up a mountain and hoping for the best. Now just think of this.

Speaker 2:

This is like the biblical apocalypse of we finally witnessed the fucking devil, like the four horsemen are coming.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

The pale horse death rode on him Right if. I'm walking the streets one day and next to him, like you know what, it's getting pretty dark out, it looks like it's going to storm and I hear horses galloping Next to him. I'm looking at the grim reaper sitting on a fucking stallion. I'm in trouble.

Speaker 1:

So we get our ex-girlfriends to take care of the fucking horses. What you heard me, wow, oh.

Speaker 3:

They got one of those devices in the barn in the back, do they?

Speaker 1:

Hook that shit up and go get it.

Speaker 3:

I saw it on Yellowstone. What Whoa Whoa? They showed it on Yellowstone, I know they did.

Speaker 1:

Well, that stallion was like 16 feet long. Well, I was trying to be more of a fucking, did you?

Speaker 3:

not see that episode.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to be more of a slob, but no, okay, you can go that route too.

Speaker 3:

A jizzed up stallion just banging horses and he was like four feet long and I was like you know, I mean no man in this world can ever say anything to that in straight up stallion. That's why they're called stallions. There's there's a little meaning to the name. And the cockpock ellipse comes back again. Yeah, I mean, is there a way I can steal the horse from death? Am I going at death? Am I going to be battling death? Am I going to have to have some, some inner, some inner uh I don't know fucking discussions in my brain.

Speaker 2:

I don't think there's anything you could do.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm like he's carrying a sickle.

Speaker 2:

You know, if that shit happens, I think, I think it's kind of like you're fucked like the asteroid.

Speaker 3:

No doubt I would ask him now. I'd be like all right, look at my life, motherfucker.

Speaker 1:

Look at my life. Who shot JFK At?

Speaker 3:

least tell me what it was. That was a piece of shit for it. Oh, yeah, yeah, okay. And then you have the 35 millimeter on JFK, I don't know man.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that's given that off. What if?

Speaker 3:

what if, like the real shit, like the ground, started opening up? Um, you got fucking dragons and shit.

Speaker 2:

I think you're pretty much fucking barricading yourself in the house and if that should happen, I'd hope I'd be one of the first ones to fall into the fire, because I don't think I'd want to like go through it.

Speaker 1:

Wow, way to give up, bitch.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, I don't think you're gonna do anything to win at that point.

Speaker 3:

Unfortunately, Kevin, after that admission, we're gonna have to vote you off the show because you ain't got any balls.

Speaker 1:

Hang your fucking headphones off and get the fuck on Well.

Speaker 3:

I was thinking about it. Maybe, hopefully, I could fall into the first lava pit. I see.

Speaker 1:

Hey, if any of our three listeners are out there wants to be part of the show, we have an opening.

Speaker 3:

If you want to call. You want to call and discuss how the show arrives, no problem, let's do it.

Speaker 1:

Kevin's actually giving up. So he just fucking swan dived into the fucking crevice. Oh my, God.

Speaker 3:

Oh well, look for the first lava pit.

Speaker 2:

I'd hope I'd be one of the first to go.

Speaker 3:

Kevin, I'm thinking of you, like the way I think of you. On a high pedestal You're running around with a doily, on with a fucking trident. They're trying to do those for a cast is rain and you fucking, you drop the thunder on people and you rain on them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but we're talking like the devil dude. You know it's big stuff.

Speaker 3:

But that's the whole. Thing.

Speaker 2:

Is it?

Speaker 3:

is it like now Is it the? Is it a real devil? Well, that's the thing, man. Or is everybody tripping at one time and they're actually experiencing what the real devil is in their head? Everyone in the matrix.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh well, you fucking took just 12 steps, fucking. Yes, the only people are going to see that those are the guys who got faxed Right Right, stupid us and whoever has a new strain into Corona.

Speaker 3:

So we'll be out there just watching what is going on with that. Oh, look at, look at that. Yeah, we got popcorn.

Speaker 1:

He went on away again. Look just over in the fucking pit. He dove in the pit. He's having backspacks. He's out, he's out.

Speaker 3:

He dove in the pit, I mean I don't do it, if I guess you really can't respond to that one unless it really fucking happens. And give me, give me a ballpark. What do you think that actually happening?

Speaker 2:

Percentage wise? Yeah, I give it a 1%.

Speaker 1:

Minus 150.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, dude, I'm going like 0.5. 0.1. 0.1.

Speaker 1:

So we think hella rhyming is not going to happen. No, like the bit in the biblical sense it's not gonna happen. No, okay.

Speaker 2:

All right In like a before any of the others happening sort of thing.

Speaker 3:

That's probably the last one to happen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would say that's the least likely of the ones.

Speaker 1:

So if you survived all the other ones, you'd still dive in the pit.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean. I've been through the ringer, I'm done. I can just fuck that.

Speaker 2:

There's a couple out there. We're on top of that, kevin, you've been.

Speaker 3:

you've been a motherfucker, yeah have you been through 14 apocalyptic events and you're gonna fucking dive in the lava now.

Speaker 2:

Well, like asteroid, yeah, the game you know, like you're not living through that.

Speaker 3:

It depends on how big the asteroid is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and where it hits and where it hits.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but like.

Speaker 3:

Straight up Wolverines bro, straight to the mountains, let's go. I am a night, madi and I are fucking building the rafts. I had a fucking little trees.

Speaker 2:

We talking planet killer here. Like we got to know how about no, that's a good.

Speaker 3:

That's a good discussion. Let's do this, let's do this. Okay, that'd be a great discussion. A non-planet killer Right, but to where it does significant damage, to where more than 90% of people oh asteroid. Awesome, it's almost like it was meant to be so, if you guys realize, you have two hours and 54 minutes left until the world is over, so I think we just put this into fruition.

Speaker 1:

I Would like to call destiny. Uh, yes, t, I andI.

Speaker 3:

My last phone call would be the cinnamon destiny, main stage destiny.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, it's a bottle water.

Speaker 3:

So Now, okay, so let's do this. You have two versions of an asteroid Direct planet.

Speaker 1:

Hit planet killer, everybody vaporize the size of the size of the. There's nothing you can do right, that's easy.

Speaker 3:

That's easy. Yeah, you're fucked. Give me an asteroid a little bit less than what the dinosaurs were. Right, yeah, now you remember that asteroid hit put fucking dust, dust and everything in the air for years. Didn't let the sunshine through Time to where it kind of. You're on the fence of surviving, not surviving. Nothing's growing. Animals are dying, but there's people out there living a Lot of cockroach eating cut. I'm trying to be serious, I'm cock-a-lips eating right there now, like, but the thing is, you have no time to prepare for it. What?

Speaker 1:

do you do? Where is this hitting Cific ocean, atlantic Ocean, like it matters the thing?

Speaker 3:

is do you hit in the?

Speaker 1:

Atlantic dude you land we're going. We're done like the East.

Speaker 3:

Coast is finished, yeah, but I mean how much of an asteroid Finishes the East Coast? If you're up in the Appalachians, I mean, are we gonna be?

Speaker 1:

able to get to the Appalachian Mountains? Is it gonna be high as Connecticut? Okay, are we gonna get a way to get fucking hit by the similar harmony?

Speaker 3:

similar to what happened in deep impact. Remember when they remember when that one hit some some of that size may be bigger, Hitting Hmm-hmm. Gulf of Mexico. I Don't know why you chose that. That's where the dinosaur wanted. Yeah, but that hit Mexico. That hit in the plateau right Now. There was a plateau with it All right.

Speaker 1:

so Florida's dead, Houston's?

Speaker 3:

gone? What about directly in the middle of the United States?

Speaker 1:

You might be okay but what happened then?

Speaker 3:

Not only hits that, but like kind of lands near fucking, what do you call it? What's the with the park yellowstone? Yeah, the super volcano.

Speaker 1:

So it hits by.

Speaker 3:

Little pre gets a little pre stuff in the volcano. You know what I'm talking about. Little Foreplay, little four little little licky, licky, sucky, sucky here and there and it'll tickle the balls. Next to no volcano's dripping From the top. Just a little bit We'll drip. That's a tip. It's a tip, and if you touch it, yeah, like if it hits on the side where we're fucked you know, if it hits on the east of the Mississippi, or so east of the Mississippi were fucked.

Speaker 1:

I'm talking like a hemisphere, Like Eastern Western, you know okay, we gotta round up a couple of fat fuckers so we can eat them.

Speaker 3:

You're straight into cannibalism like, oh well, I gotta eat.

Speaker 2:

I think if it hit Pacific, People, everything else is dead.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like you gotta, like that would I'm not royal rumbling for a fucking chicken to where? Now? Here's the thing too. Now, like you, would have limited amount of survivors, no communication whatsoever. So anyone younger, anyone younger than 40s, fucked complete just bed them First couple of million people are gonna be killed off by the people this is.

Speaker 1:

This is why I want to get a. I want to get a five-speed car.

Speaker 3:

There's a knee. You know you never take it. You know there's a knee-gin out there.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely little pig, little pig. Let me a, I Would probably be that guy, I'd be right next to you.

Speaker 3:

He's on a leash, no no.

Speaker 1:

No, get him, Maddie, I am not.

Speaker 3:

Little pig, let me eat max Matt's right next to me. Like, like, like.

Speaker 1:

Go fuck yourself, pat. As a matter of fact, if the apocalypse happens and we survive, like the major event, your first one kill. It's on radio, everyone hear it. That's it, you're the first one strong.

Speaker 3:

I put it out there I Wouldn't give up, like heaven.

Speaker 1:

No, I wish, I respect.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it depends, like I wouldn't give up in this situation, but you know, if it's like I would actually be upset is one less.

Speaker 1:

Well, if it's the grim reaper, you're giving up.

Speaker 3:

One less, motherfucker D hey dude, something Dude, I'm telling you, I bet you, I bet you, he has a sense of humor.

Speaker 2:

Dude, it's some biblical demons start fucking appearing. Yeah, dude, I'm giving up. I'm like fuck man. This is, it's over, I guess.

Speaker 3:

All right, so you're gonna kill? Okay, let me one guy's tell you one joke. So there was this black guy, jewish guy and a priest in a bar. Oh, you've heard this one before.

Speaker 1:

Ben just said he's gonna find albs in the apocalypse so he could feed him.

Speaker 3:

Like a little bird. He's gonna chew up some food and spit in his mouth. It's not what he meant. That's totally what he meant, kev. No, that's exactly what he meant I mean. Okay, so what's the? This is, I would say, is a higher percentage of actually happen now the chances of it actually happening, and being told that it's gonna happen oh, no one's gonna tell us I put that lower To it actually happening.

Speaker 2:

I think it's higher than you think. I think you not. That will be told, but we'll find out, you know yeah, like we'd find tick-tock somehow some way like you know someone would.

Speaker 3:

I think Tia Leone will leak it out with Morgan Freeman Maybe okay long she got that, you never know. That was a good reference, it was a nice job.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to remember her name.

Speaker 3:

I'm like, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't mind in the world with her. She was holding an old Carrera.

Speaker 2:

Was it T Carrera?

Speaker 1:

No, that's a wanes world.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I thought it was like I was thinking of a porn star, asia crush. Sorry, I.

Speaker 1:

Would I wouldn't mind in one Asia career either.

Speaker 3:

All right, so I mean. What's the percentage of this happening? I Mean it's it's 50-50.

Speaker 2:

I would say I leave that.

Speaker 1:

I probably 20, 25% when you go over there.

Speaker 3:

Bill Gates, tell me 20, I go 20. I bet you, I bet you there's it's been closer.

Speaker 2:

Then we've and I feel like that's a high number if we're gonna like take all of these into account.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean okay, what's the first thing you're doing when the asteroid hits? And depends on around is it a hit in us, or obviously you're gonna be at the bar, so you're like, let me take them. Let me take the low rack first Round for everybody. Hey, tell you, put that on my tab, I'll get you. Never gonna happen.

Speaker 1:

You're a pilot, johnny walk, I gotta go it would say.

Speaker 3:

I would say the same thing. It's like depends on where it hits who. I'm around, you know if I'm outside and I'm like, well, it looks a little funny, it's coming closer. I call you guys like take it deep itches, yeah, take it deep.

Speaker 1:

Would you hump orbs leg If it's just happy to be you and him? And you saw the asteroid breaking the. Yeah, just curious.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if I would hump his leg, but Maybe rub one out on it. I mean just so it like behaves last time Me and never see each other again First time.

Speaker 2:

Last time, $10 million bucks.

Speaker 3:

I'm like Kevin. The only yeah, kevin, the only currency of money I have is the branches from the trees.

Speaker 1:

How much this second, the only six branches the only currency I have is unvaccinated semen.

Speaker 3:

Here, take it, create a new world.

Speaker 1:

Take this before I go.

Speaker 3:

Catch it like a champ.

Speaker 2:

Forecast is great.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's how we ended, and we just walk off into the distance and never mention a word to each other again. All right, so that's asterisk.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, I hope that doesn't happen. Almost again loaded on.

Speaker 3:

Forecast is for thick, unvaccinated rain.

Speaker 1:

Something just fly off the the wheel, yeah one of the pegs. Solar flare seems boring flair. I don't even know what to say about a solar flare.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's a flare off the Sun. It's pretty much gonna knock out the grid. You know and you're gonna be left with like no power that, and the Atmosphere protection is like the one, the magnetic field oh.

Speaker 3:

So like any like the Sun radiation would, but just scorch your scorch here. It's like hell coming, that one, you really.

Speaker 1:

Can we stay? Can we stay inside and like dodge it for a couple days?

Speaker 2:

I know if you're like a fucking go for a couple of months to a year, you know for the magnetic field to bounce back to.

Speaker 1:

How do you know this?

Speaker 3:

Physicists. All of a sudden I got some closet.

Speaker 1:

Something about being a nerd solar flare is kind of boring to me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, you're right, you're right.

Speaker 2:

It's not one of the more exciting ones on there.

Speaker 1:

I pat, fuck it, spin the wheel. Yeah, I didn't like that one. Solar flares, fuck. Solar flares 0%. Well, actually, no you there's no.

Speaker 3:

I know I probably have a higher chance of that Than an asteroid well, in the past week we had to actually 3m class solar flares and Anyone's. What exactly does that mean? It's like a Mercedes Benz of solar flares m class, like an m4, maybe a BMW of solar flares.

Speaker 2:

What is it so that they were right below what an X class solar flare would be? And an X class solar flare are the ones that are gonna like Really fuck up the grid and stuff, so like like an X man like the Sun's pretty active lately and Wolverine's coming. It could be, you never know. Man, dna could be a, you know could be affected by that could be mutated. You know something, but yeah, it could be a more real thing than you think.

Speaker 3:

You know what?

Speaker 1:

he says it with a grin like you know what it makes sense. You know why, cuz you never talk about that. He's like huh, unless you're in that maybe a real thing unless you're in that chat room. Maybe a real thing.

Speaker 3:

Like what the fuck, dude? Like you're real creepy right now. The fuck is that you're a trippin again. No, no.

Speaker 1:

I was like I was looking for Asian hooker. I ended up with X man solar flares I. Wanted someone to dress up like an X man, not discuss X flares. I got solar flares for you.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Here goes. This will be the best out of all of them. There's gonna be a minute Go ahead.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead, this guy. It's gonna be a minute. You know what? We're gonna take our time on this. Hi, mr tardy. Oh, um, hmm, you wouldn't want like a new dimension, like a finding, like an alternate universe? It depends what that universe is like the opposite of this, but fucked up, like cartoon version, remember? Oh, oh, what would you do?

Speaker 1:

if you're strolling the streets. If I became a smurf I'd be so angry. For years I tried to fucking dodge that.

Speaker 2:

Put this in a you want to know. You want to know what, what his what but it?

Speaker 3:

you want to know why it's a fucked up dimension. You'd be a black smurf.

Speaker 1:

You are such a dick that's lumpy. What, what, what, why black pat?

Speaker 3:

Why Kevin would be a Jewish smurf.

Speaker 2:

What does that even mean? Where are you going with this?

Speaker 1:

he be. He be Baker smurf working in the ovens.

Speaker 3:

Epstein Smurf. We got Epstein Smurf. He's out in his own little Smurf Island. Those are, those are the gang Smurfs, the Muffelados. I was like you said, bennett the link and let him get on just like, think about it, like wouldn't that be fucking cool to actually Discover a different dimension? It's an alternate universe, but you see another. You Discount the laws you've seen in, fucking back to the future and all that shit. You could talk to each other. Could I fly? Listen, for you have to be a Marvel comic.

Speaker 2:

I think it'd be cool to fly dude. It's a new dimension.

Speaker 3:

You're all you know. It got doppelgangers flying. You're not.

Speaker 1:

This not so much fun anymore, is it?

Speaker 2:

now like but as soon as I got to that dimension, shouldn't I be able to fly?

Speaker 3:

I don't know the rules of the new dimensions. What if the fucking it's like?

Speaker 2:

I don't know what's the whole? What's the fucking point of being an internet?

Speaker 3:

Hang on what fucking cartoon characters, like it was Roger Rabbit.

Speaker 1:

Oh Fucking, jessica, talking, yeah, talking bullets.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, yes, yes. Something like that toon town. Are you kidding me? Toon town with Jessica Rabbit she be getting fucking, but with cartoon rain.

Speaker 1:

But we're not even be.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

What's in that work and you get to see quagmire? If I was in an alternate universe where I'm hanging out with myself and I see a cartoon version of quagmire, come by, dude, I'm all in, I'm all in let's go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess you know like I'm not a not a big fan of the cartoon version of it.

Speaker 3:

But All right then yeah, what do you want? The the Uh what are they?

Speaker 2:

what are they called? People dress up like animals. You want to do a furry version? I want to fucking fly you want a furry version. I want to be able to fly.

Speaker 1:

Hey Pat, who brought Buzz killing tin on. Raines Anderson did obviously Unbelievable my guess we're gonna be way better than this this guy buzz, killing you really fucking kills it.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you that Unbelievable. I don't know like I would like to see a, a different, like A, like a cleaner, cooler fucking earth, like a bit, almost like a bizarre world not bizarre world, but just like stuff you we've never seen, like almost like where earth was, where people actually get.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, but where earth was like hundreds of years ago and trees and whatnot, but there's cities within that, but then we kept the trees.

Speaker 1:

Where it's a hard to keep the trees. If not, if you're living like the Jetsons. Oh Well that's different.

Speaker 3:

if I saw astra, I Don't know what I would do the dog.

Speaker 2:

This is the dog bro.

Speaker 1:

Come on bro talks into his leash. Dude. Would you bang Jane Jetson?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

She has? I don't know, because every time I see like the shape of her head it reminds me of Stewie bang. Judy Do, judy would get it hard. Yeah, judy would yeah.

Speaker 1:

Jane reminds me something will be on holy fans.

Speaker 2:

Future milfs of America.

Speaker 1:

Her in that pearl necklace.

Speaker 2:

Rosie had the pearl necklace. Fucking, Ohio State just scored no.

Speaker 1:

I had a fucking necklace too right, Rosie was a robot.

Speaker 3:

I don't know why you're even saying that, kevin.

Speaker 2:

It's a different dimension, bro.

Speaker 1:

I mean like I'm gonna spin on that one. Yeah, could you? Could you go move on quick? Okay zombies.

Speaker 3:

This would probably be my most exciting one, I agree yeah cuz they're running a little slower.

Speaker 1:

Listen to playbooks out there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, totally, shots of the head. Take the brain out, don't get bit.

Speaker 1:

Don't get bit, don't get bit. That means you just have to be faster than the last guy running. You were so dead within 10 minutes. Oh, no, I should, I should somebody in any You're gonna run out of bullets, though.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna need like a fucking machete.

Speaker 1:

I only need.

Speaker 3:

I only need one to go see that'll be the tough part, man, cuz I know I would fucking Swing too hard miss with the machete. It's coming back hit me. Go on without me guys. Bye, pat, yeah, we'll tell everybody sick. Bye, we're out.

Speaker 2:

We'd leave you. Yeah, I'd leave you. I'd leave both of you, Like it. I would expect you to leave me too. You know like. I actually want to hear your last breath, breath, breath.

Speaker 1:

You know if you were being overtaken, but you know what? I got something to say right now.

Speaker 3:

That's what you get.

Speaker 1:

That was like a split second, you came up with that if there was a zombie apocalypse and the three of us were in the same place, there'd be two of us here, do you?

Speaker 3:

understand one of them wouldn't be all find a way to find a frequency to get this show out.

Speaker 1:

We be the only podcast going true, yeah, but a top podcast in the world? Yeah, dude, I'm not digging only 7,000 people left.

Speaker 2:

They all listen. I'm not digging me out from underneath zombies to save you. You're gone.

Speaker 3:

Kevin, I'm going in, I'm going to the depths of hell for you.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you. I appreciate that now that you just said not anymore.

Speaker 3:

I will take a big fat steamy shit on you when you're below some zombies.

Speaker 2:

Like take that Kev. Well, if I was for that episode if I was taken by zombies, I would hope you would save yourself.

Speaker 1:

Don't try to redeem yourself.

Speaker 2:

Just saying I don't know I don't want you to become a zombie.

Speaker 3:

He's already trying to get forgiven, but by the devil saying what he's saying right now. I'm not gonna work on this, this, this little fucking. You fuckers are dead when hell arrives, but now, when the zombie apocalypse is going on now, no, you guys go on if I'm being eaten. Yep, yep, let me sacrifice myself. Shut up, do you see what? You know what Ben?

Speaker 2:

well played. That's great stuff.

Speaker 3:

Well, hopefully it's not. You, did you get eaten in Boston?

Speaker 1:

No sky, no shrooms tonight. That was last week show. It's a little rough.

Speaker 3:

That's. This is my favorite one. I'm gonna find off so he can feed me.

Speaker 2:

I have redeeming qualities like a baby bird.

Speaker 3:

No, it's. Listen, I'm, I'm, I'm looking for fucking weapons. Oh yeah, maybe building a little mini tank.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna hold out, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, you're gonna hold out for zombies, zombies, You're gonna fight oh yeah sure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, hmm, no, first pack of zombies. I'm jumping in the middle. Go on without me, guys. I.

Speaker 1:

Got this.

Speaker 3:

Nope, not happening now. Definitely new, I Don't know, but like we need somebody who can solder you can solder, can you?

Speaker 1:

we got keep him out of zombie hoard now. I was like dude.

Speaker 3:

I got no sacrifice myself, guys, but you're supposed to make the tank now you know what you know.

Speaker 1:

We can find somebody else who could solder.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure we can figure that out. Fuck that guy.

Speaker 2:

I could do a lot bro.

Speaker 3:

Hey, kev, you want to put up some garage doors to keep these zombies out. All right, do you get a pet zombie?

Speaker 1:

No, oh fuck yeah, why not? No, you cut the arms off, you cut the bottom jaw off and you Like I have enough of a massive cut the bottom jaw. Yes, we can't bite you. You can't scratch him. His name is Jimmy Gabs. It's Jimmy Gabs, right there. I honestly would name my zombie Jimmy the buddy Jimbo it looks he looks like oh, it is Jim. Okay, it would annoy me, just like Jim does every day.

Speaker 3:

Doesn't get bitten mad fucking. Kills him right away.

Speaker 1:

I would not kill. I would not kill, jimmy, unless I was really hungry wait yeah good, I mean.

Speaker 3:

I mean we can slide with the cook though. Ben, what are we cooking? Yeah, what?

Speaker 1:

are we cooking? What are we cooking? We're starting to fire Whatever me we have, we're throwing in the fucking fire to cook, and that's a sand in the story. Yeah, it's not. It's not like you're fucking growing fucking garlic and shit.

Speaker 2:

Okay, like I guess I'm not needed, guys, I guess I won't come. You know, like I'll just, I'll just wander off of my own, you know well, what the fuck? I Feel like I'm such a fucking con.

Speaker 3:

I know, I know we're in a camp together, but I just do not feel appreciated.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I've been.

Speaker 1:

Look at me, put me in a spotlight.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I don't think we really need beef wellington and a zombie apocalypse you guys up for some chicken?

Speaker 3:

marsala, kevin, I just got. I just got attacked by her to sound you don't like my chicken.

Speaker 1:

I've grown some mushrooms down by the tree in the oak Grove.

Speaker 3:

I cooked all day. Yeah, we were hunting fucking people. Dude Slave it over a hot kitchen. Just want to be home, appreciate it? Yeah, I do see whatever, so you know. There's muffins on the counter. Back to the glory hole, muffins over here.

Speaker 1:

Mufflada now.

Speaker 3:

I don't even know if I want you with these zombie apocalypse now. If you're gonna be, if you're gonna be like that, I don't want you, that's for sure. Wow, unbelievable, fucking strong tonight.

Speaker 1:

I heard wrong words.

Speaker 3:

when the asteroid hits, it's directly on you Me too me too oh.

Speaker 2:

No, we're giving up on that one too, yeah what is it?

Speaker 1:

Which one are we yet to all of this? It just gonna sacrifice himself right away. We got the all of this a cunt apocalypse.

Speaker 3:

It's every other human being turns into a calf.

Speaker 2:

Spin again.

Speaker 1:

Oh is it. Could we have a pussy cunt dimension.

Speaker 3:

I just Mass extinction, mass erections well or erections cock. Aocalypse is coming Mass extinction. So we got about what eight billion people in the world yeah, yeah, how many how many go seven.

Speaker 1:

I'm good with that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know From now from the asteroid you could do the asteroid, you could do a plague, but you know, like locusts no cuz. That's kind of annoying.

Speaker 1:

I See no, it's fucking plague.

Speaker 3:

I mean you're talking black plague like not on a door, dad, but you're, you're like a real one.

Speaker 1:

You, you're immune to it. Not a, not a fake one like only the unvaccinated are immune to it.

Speaker 3:

So the seven billion who were facts, unfortunately, you guys are made, you're fucked.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Again. Oh, I bet you, yeah, you bet you're clapping for that last booster. Now Buddy Sucks for you.

Speaker 1:

You're out, you're done. Did you see that stupid fucking Pfizer Commercer with Travis Kelsey? No ah, fucking, dickbag, fucking. Oh, have you gotten a new booster?

Speaker 3:

Oh, really, I'm like you, fucking dildos if I didn't like you enough yeah, if you're talking about the booster seat for my child, yeah, I got that Booster.

Speaker 1:

Hope he's running a fucking scene powered and he fucking drops.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't smell I thought it was a cigarette.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It was obviously something is not paying attention to the show it was not a cigarette. Obviously some tidying something from the show that CBD?

Speaker 1:

Oh, are you immune to that caver?

Speaker 3:

I got to smoke 40 of those before. I feel you ain't gonna feel that if I smoke it to my head. This is a starter a mass extinction. Yeah, this is where the mass extinction happens. Kevin loses his shit.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Don't look at me with those Ted Bundy eyes. I've had enough. No appreciation RUN.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I've been so close over the years Like I'm just ready to pop.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you should call an Asian masseuse.

Speaker 3:

But the let's see. So the mass extinction happens, shit like the, just a breakdown of like society, and then there's extinction of animals and this and then it's it's literally down to like the.

Speaker 1:

But what causes the mass extinction? Like it, Joe Biden.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

The blip Kamala. She snapped her glove.

Speaker 1:

That was it. I thought you say she released her snatch.

Speaker 3:

No, she saw Endgame and she decided to do. She's like I am, iron man did it. That's it.

Speaker 1:

We can get rid of her daddy's. That'd be great.

Speaker 3:

She got caught bronze cackling. That was it. Just enough space in her mouth for the big dick in it. That's a salute. Her in the future, all right. Mass extinction seems boring.

Speaker 1:

Cuz I fucking hate everyone anyway. Second-time hella rides well has something to do with today.

Speaker 3:

Oh, oh, oh, I'm going away in on this one, my second favorite one on the wheel Alien invasion this year.

Speaker 1:

Take another minute, go get it alien invasion?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, all right. Now how many alien ships and what are they doing when they invade?

Speaker 2:

You. So you think it's like independent, say I.

Speaker 3:

Think if there's a species out there that is a lot smarter than us and flying spaceships that we don't have the technology for, I think they can figure out GPS, yeah, so they're probably gonna go to the biggest land masses and whatnot. Yeah, coordinated yeah put some mother ships over there. Right you know. And then what happens? So do they kill us, do they invade to warn us?

Speaker 1:

Is it to cockpock lips?

Speaker 3:

we get a smack on the high knee like, listen, we've been watching you, motherfuckers.

Speaker 1:

They have your ankles.

Speaker 2:

So if it's alien invasion, I like I don't think it's like a warning anymore, you know. Invasion is no longer a warning like we told Biden six times oh.

Speaker 3:

What, come on man? He said ack, ack, how am.

Speaker 1:

I supposed to know he tried to tell us in six, six fucking different interviews.

Speaker 2:

But I just heard ack, ack, come on. So yeah, if they're invading, I think we're, I think we're pretty much fucked.

Speaker 3:

Where the world's type ship.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's what I would think right like sort of somewhere are you giving up now?

Speaker 1:

Oh no, you're working that one out.

Speaker 3:

Hey, matt, see that laser. I'm gonna jump in front of it. I'm going first. Dude, go on with. What was he saying? Get away, there's some sacrifice in the body for the team man. No, you're not, you're gonna trip Matt down a hill. Oh yeah you know, what would you do if it really happened, as you're chewing into the mic? If it really happened, how would you want it to happen?

Speaker 1:

I Guess I. Not that I want a front row seat to it, but I would like to, like see what the fuck is going on and, you know, make a couple of choices, like do we want to stay here? Do we want to go into mountains? Like where do we want to go? We need to fortify an area and then kill anything and everything that comes near us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but you know they're gonna have like alien drones. Think of it that way Make Skynet. Yeah, maybe we have to figure out a way to get away from the worst thing they possibly happen in the alien vision. They have telepathy, because then they could just tell us what to do. Think about it. I'd be like I am not sucking that, stop, stop.

Speaker 1:

There is no suitcase with ten million dollars in front of me.

Speaker 3:

All right, all right, I know I said 10 million. I'll do it for free. Just get out of this situation. I know I try to sacrifice my buddies and everything. Can I just get back to them? Get, get out of my head, I'll do it once.

Speaker 2:

We doing over there thumbs.

Speaker 3:

How would I want the alien invasion?

Speaker 1:

How else can you have it other than fucking ack ack's coming down? I would want it is.

Speaker 3:

We finally actually see some real fucking aliens who can communicate.

Speaker 1:

They're peaceful, I see. So guns are not blazing. Like what are they?

Speaker 2:

gonna have to do to, for you to, to prove to you that they're aliens and not some sort of fucking Weird, fucking CGI.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, do some. Mysterio reporting shit. Do some, give me some telepathy. Give me you know if you could do that. If you know, make things sprinkle on your hands, specifically glitter from a short club. Would you, if you have a pouch or that?

Speaker 1:

would you kick it in a crock? I'm gonna believe it dropped.

Speaker 3:

You know it's. It's of course it's got to do something to convince you that it's an alien. So I mean, the easiest way is telepathic shit that you could. They can speak to you without even moving their mouth, but you can hear them and there's like we are here to warn you. We are from the future.

Speaker 1:

The cockpock ellipse is real. I'm going straight to a strip club and drinking, so much a good.

Speaker 3:

My alien starts throwing suction cup dildos around Me. First Kevin me, first Kevin Kevin's.

Speaker 1:

Kevin would sacrifice himself on a dill can with do himself right in the hole for that one. You go, guys, I'll just take. I'll take this. Wow, you listen, you've already fucking said you're fucking, you're, you're by you, you do you already sacrificed the two of us twice say fuck you, man for zombies and the fucking devil.

Speaker 3:

What's the difference with aliens?

Speaker 2:

what do you want me to do? Those Zombies are the undead right there, the undead we went.

Speaker 1:

We went to four. We talked about dills Around right back and I mentioned.

Speaker 3:

You know that's every, that's everybody's awkward word is dill well, I ain't bringing it up.

Speaker 1:

Then, ben, are you okay with dildo talk?

Speaker 2:

I never brought up a dill I don't know who's the one.

Speaker 3:

He's that the one, all right. So then, how about this fuck?

Speaker 1:

no today, sorry, what's that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I gotta say go state.

Speaker 3:

Didn't know I was gonna be doing a solo show tonight. Unfortunately, Matt and Kevin have been kicked out of the TID crew for stupid comments, so we're canceling them and they're cheering about it. Cocksuckers Are we back now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, whatever we knew we could wait you out, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, Dill Hall.

Speaker 3:

He's in. That was a touchdown, yes, touchdown, notre Dame. Let's go, let's go. All right Now. The chances of God being resurrected is there really. Was there really a Jesus?

Speaker 2:

You're getting into a lot of stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it's very difficult to talk religion.

Speaker 1:

Ben, sometimes you're really a dick.

Speaker 3:

Would he say something stupid.

Speaker 1:

He's like you're right I'll talk about Dills than the Yankees.

Speaker 2:

Had me too, actually.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, probably, you're probably right, Ben we can get into a lot of discussion with Dills compared to what the Yankees are. We'll get back into this in April.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll talk about that Boston sucks. Unless a cockpock ellipse happens.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna take a hot steamy shit in Boston tomorrow If we make it to April like we got, like what two hours left.

Speaker 1:

What is a lot of shit supposed to be happening? All the fucking you know, all the time travelers have come up and said a lot of shit happened in September, october, november. Wait a minute Time out. What did you just say? Well, the time travelers, they're all over TikTok.

Speaker 3:

Ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first for Maddie there's real things, time travelers.

Speaker 1:

Did you not sense the sarcasm in my voice? No, I like to go with it.

Speaker 3:

So Maddie's boots on the ground, with time travel.

Speaker 1:

Yes, they all have different dates with different fucking nonsense. That's gonna end the world. Doc Brown, I fucking love it. A bunch of bullshit.

Speaker 2:

Nah, I've seen what you've seen.

Speaker 3:

Imagine, instead of the DeLorean, you gotta sit on a Sibian.

Speaker 1:

What you have to sit on a suction cup dill.

Speaker 3:

You don't know what a Sibian is. I don't. I guess you didn't watch Howard Stern back in the day. Maybe it's like this big vibrating. It's almost like a like a bass speaker. It's almost like the saddle you put on a horse, but it's got like attachments to it and girls do that and it vibrates and no, dude, I don't know what that is. It's from the guy who just said he's well educated.

Speaker 2:

Obviously you are not well educated.

Speaker 3:

Apparently not In the dark web.

Speaker 1:

No, no, yeah, Sibian, not that he's gonna share on air.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would, but no, I don't know what you're fucking talking about now. You know, you knew brand names, bro, it's not a brand name.

Speaker 3:

It's. You've never seen it. It's things like fucking. What's the horsepower on there that gets crazy, gets a little crazy on that? I mean, would you deal with an apocalypse? Or sitting on a Sibian?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Tough choice, such a tough choice. I'm going with apocalypse. I don't even know what you're talking about.

Speaker 3:

I want to show you what Sibian is, and then you decide.

Speaker 1:

Anything there's to my asshole, Parker, like that can't be good.

Speaker 3:

Now I know it's just discussing religion and people's beliefs and whatnot. So let's say there's, you know there's really a God and what they've been discussing in the Bible will actually happen.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right, jesus comes back. Jesus is coming back.

Speaker 1:

There's the blue light part of the, the cockpocalypse With Jesus. It's like a blue light special. You know, no deals, Jesus yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I'm probably jumping in this one, you know like cause he's made his choices before he's coming back.

Speaker 1:

So Jesus resurrects himself and you jump on the cross? Is what you're saying? Well, no, I'm just oh no that's what you just fucking said. I'm just, I'm just. Jesus came back and you jumped on the fucking cross.

Speaker 3:

Breaking news.

Speaker 1:

Hasidic orbs.

Speaker 3:

We have learned. We have learned, wow. Depending on the severity of the apocalypse depends on if Kevin's going to sacrifice himself for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

Well right, People may call you Jesus, but you're no savior.

Speaker 3:

Oh boy.

Speaker 2:

I've never, I've never portrayed myself as a savior.

Speaker 1:

But you haven't called Jesus on a job site once or twice.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh. Usually, jose, we have more, we have more.

Speaker 3:

And this song came on. And this is just Jesus walking. Can you imagine? After thousands of years, Jesus walks out to a rap song.

Speaker 1:

I would do a rap apropos. I would love that. I would love that.

Speaker 3:

That'd be cool. What's up, bro? I'm, I'm me, I got to go.

Speaker 2:

Just a towel, like Mike Tyson.

Speaker 1:

He's got a sleeveless hoodie.

Speaker 3:

Son, hold my robe. You know. You see his hair coming out and then he gets into the ring like fucking undertaker. It's burning, but it's not burning.

Speaker 2:

It's like smoke from the clouds, it's on fire, but it's not burning. Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh my.

Speaker 3:

God, I'm like so you are. So you've really heard everything. I've said yeah about that.

Speaker 1:

Should I go jump into crevice with Kevin, or should I hang out here?

Speaker 3:

Do I do. I could do a comedy podcast. Dude, Don't take that shit serious.

Speaker 1:

I swear to God, Comedy's funny yeah funny, Ha ha.

Speaker 2:

I might roll the dice with Jesus.

Speaker 1:

You don't need a safe space. You're going to, you're going to play Buck Dice with Jesus.

Speaker 2:

I think I may roll the dice with Jesus yeah, Hunter, I do Hunter.

Speaker 3:

I do Little C Lo Three fives all day. Hey Zeus, kill me. I'm going to play Buck Dice with Jesus. Hey Zeus killin' it, I'm C Lo.

Speaker 2:

God, look at this guy.

Speaker 3:

Oh, oh, don't tell me whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, you silly goose.

Speaker 2:

I think I could talk Jesus down to let me in.

Speaker 3:

In where.

Speaker 2:

Well, until the afterlife. You know, I don't know why is that? So weird to say.

Speaker 1:

Do we have a bullshit button? You're crazy, you're crazy, you're crazy.

Speaker 2:

I think I could make enough good points to favor a case. But that's God. That was actually God's response to you, to you yes, what was that?

Speaker 3:

God? You're crazy. You're crazy, yeah, sure God, but you're crazy If you really think about it.

Speaker 2:

I've done some real good, but but you're crazy, you're crazy, you're crazy, you're crazy, you're crazy, you're crazy.

Speaker 3:

You're just average chooses and behindostal team dies when that mince wins the cartridges on balls on the な plate. Uh well, he said it, dude, and whatever he says goes so to掉. I'm sacrificing amam, than it's like I was located like all the time when my grandfather, my grandfather, saying in church. We were always there, so and every everybody. My fucking dad was an alter boy. My brother was a alter boy.

Speaker 1:

Like in a height of alter boys.

Speaker 3:

Um. Is that why they had parted hair?

Speaker 2:

when they were popular.

Speaker 3:

Is that why they had parted hair? Just wondering.

Speaker 1:

It would explain a lot.

Speaker 3:

Just wondering oh, the Vatican apocalypse, I got to do what to fucking survive. I ain't doing that, sorry, Father Kevin will do it for 10 million, though.

Speaker 1:

I know this guy will do it for 10. Bill.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you're talking about Mr Kevin. He just left after five dollars.

Speaker 1:

Oh, Mr Orbs comes in here all the time.

Speaker 2:

Wow, I'm just a Wow man.

Speaker 3:

I'm just a mere peasant, wow, all the time. Oh, my God Hour and 10 minutes. Oh, I didn't fucking think of a good topic for the best of oh, we're doing best of tonight. That's how we were going to end it. Oh, so I'll play the song. You guys think the think of a topic. Oh, what the?

Speaker 2:

fuck, we should really talk about this shit. No, we don't need to, because it would be nice to get some information from you fucking cocksuckers.

Speaker 3:

It's gonna give me a good, good list and I'll pull it up and we'll compare.

Speaker 1:

Now prepare what?

Speaker 3:

A top 10 list on the best of.

Speaker 1:

So we're gonna debate the best of something now.

Speaker 3:

No, but we want to see, remember how last time we talked about. I got one, I got a good one.

Speaker 1:

All right, there it is how to please the music. Oh, we got it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna take what. Take the dick Whoa.

Speaker 3:

That's a Kevin's top 10 best fucking dildos. Wow, yes, you're the best, yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right, could you get up and do a quick crane kick? Don't do that, don't All right.

Speaker 3:

So it's been a while since we've done the best of I got a good one. I got a good one, all right, and we'll be the judge of that, because you're a good one, oh yes, we're gonna judge that very heavy. Very.

Speaker 2:

I can think you're gonna say this is a great All right, what we got, all right so we played a song again.

Speaker 1:

That was great.

Speaker 2:

It's not quite here yet, but the best Halloween candy. What do you think?

Speaker 3:

The fact that you actually came out with that one. I want to Steven Segali in the throat.

Speaker 2:

The best.

Speaker 3:

OK, ok.

Speaker 1:

OK, we're kind of late for a show Ender.

Speaker 3:

I mean, we're definitely going back to the 12 year old in you, but I dig it. I dig it so that the top 10.

Speaker 1:

Halloween candies. If any of our three listeners want to chime in, please feel free.

Speaker 2:

All right. So when did this become a top 10?

Speaker 3:

But this was well, it's OK, I'll give you my, I'll give you my top five. We get five. Yeah five is going to be. I'm in joy. Okay, fucking Ben with kick hats so kick hats is up there, it's it's kick hats in my top five kick a kick hats, kick hat man, kick hats, kick hat. It's kitty cat right there. That's good stuff. That's probably four really. All right three.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Probably like fucking candy corn, those fucking elephant.

Speaker 3:

Fucking elephant my number one.

Speaker 2:

My number one is the mini Snickers. Two people, like candy corn, got vaccinated.

Speaker 3:

Want to know why I know twice. Want to know why I know your guy.

Speaker 1:

Um Nestle's crunch. Who the fuck eats Nestle's crunch anymore?

Speaker 3:

a fucking old guy from Boston. Jesus Christ, do you even?

Speaker 2:

have to have all your teeth eaten a nestle crunch. They come in that variety bag when you buy the big bulk bags.

Speaker 3:

Three, three's gonna be. Three's gonna be a weird one for you.

Speaker 2:

Woppers, mmm good one.

Speaker 3:

Woppers is always. It's that's fucking solid.

Speaker 1:

I don't have top five, but solid, why not?

Speaker 3:

All right to my two. I Don't know that, that's that bourbon twizzlers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's high up on the numbers.

Speaker 3:

There's very a lot of things you could do with twizzlers. What gay homosexuals, dude twizzlers you fucking remember back in the day used to bite off the end to make it as a straw.

Speaker 2:

So is it every good. Never did that no, is this like?

Speaker 3:

a list or rankings. It's mine. Then you're gonna have like a top five no like. Is this a rankings like?

Speaker 2:

no, I'm looking at it, there's is your two. It's my two, yeah okay, okay, I Just, I just like the number one there Ted Bundy Snickers. Snickers mini.

Speaker 3:

Snickers classic. It's just what are you gonna do?

Speaker 2:

We fuck, I okay so I'm just saying like Snickers, Actually, you know what you know it takes actually know it takes over twizzlers, butterfingers. Thank you. Thank you. Twizzlers went from two to not even.

Speaker 3:

I'm going all chocolate, I'm going all chocolate not even on the list twizzlers garbage. It's not dude garbage. Never had the stuff twizzlers With like lemon and sour lemon in it. Oh, dude, you're missing, you're missing out.

Speaker 1:

That's. That's not class. I can't that's. That's new way. That's like you. That's new way.

Speaker 3:

That's like you telling me about Fucking the same as your. Mike's Jersey, mike's. I'm telling you right now, if you ever get the stuff, twizzlers sounds weird, man, it's not sounds like.

Speaker 2:

Should I go down a newer shell to get?

Speaker 1:

is it free is a freeze-dried. I gotta go to a new fangle candy store in the mall Levered what happened?

Speaker 3:

We're good, what all right. So that's another good one to Reese's. I totally forgot about Reese's Well pieces. No, reese's cops.

Speaker 1:

Those are my favorite candies ever all right, we're gonna have to push down. You are a peanut butter fan.

Speaker 3:

What was my number five? You know I'm enjoying it. To push on, enjoy out out of out of the top five to six Reese's goes in. It's probably two. Yeah, I can do a fat. I don't care if I'm diabetic. I'm going through seven thousand fucking Reese's cups of dirt in front of me.

Speaker 1:

Think about it. Seven do you? Seven thousand Reese's cups and seven seas insul.

Speaker 3:

Do you stop eating the Reese's cups because you feel bad about yourself or you're like, oh my god, somebody's gonna say something about this and that died 40.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm 41 ping.

Speaker 2:

I've never cared about anyone else's opinion, no, so who's going next? Who's going next? You go mad at what do you? Got for a top five? Oh, top five.

Speaker 1:

I'm a big fan of the baby Ruth. I like the baby Ruth.

Speaker 3:

Okay I, I probably go it's a tough choice, right it is it's you got.

Speaker 1:

You got the baby Ruth, you got the Snickers, you got the Butterfinger, you got the cups. Those are those. Listen anywhere you want to put them in a top four. Do you remember getting a bag of pennies? Fucking hated that.

Speaker 3:

Remember that.

Speaker 1:

Please, and you'd be looking. You look at the dude and you'd be like how many times you take to beg a pais out and throw them at.

Speaker 2:

Or like fucking nuts.

Speaker 1:

You got testicles, so many went through your treaty. Where the fuck did you go?

Speaker 3:

dude, I got fucking Roman Warholman didn't turn fucking. Halloween I went to the church.

Speaker 1:

I went to the Catholic Church and they gave me a set of nuts. Thank you, I was at CCD.

Speaker 3:

Let's travel back to close up about the first thing that pops up.

Speaker 2:

All right, show us on Jesus where he touched you.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, you're out of fucking order. That was your fucking out of order. There's not much. Is that order on this fucking show?

Speaker 2:

but so we got your two, maddie.

Speaker 1:

I threw four out there and I probably have to go with I probably have to go with Twix. I like it.

Speaker 3:

I like it. Twix is good. Twix is good. Now here's a question for you. The Butterfinger, yeah, original buddy butterfinger, it's gotta be original.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's gotta be ready. You've had the weaver one, though, right? Yes, I like the original.

Speaker 3:

I mean, if you mix and match you, I'm sure you can do that. I yeah, I'll take one crunchy, one and one weaver.

Speaker 1:

Listen, you're gonna get tired of one eventually rub it all over my face.

Speaker 3:

I'm making it rain.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You call your blues in the out All right. So that's, that's your cat. What do you got?

Speaker 2:

for top five. Five I'm gonna have to go the old-fashioned tootsie roll. You know, always love the good touchy roll. It's fucking garbage. You don't like touchy roll.

Speaker 3:

We don't mention that word on. You're just don't ever mention, don't ever mention roll. We do not like roll. It's got to awful.

Speaker 2:

It's a matter with you.

Speaker 3:

You want to know why? I know you're gay. You to see rolls to zero.

Speaker 1:

Do you get those? Do you get the glory hole after you give a fucking slobber?

Speaker 3:

I'm feeling I was looking to see if I can get some candy fudge packed.

Speaker 2:

I'm feeling attacked like yeah, right away.

Speaker 1:

Six right back down to four viewers. All right, great, you like fudge.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so let's find you for what? Four is okay. Wow, I'm gonna go with the now and later For the four. What? Like a little little taffy thing you like, nobody like these, like they're a little sour, you know nothing. Are we still recording?

Speaker 3:

Ladies, gentlemen, we have breaking news. We have just been thrown off all platforms For Kevin stop five. In his Hollywood Halloween candy he went from the fudge pack and tootsie roll.

Speaker 1:

To a now and later number. Number three is the elephant peanut.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Number two is rock candy. Can I get that marshmallow duck into? Get on fucking the unindividually in a fucking weird fucking baggy. And First but not last, wow, candy corn, that's gotta be keffes now Number three is the hundred thousand dollar bar hundred grand.

Speaker 3:

Okay, it's got textures, got nuts.

Speaker 2:

I like nuts, you know. Number two is the M&M. Peanut or a kind plain.

Speaker 1:

No, no, you're like a ginger girl whose number one she's just full and it's never been touched you are a fucking poor white girl from the ghetto that gets like six cents a year to fucking spend in a candy store. You're like that, congresswoman Kamala Harris. All right, so what's number one was number one. Came back to the mainstream for that.

Speaker 3:

You guys well, you know it's rough, that was a rough.

Speaker 2:

It's a rough cool. I came up with that topic.

Speaker 3:

Well, all right, so here I'm on, I'm on fucking probably the worst website possible, pure wow calm.

Speaker 1:

Oh it's got the same five as all up now here.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

What I have. A number five is gay. Number four is gay. Okay, now here's the top five they got. Actually, here's their top ten. And the fucking candy corn broke the top ten.

Speaker 1:

Unbelievable, disgusting.

Speaker 3:

So number ten kick at little kick-ass. Okay. Number nine Reese's fast break. I'm not a fan of it. I kind of like texture with live, with the candy. You know that's too. Kevin likes a gummy and gooey. Fuck you. It's got the mini Hershey's cookies and cream. A number eight.

Speaker 1:

Hershey's cookies and cream. Yeah, you never had that.

Speaker 3:

I did it wasn't yeah seven like I like Hershey's with almonds. You give me Hershey's with almonds. You like anything with nuts? No, it's. I'm yeah, you know I'm a nut guy. I love those nuts. Number seven Harry, harry, the better. It's. Number seven starbursts. Oh. Number six candy corn garbage. Number five is Butterfinger. Number four sour patch kids. Too much sour garbage. These are one of my favorites. I didn't think about Reese's.

Speaker 1:

Take five so you, they got a Reese's fast break at a Reese's take five in the same top ten. Twix number two.

Speaker 3:

What do you think? Number one it's gotta be Snickers Milky Way or Butterfinger. You want to know it's crazy, snickers is not even in their top ten Fucking assholes. Oh my god, dude, they got Snickers. It's a bullshit list.

Speaker 2:

Holy shit, this is bad. I call fucking shenanigans Wow.

Speaker 3:

Snickers dude sick of the night in their fucking top 25. What?

Speaker 1:

How is Snickers not in the top 25 Snickers?

Speaker 3:

is number. Snickers mini is number 30. Do you want to know what they have ahead of? Snickers minis? Caramel, good caramel. Apple pops, jolly Ranchers, hard candy, hershey's milk chocolate, smarties yeah, but Tootsie fruit juice rollo's over Snickers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're number one.

Speaker 2:

I would win Smarties over to Tutsi rolls.

Speaker 1:

Reese's, I would add more respect for you peanut butter cups.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, it was number one. Hmm, oh baby, I come number one.

Speaker 1:

Hey, Ben, you look like you eat a lot of candy. What's your favorite?

Speaker 3:

Ben, you look like a big candy corn.

Speaker 2:

You don't see that.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's, I mean, that's our version of these lists suck where. We gotta get a Good website that actually has like did you refresh there? It is oh, now we change dorter. Yeah, it changed order, but that's that's the worst one. Dude, how do you got Snickers at 30? That?

Speaker 1:

website's bullshit milk duds 12. Oh, no. That's a fill. That that's a fucking filling killer.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's anything, killer man.

Speaker 3:

What was like every now and again? What is it? The York peppermint patties every now and again.

Speaker 1:

That's my favorite every now and again, like once every, like three years. They're fantastic. Yeah you don't like them, I do. I just know I can only take that cold brush of air so much.

Speaker 3:

Cold brush of air for death. What Well? I think that's gonna be it for us. It's a nice little episode. Hour and 25 minutes. A Lot long hour and 22 on Facebook.

Speaker 1:

We had some. We had some. We had some people watching tonight.

Speaker 3:

I mean bang. I know you watch all the time. Maybe you invite your friends oh.

Speaker 1:

You don't have any friends. That's why you're watching us.

Speaker 3:

Because we'd be down to zero if it wasn't for you. That's why we have to love you. We love you. We love you, ben, we love you Ben.

Speaker 1:

I still can't stop laughing at Tim Dylan. Can we go 10 more minutes? I'm gay and I'm on YouTube.

Speaker 2:

Why 10 more minutes?

Speaker 1:

I just pour in my, just pour a drink.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, we.

Speaker 3:

Know I can't go 10 more minutes.

Speaker 2:

No we get pure defeat my child.

Speaker 3:

I told you I was at the bar. Yeah, there's a time frame. That's why we have a time frame. I'll be there. We need a minute. I'm not leaving, I'm gonna have another. When I saw that text, I'm like this fucking motherfucker.

Speaker 1:

I I got stuck in someone.

Speaker 3:

Kevin. I told Kevin I was like Kevin 745. Oh yeah, he's coming, he's coming.

Speaker 2:

How old's the kid? Like you got a warm bottle up or something, or like what we got here, you'll put the ball on the stove.

Speaker 1:

And the boiling water.

Speaker 3:

I don't want, I don't want. I'm rummaging through the Thunderston's fucking cabinets. Lord knows, people get shot around here, especially fucking, I'm telling you right now. Well then, perhaps you should know the rules. If Bjorn was around, you ain't surviving. He'll give you some gift cards to get out of.

Speaker 1:

If you always around you would give me, like a pizza, a gift card. You just get a cold and ordered.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, business Jackson Bjorn. We love him. Does he listen?

Speaker 2:

I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he probably would hate us. He would definitely not enjoy the show now.

Speaker 3:

Now we only have one, two, three people who enjoy it and we were up to like six or seven earlier yeah well, live.

Speaker 1:

you're talking about live, yeah, you know, and we said we said con dildo, shit like that and chase people Right out and you know G there's Jesus talk while you.

Speaker 3:

There is Jesus. Talk you, mr Sacrificial lamb, over here. It's where I was jumping in front of you guys.

Speaker 1:

Are you gonna take me? Are you gonna bring a cross into the next show to? I asked who's gonna bring a cross into the next show so you can nail himself to it like I wasn't doing it to save you guys.

Speaker 2:

I was just doing it to end my own suffering. You know, it's got nothing about saving you fuckos obviously.

Speaker 3:

Kevin, can you take that thorny thing off your head? You're making yourself believe. No, I will not strike that spike through your feet. What are you crazy Thought? If I just cruise my cruise time, I've crucified myself for you guys.

Speaker 2:

So Fucked up.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm your lord and savior look what I did for you.

Speaker 3:

I'm your lord and savior, kevin. No, I pray. They call me rain Bray. Hey, god, can you show me how you make it rain and I'll show you mine?

Speaker 2:

Wow, you're playing with fire.

Speaker 1:

I am your lord and savior. Brandon Aubrey, I only kick a few field goals again.

Speaker 2:

Brandon Dude, I gotta pick him up.

Speaker 1:

Is he still available? I don't know. I don't even know how you don't have him on your roster already. All right, let's end this shit. I'm sweating.

Speaker 3:

Why don't I like every time you come too close to it, I'm?

Speaker 2:

I'm suffering from male menopause, I think you having a hot flash since going on. You think it's from being down with the flowers.

Speaker 3:

No, because I give them props. Every time I see them, you're cool. No, after the cleansing I told you, every time I walk down I'm like what's up guys? Hey, you guys look beautiful today. A little drive, a beautiful.

Speaker 1:

How come the flowers aren't on the cockpock lips board? Which ones? You know which ones.

Speaker 2:

You know what?

Speaker 3:

are you talking about the flowers? I don't like that discussion. I don't know what flowers you're talking about. Now I'm starting to freak. Don't step down, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Should we tell?

Speaker 1:

I can already tell there's a bunch of horseshit and they just want me to freak out. It's not you may, you may freak out?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it's not horseshit.

Speaker 1:

It's pretty funny.

Speaker 2:

Do you want to know?

Speaker 3:

now, is it gonna keep happening? What whatever you did.

Speaker 2:

We didn't do anything, don't lie.

Speaker 1:

We actually didn't do anything. What?

Speaker 3:

are those flowers from?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's not really the flowers it was a sage fake sage. I Didn't have any, so we use time.

Speaker 1:

He made you burn time.

Speaker 2:

I mean, like things been good.

Speaker 1:

No, they haven't on a serious note touchdown under damn Great ball. That's wide open, that's a great throw, though that's what must have been covered by Carmel's JV football team.

Speaker 2:

Whoa who said that?

Speaker 3:

I feel bad for my nephew. I do. Both of them well, I mean, that was like the first, like real real bad laws he's taken right now it's been three games in a row.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm talking about my other nephew who plays for Carmel oh.

Speaker 2:

I was talking about, yeah that poor, that poor kid's got no line.

Speaker 1:

No, he guys had bounced off the turf today a couple times was bad.

Speaker 3:

He'll bounce, it'll bounce back. He'll be fine is the offense line gonna bounce back as a question? Are they going to adjust Hope? So shout out to my nephew Brady, shout out to the John J Patriots, shout out to the Carmel Rams.

Speaker 2:

But that's like the first, like bad loss he's taken right, he took a heartbreaker last year against An Amaronek.

Speaker 3:

Yes, they should have won that game to go into, I believe was the sectional final, was it?

Speaker 1:

Yes against Carmel.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's Carmel. So yeah it's. It's tough when he's they're dropping back five step. He's getting hit the second, he's hitting his fourth step.

Speaker 1:

So you gotta be you get his offensive line did not help him at all and he was.

Speaker 3:

I know he was trying to make adjustments and Coach's decision on other stuff was, I don't think was plausible. I'm not a, I'm not afraid to criticize. They didn't, they did there was no adjustment whatsoever.

Speaker 1:

They did nothing.

Speaker 3:

They saw the weakness in the offensive line, which is two tackles, and they just rushed, they just they pounded it and instead of doing three-step, drop and pounding underneath you know, hooks, curls, slants, this and that they haven't doing a five-step or four-step rollout. The second he turns his face. There was a car will do right in this face. Every time he got hit 20 plus times every time. I've never seen a kid Playing. Even my years of playing I've never seen a quarterback take a beating that like he took I.

Speaker 1:

I have not. I have not seen him Take a beating. I thought was this.

Speaker 3:

That was his first, first Telltale beating. Yeah he was a true, he was a warrior man.

Speaker 1:

Listen, he got him, he got up every time it's like both sides of the ball Please defense. He's still he's.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he was making hits at safety, you know, but I spoke to him about it today I was like, dude, it's fucking awesome. I was like, build from it. I was like, show your character that way, I know you will. He's, he's all For, he's just focused. Kid man, good kid, that's a kid. If I was a coach and I saw, like his, his Just mentality of how he presents himself on and off the field and whatnot, he's the prototypical type of athlete. What a week, what year is he senior? Yeah, yeah, good armies on him a lot. He really likes Ithaca. I think more schools are gonna come knocking by the end of the year. But Tom, get the fuck out of New.

Speaker 1:

York or somewhere else.

Speaker 3:

It's all dependent what he was do sports broadcasting army huh, like, that's like they invited them. They invited them to that's like big deal. Top-d1 dude, they're independent, they're the same same as the Notre Dame financial, but his concern he, I mean four years. You know you do four years. You're an officer.

Speaker 1:

Guy do the service.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess he's like a really good student too. I'm a little swim yeah.

Speaker 3:

He's, he's a whole package he's straight and narrow it doesn't drink, doesn't do anything. He's just a good kid and if you ever want to take fantasy advice, listen him.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't. He doesn't not even I'm, not even Joe. He doesn't do the things, hooligans, like you did in high school.

Speaker 3:

He helps Tommy. He helps Tommy with Fandall like me, huh, hooligans like you. Okay, yeah, I'm like those pussycunts.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll be the poster boy for hooligans, I guess here in the room.

Speaker 3:

But then my other nephew he's.

Speaker 1:

I didn't say PC.

Speaker 3:

He's a quarterback for Carmel G Veen. He's been getting I Mean, I didn't know what to say to it.

Speaker 1:

That's real.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, to the point of where I spoke to him last night. He's like I don't think I like football anymore. I'm like, oh no, no, I don't want to play soccer. Don't know. I was like, I was that guy and I know exactly where you're going throughout. That would that for two years, or we're rich Beckley. Unfortunately it's. It's a tough ride.

Speaker 1:

It is he needs. You know what, though? He hasn't played for two years, right.

Speaker 3:

He broke his collarbone. Yeah, then he took the year he broke his collarbone, then he took the year off. So yeah, about two years.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he needs to kind of. He needs to kind of get back in a little bit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's. It's once you get that, even if you, even if you lose, but you feel like things were getting in motion the right way. You know what I mean. Things felt like they were clicking, kind of build a little bit more, firing you, and then you get that W under your belt, it's. There's nothing better like I remember with my freshman year I played on GV when we got our first, our first win. We played Roosevelt, yonkers, we right, because you guys were seniors. That year you open up with Roosevelt. Yes, right, mackey was still the coach that year. Yes, yeah so we open up Roosevelt, my JV year.

Speaker 1:

We beat that you want some ice here right over?

Speaker 3:

that's. That's where kind of like football took a different leap for me, because Playing from Chiefs all the way up and then playing with dudes I never played with before, yeah, how that, how it built that camaraderie and that, that that family feel, and everybody was just like this there's, there's nothing better, there's nothing like team sport wise there's nothing better, nothing like that feeling is going to war with 50 plus dudes and you leave everything out in the field and you come out as long as everyone's pulling in the same direction she, I mean Everybody's on the same page.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I listen, I get where he's coming from. I've watched, I've watched all three of your games. I I hear what he's saying, but he's got a. He's got to stick with it.

Speaker 3:

Now he will. He will Trevor, trevor will talk to him, I'll talk to him. To him, you know, that's why I got trying it. I think it'd be a lot better to rider came back and they played with each other, because that's all they do when they're together Throwing the football to each other, running around doing this and that, and you see they're having fun, making fun of each other. If somebody drops a ball, whatever it's, you know it's almost like you got to have that one person on the team. That kind of changes everything for you. I don't feel like Like that for you, that one teammate who you're always Well, it's like you said, we wouldn't.

Speaker 1:

You know, when we became, a lot of guys who played in my grade didn't play nights in chiefs, we just. We started out freshman year. I said, by the time we went through sophomore year, we got to junior year, the guys that were playing together for those two years we were all together. It was kind of it wasn't one guy, it was just our crew.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I remember like when I was able to play with a signal ratty and them, because they weren't like. I love playing with those guys. They were older than you. I'll receive those a year older.

Speaker 1:

I'll talk to.

Speaker 3:

Chris, when I play with Chris right a lot of friends. I love playing with Chris.

Speaker 1:

Chris was a great full-back, great leader that goddamn JD Raddy cost me a touchdown in a fucking Lakeland game. Oh I never forget it, my one, my one chance for.

Speaker 3:

Do they did that kicker or something right? Remember that kicker they had?

Speaker 1:

I Don't remember they had a kicker who booted like a 50 yard field all I remember is he reversed open on a 22 dive and I didn't score and rune, rune, rune my whole night.

Speaker 3:

So I'm glad we're reminiscing that's how we're gonna end it, because it's just make sense. I wish I was back there.

Speaker 1:

I was also playing. I wish I was back there. A party I went to and the shenanigans I got into after that game was fantastic.

Speaker 3:

There's nothing doing nothing better than that back in high school some of the parties after games were like how's this going on there? Your family's letting you do this After the game, right or wrong? Like you show up to a house, there's 400 people. You, I don't even know you do. Where you from? Kennedy, what are?

Speaker 1:

you doing here? How did you hear?

Speaker 3:

you're from Mayapack.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's summers, the fuck you're gonna get out of here.

Speaker 3:

So we got more times than the fucking people from the school.

Speaker 1:

I was asking the kids today was a car roll from like what are you guys doing tonight? Like nothing, you're playing. Play some video games, baby.

Speaker 3:

It's gonna watch. You have school place in Caldwell, maybe just to do some, some drop zone or something you know.

Speaker 2:

Oh, but yeah, like we were having knife fights Saturday nights and like Nord Salem, you know, like I Don't know what the fuck you were doing.

Speaker 1:

I was getting a beer ball and getting drunk when you're a jet, you're a jet all the way to your first cigarette and your last dying day, hey. Obsesy jet. From now on, no more cunt now You're a jet.

Speaker 3:

I actually know you want to be a shark, sharker, jet.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'm the only one gonna be a shark or stuff. I'm carrying these blades. I got blades, so I'm a shark, oh man oh, straight to hell. Unbelievable, straight to hell unbelievable. So we're gonna end it like that.

Speaker 1:

What are we? What music we throw out of your, patrick I?

Speaker 3:

don't know, it's a little difficult if I want to put the videos up on YouTube, though.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, that's the only part, that kind of it's like time, though, like you could play a version of mountain 14 seconds.

Speaker 3:

Kevin, I have no definition of time 14. I'll do 28 you truly are a timeless. Oh very. Very good, kevin. God, you just took the wind out of the sails. I don't know again, seriously. So two rolls Basic. I like, I like now and later's.

Speaker 1:

I Like black licorice.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, I love the black licorice so big.

Speaker 1:

I really like the black chuckle. You get them black now.

Speaker 3:

And leaders I like them.

Speaker 1:

Do we need to put in plenty's?

Speaker 3:

we just wrote them with their blue, is you? No, I said let the boy watch. Let the boy watch. All right, fuck this shit, I'll just keep going. You, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us.

Speaker 1:

Episode 79, 79, really yeah, wow 80 coming out soon.

Speaker 3:

I got a bunch in the bank that are coming out putting videos out in the brain.

Speaker 1:

Do we have the Canadian episode that just got released? That just got released on all platforms?

Speaker 3:

I'm Ben coming at you. Check out for our YouTube channel. We're going to put it now, episode 70, 74, in a couple days.

Speaker 2:

Take it D.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, make sure you go to our website pod page. Comm slash TID show. Check us out on fucking Twitter at TID show and on Instagram at TID underscore show.

Speaker 1:

All right and on red page it later Brosters comm for making it rain.

Speaker 3:

The dot com take a deep bitches.

Speaker 1:
