Ready to get your brain tickled and your pulse racing? Witness as we embark on an intriguing journey through the life and music of rising star Oliver Anthony, whose latest hit is causing quite the stir. Our trip takes us thro...
Ready to get your brain tickled and your pulse racing? Witness as we embark on an intriguing journey through the life and music of rising star Oliver Anthony, whose latest hit is causing quite the stir. Our trip takes us through a maze of powerful lyrics and a sprinkle of humor (careful with those headphones!), setting the stage for an unforgettable podcast experience.
As the rhythms fade, we plunge headfirst into the shadowy world of global conspiracy theories with our resident junk negotiator, JN. From potential societal collapse in the U.S. to the Ruble overtaking the dollar, our discussion treads on controversial terrain. We dissect the concept of sleeper cells, explore NATO alliances in Africa, and forecast a seismic global shift by March 1st, 2024. It's a wild ride, but we're not done yet!
In the final stretch, we contemplate survival in a world where certainty is but a distant memory. Discussing everything from defense strategies and weapon selection to DIY electromagnetic pulse generators, we leave no stone unturned in our quest for preparedness. And yes, we even tackle planning for survival in the potential New World Order. So strap in, folks - this episode is a thrilling mix of music, conspiracy, and survival strategies that you won't want to miss!
Oh, can you get the fucking video please? What just happened? He just fucking smacked himself in the nose with the fucking headphones.
Speaker 3:Ah Ah, okay, we're ready to record.
Speaker 2:Ah, this won't fit with the fucking headphones. Oh, just go backwards.
Speaker 1:There ya go. Are we fucking live again? Yet Fucking Ben, would you shut the fuck up.
Speaker 3:Right Way to go Ben.
Speaker 1:Thanks, ben, coming when we're back live.
Speaker 4:Now we're live. Now we're live. I think so Nice. Let me just double check the sound. Now we're all good. Yep, yep, yep, okay, yeah, all right, are you guys ready? I'd like to do the intro like that, with the mics down.
Speaker 3:Okay, I mean, we could just like be adults and be quiet.
Speaker 4:But we're not adults All right, I was just asking man I was just asking.
Speaker 1:Kevin's very. Is it the let's get crazy one? Is that what we? Is that what?
Speaker 3:we. No, it's a. Is there a new? Is there a?
Speaker 4:yes, is there a N?
Speaker 1:There we go, all right, so now we're going to share that.
Speaker 3:Nice, this looks legit. Should I dim it a little more? Yeah?
Speaker 4:This is.
Speaker 3:This is so good right here.
Speaker 4:Yes, I love this. I love this. All right, let's see, we got to do sound test. I've been selling my Okay, Now the reason why we're opening up with this song.
Speaker 3:It's because it's all over the fucking place.
Speaker 1:It did explode, yes.
Speaker 4:Not only is it all over the place, he's number one on iTunes. I wouldn't be dude, I would not fucking.
Speaker 3:He is. He was Really, was is yeah.
Speaker 4:Wow, that's a Okay so. So the guy's name is Oliver Anthony. No clue where he's from. Seems like the Outer Bank, Outer Banks, Midwest somewhere, Bama.
Speaker 3:Well, he's playing in Kirk Tick and that's a. That's part of the Outer Banks.
Speaker 4:So that's a Okay. So so the guy's name is Oliver Anthony. All right, just checking, it's like unbelievable At least I know, at least I know the sounds good, the sounds good. But his name is Oliver Anthony and I, I was, I was, I think I was the first one to heard the song and I sent it to you guys. Yes, yeah, and the second I heard this song, I'm like, wow, not only does he have a great voice, listen to the words, it's about two minutes 20 seconds. That's just going to be our intro today, and then we're going to you. Better, better, get your bootstraps on in this one, because I don't know if anybody notices, but we're all wearing disguises. So we're going down a rabbit hole today. We're in the shadows that may affect your life, maddie. So that's from our boots on the ground. Jn, he's the junk negotiator. He takes all the junk, all the information, puts it together Damn Puts it out there for you. Oh, do you have no idea? No idea. So I asked him to be on the show today. It's not going to be on the show today, all right, and did he give you a few tidbits to share with us. So I asked, I was like do you have any talking points, maybe some topics we can discuss? And he Couple of doozies, yeah. So he answers back with I was like give me. Well, what?
Speaker 3:Why don't we save this for the intro?
Speaker 4:You know what, since you've put that fucking costume on, you're a real dick.
Speaker 1:He didn't. He learned how to fucking go in cognitive from Jackson Bjorn, yeah definitely not.
Speaker 4:How did that go? Oliver, Oliver Anthony, right here?
Speaker 2:Listen to the words Over time, hours for bullshit, pay so I can sit out here and waste my life away, drag back home and drown my troubles away. It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to people like me, people like you. Wish I could just wake up and not be true, but it is All it is. Living in the new world With an old soul, these rich men know the rich men, lord knows that all just want to have total control, want to know what you think, want to know what you do, and they don't think you know. But I know that you do, because your dollar hates shit and it's tax to no end. Those are rich men. Those are rich men.
Speaker 4:So far, so good. Think of it, huh, think of it.
Speaker 2:We're politicians. Look out for miners and not just miners on an island somewhere, lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothing to do with it.
Speaker 4:I'm listening to the music.
Speaker 2:I have no idea what you're saying. Well, god, if you're five foot three and you're, three hundred pounds Taxes out not to pay For your bags of butt rounds, young men are putting themselves Six feet in the ground Because all this damn country does Is keep on kicking them down. Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's got into For people like me, people like you. Wish I could just wake up. And it not be true, but it is. Oh, it is. Living in the little world With and hold. So these rich men know the rich men, lord knows. They all Just want to have Total control, want to know what you think, want to know what you do, and then I'll thank you know, but I know that you do, cause your dollar ain't shit and it's tax to know him. Cause the rich men Know the rich men.
Speaker 3:Let's go All right, sorry about that.
Speaker 4:Yeah, we're in the world as Carmen Santiago Just wondering, probably sitting right next to me, all right, well, I mean. Can't make it up. I don't even know what to say to your. Get up right now.
Speaker 1:The only thing that'd be funnier if you smacked himself in the nose with your phone. Hello dude. Mr.
Speaker 4:Bjorn, how are you doing?
Speaker 3:I'm doing good.
Speaker 1:Feeling good. I feel like I'm in a place where my sunglasses in the car.
Speaker 4:Well, thank god I found mine, but they're sweating up. I don't know why.
Speaker 1:I feel like a fat slob right now, but they look like you got fucking giz goggles on these are divulging goggles. I apologize.
Speaker 4:So if anywhere you go on the divulge, just throw these on and you're good to go.
Speaker 1:Does it get the glaze in your eyes?
Speaker 4:No, that's what it's for yeah it's. Ug protected. Ultra glaze protected.
Speaker 3:Tommy was watching.
Speaker 4:Oh, is he Tommy. How are you doing, tommy?
Speaker 1:How's your sausage?
Speaker 4:Oh, boy, speaking of sausages. I'm not sure if you've ever seen a sausage made by Kevin. No, there was no sausage. We shouldn't use your real name. This is the K-man over here to my left. That's what we'll call him. I'll just go by. K yeah, k Special K over here we have.
Speaker 1:Well, that makes sense, tommy Oster was on. He's been in a K-hole for a year and a half. It was after that Christmas party.
Speaker 4:It was. It just went all downhill. So we've decided I mean mind, who I used to work with, we call him JN he's the junk negotiator, okay, so what he does is he really puts his ear to the ground To find out exactly what's going on in this world, and so I wanted them to come on to the show, because some of the shit he told me the other day, I'm starting to question humanity. So how far down on the iceberg was he? About half.
Speaker 1:Halfway down and it's deep.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's you guys spend a lot of time together.
Speaker 1:I feel like the third wheel. Now I don't know what's going on.
Speaker 4:No, it's only been a couple of days, because he was out on the K-man was out on a pecking vacation. He was out in the woods. Yeah, he was gathering information for Carmen Santiago. As you can tell who's the what's.
Speaker 1:You know, you know.
Speaker 2:He's a guy from Carrius George.
Speaker 1:He's the K-man Yellow Suit. Where's your raincoat?
Speaker 4:The.
Speaker 3:The petafile uncle oh boy.
Speaker 4:Oh boy, make sure. Hopefully the transcript comes out alright. On that one yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it came out. Yeah, that's right.
Speaker 4:So so we're discussing stuff, right, and I start bringing up stuff and he's like well, did you know about this? And then he starts discussing how oh my god, Maddie, I like it is Okay.
Speaker 1:Alright.
Speaker 4:Start from the beginning. So him and I go over this whole topic. I'm like you know what? You would be a great guest on the show. He's like I could talk for hours. I'm like I got no problem with that. You could fucking just keep divulging all over everybody, and we'll just keep recording.
Speaker 1:We'll get a plastic sheet and put you on one side.
Speaker 4:You know, this is like a Gallagher show. Ben wrote.
Speaker 3:Where's Dildo Like Where's Waldo?
Speaker 4:Carmen, san Diego. You know, sometimes Ben stuffs a little Masshole humor.
Speaker 1:I give him a six on the humor scale.
Speaker 3:I don't know if I go to F4. Six is okay.
Speaker 4:He's probably talking about the suction cup. You never know, anyway. So Different podcasts. You know how we've gone down rabbit holes, sorry, and we've talked about the whole world domination and certain things happening, and he decided he didn't want to be videoed. I was like what? I'm like dude, you were, you're in public this is amazing. Can we call him in? So I was like God, no problem, I'll call you. And he's like. I took me enough time to get my name scrubbed from the internet. Meanwhile he's oh, he's one of those. Meanwhile he's the car salesman Just gonna say that. So next time you buy a car from anywhere, that's the luck. So I text him. Earlier today I told Kevin I was going to text him to verify him coming on the show. I told him great, we'll give you a nickname, this and that he gave me some bullshit excuse so I'll kill him. When I see him. What was he? Some with the family?
Speaker 3:I was like whatever.
Speaker 4:Nobody has family on the weekends. So I was like you know what, Give me some topics or talking points.
Speaker 1:Okay. Did you hear the light go off over his head when you sent that?
Speaker 4:I didn't expect this response and when I told Kevin, kevin was like wow, I never heard of that before, but I believe it. Okay, lay it out. So it says other than the eminent collapse of US society, the CCP bringing in hundreds and thousands of military aged men and propping them in every major city in the US, just waiting for the signal.
Speaker 1:I actually saw something about that recently.
Speaker 4:Okay, so what he's talking about there, Wolverines. Pretty much. Yeah, all right, so everything that's going on right now over in Russia, africa Did you hear about Africa? I did not hear about.
Speaker 1:Africa what's happening in Africa now? Niger?
Speaker 4:Well, no, there you know how Africa has like all separate, like little countries. Yeah, they want no part of the US.
Speaker 1:Right. Are they breaking away and making their own sovereign?
Speaker 4:Supposedly they're supposed to be all coming together and joining NATO. All right, okay.
Speaker 3:Now, I think you got that wrong.
Speaker 4:No, is that the wrong thing? They're not. They're getting out of NATO.
Speaker 3:Well, I think it's like a number one of financial thing, Like they're they're going to the Russian.
Speaker 1:They're scrubbing a dollar and they're adopting a ruble. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:But the ruble, when this whole end of society, whatever the money's going to be called, bricks yeah, it's the bricks thing, yeah. Okay, all right. So think about that for a second. The dollar's going to come null and void?
Speaker 1:Of course it is. It's because I was finally ready to make some money. All right, yeah right.
Speaker 4:But his timeframe, his timeframe is a lot sooner March 1st.
Speaker 3:Yeah, no, it's like you 2025. You can see stuff happening that can.
Speaker 1:Oh, I saw March 1st of 24. That point in that.
Speaker 4:Well, that was just, like you know, the fucking 2000, when everything goes to 2000.
Speaker 1:The whole. What was that? The whole sleeper cells and both coasts being invaded and the Chinese and the Russians? Yeah, but hey, number top five podcast in Russia. Don't forget us. Yes.
Speaker 4:Yes, so okay, but now the way the story goes, it's pretty much our government and certain other families. Hmm, hmm.
Speaker 1:Presumably the Rothschilds, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers.
Speaker 4:Now here's the great point of it the Rothschilds have fucking players on both sides.
Speaker 3:Well they're. They're the only side.
Speaker 4:So this whole thing, now the reason why is there an NWO? There is supposed to be just a new world order to where it's. It's just going to be the brainwashing of of of coming to them because you know we'll think they're, they're trying to help us when they're actually not, which is our government. That's not surprising. All right, but then he was. He was telling me like Putin's, like a good dude.
Speaker 3:So I don't feel that well about him.
Speaker 4:I'm saying this is the stuff I got.
Speaker 3:He's definitely not as bad as he's been painted to be, you know, I mean the guy's got legit gripes about shit.
Speaker 4:Yeah, you know, just the poison on the handles of doors.
Speaker 3:Within the past, you know 15 years of just you know foreign affairs.
Speaker 1:He's got some legitimate gripes against the Fun, funny story I just said. I was just talking to a buddy of mine who was at a conference and one of the one of the speakers was Condoleezza Rice, who who was explaining relationship and and what kind of person Putin is, and basically said he's not a bad dude, he's just a moron and his military generals are drunk morons.
Speaker 4:But it sounds like there's. There's rogue agents, like everywhere. Oh yeah, Now who's that? Uh, that dude that's got caught in China, See CIA spy. He got caught.
Speaker 1:He's not good.
Speaker 4:Supposedly he was supposed to be a uh some student. I was like oh, so we're. I mean, we're taking, we're doing what everybody else is doing. His last name wasn't Bjorn, was it? Uh, Jackson Bjorn.
Speaker 3:Was it Zoolander?
Speaker 4:So, but the more and more stuff he was talking about, the more and more like I'm sitting there and I'm like you know what it's? It's as crazy as it sounds plausible, it's believable. Yeah, and I'm going to be honest with you. Every other fucking conspiracy theory that has come in now has been true. Covid aliens?
Speaker 1:Yeah, did you see COVID's on the rise?
Speaker 4:again, suck it. It's COVID's on the rise. So so fucking syphilis and hepatitis, just saying Right, I mean.
Speaker 3:I might check out, wasn't it, like uh said, to be not that bad anymore? What? Yes, it depends.
Speaker 1:What is that?
Speaker 4:First of all, we don't even know what that word is anymore, we do know it was constructed in the lab, though proven, yeah. So this is why we're, this is why we're in this deep hole, right?
Speaker 3:now you think it's the same app that's making mosquitoes to vaccinate. Oh my God, did you hear?
Speaker 4:that one. He brought that up to me, dude.
Speaker 3:Not only did he bring that up to me, so there's a like, so there's shit going on Like it's really it doesn't really happen, but there's, like mosquitoes that have been fed the blood of you know, like the whatever.
Speaker 1:Vaccinated people.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and they have proven to be an efficient way to to.
Speaker 1:Vaccinate the yeah.
Speaker 4:Do you want to know who was who was actually gathering information on that? Bill Gates, I mean, come on, where there's smoke, there's fire now. So just follow the money and see what goes on. And then, my buddy, that shit's crazy. All right, here's, here's, here's the Also believable, here's the crazy part to it. But I was like, wow, I saw that in a movie. Do you remember? Do you remember the movie, uh uh, angels Fallen with Gerard Butler? Yes, right, yep. Do you remember in the movie when they had the fucking, the drones? Yep, okay, yes. So there's a company that makes them facial recognition, fucking exploding this and that. But they're fucking little bugs, right. And I remember seeing the YouTube video on this. I'm like, what the fuck is this? And the guy let's like, let's it fly. It goes all around the room with high death video. Oh, it put a target on a half of like a white mannequin. What was that? A mannequin, right, you, okay, over there, I don't know it was a mannequin. It targeted the mannequin to the person's head and exploded. Oh, those are called like something like suicide bots, something like that, to where you can set out hundreds of thousands of those to take out whatever they want to take out by facial recognition. And that's actually out there.
Speaker 3:It's nuts man. What movie do you think next, cause like I feel like we've been living movies for the past like five years.
Speaker 4:Tom. Yes, that's why I see why Trump wanted to get out of NATO. I do agree with that, and hence why he's getting silenced on everything and whatnot.
Speaker 1:And I can't even fucking get a sentence in edge wise.
Speaker 4:Wait a minute, wasn't the president of the Ukraine?
Speaker 3:Zelensky yeah, or the one before that they ousted the Zelensky he was.
Speaker 4:What was he prior to being a president? Comedian.
Speaker 3:Right. Isn't that what he was?
Speaker 4:Did you know this? I didn't.
Speaker 3:I just found this out the other day. Oh really, you just found this out.
Speaker 4:Yeah, Do you want to know who? Who? What comedian fucking was at the same club as him before he was president? Dave Chappelle, no, it was. It was. Uh, who's Jim Gaffigan? Really Jim Gaffigan? Yeah, oh, so a comedian. I'm going to take my glasses off for this and repeat.
Speaker 3:Well, we got a clown.
Speaker 1:No wonder why they get along so well.
Speaker 4:There's a comedian running the Ukraine Not only running the Ukraine at war with Russia, getting billions and billions of dollars from the U? S for what?
Speaker 1:Making us his punchline Like come on.
Speaker 4:What is going on here?
Speaker 3:It's, it's three card money, it's smoking mirrors man. Oh, I don't even know, Like I didn't know if my life is we start looking under the bed and like fucking pandemics pop up and fucking aliens, you know, aliens.
Speaker 1:Well, that's, that's supposed to be the tip off. The alien thing is is that is what tips.
Speaker 4:Everything or according to our secret, secret friend.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, that's supposed to be what leads into everything, what?
Speaker 4:leads into the NWO.
Speaker 3:Oh, it's happening.
Speaker 4:Holograms Princess Leia.
Speaker 3:Flat Earth, we go flat.
Speaker 1:No we're not going there, kevin. We already know this, kevin. Hey, obs, could we get a sturdier door for the basement bunker, because I think at some point we're going to need it.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's, but here's here's the crazy part, though what is biggest fear? What do you think his biggest fear is out of everything I just discussed and possibly something I didn't discuss Spiders, grape, ubica, dust mites, yellowstone.
Speaker 3:Yeah, the Super Volcano.
Speaker 4:You don't know about yellows, the Yosemite. How was that You'll?
Speaker 3:sit, Dude. That thing blows it's over.
Speaker 4:It's what past couple of years right, it's everything all the everything's been increasing and certain things happening within Yellowstone, where Yellowstone is a Super Volcano Right? Remember the movie 2012? Yeah, that's exactly what Yellowstone did. Oh, that's their thing, where it's pointing to to where it's actually may happen sooner than later.
Speaker 3:No, like, if it happens, you want to be in like Baja California.
Speaker 4:If it happens, Maddie, hopefully, hopefully you're getting divulged on.
Speaker 3:Well, actually.
Speaker 1:I would prefer to be divulged.
Speaker 4:You know that. You know that.
Speaker 1:I mean yes, Probably mountains in Mexico.
Speaker 3:You'd probably get flooded on the coast.
Speaker 1:That's where I want to be I'm, I'm, I'm probably on top of a hill.
Speaker 4:Well now, here's the thing there's been because of that reason. Why he's worried about Yellowstone is because of all the shenanigans that's going on behind the scenes the digging of fucking tunnels.
Speaker 3:Tunnels? Yeah how, the underground tunnel system. You don't know about the secret highways underneath.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 3:You know, you really, this is new.
Speaker 4:So, guess what? I'm tired of pulling back to Curtin, the movie 2012. Yeah, that was a blueprint with the billionaires, was that? A blueprint spots. Yeah, so Hollywood's been telling us the whole time. So I need to start driving on limo so I can get to that, or we find John Cusack, and hopefully he has the map, because I want to know where to go.
Speaker 1:Well, you know it's confusing now, do I, do I go where, john Cusack? When do I go to Greenland?
Speaker 4:No seeing which. Where do we go Exactly? Where do I go to Greenland? Do I call?
Speaker 3:Iron man or Thor available. Definitely go south and away from the coast.
Speaker 4:You want to know where you want to go. Is Antarctica? I don't know.
Speaker 1:You can't get to Antarctica now, not until it gets there.
Speaker 4:You're not allowed to go to Antarctica, I'm aware.
Speaker 3:It's. There's pyramids down there. How fucked up is that you know like.
Speaker 4:Who the fuck wants to go to Antarctica, dude.
Speaker 3:I just want to go because you can't. You know, it makes me kind of want to go.
Speaker 4:I mean, it's pretty cold, it is chilly, it's chilly. You know, now, the more and more stuff you see, the more and more stuff you hear, like what is believable, what's not believable? Is there going to be a fucking new world order? How soon is the economic collapse going to happen in the US because of the dollar?
Speaker 1:Who do you trust? You want to know. I'll tell you right now. You want to know what's going to happen. The second I sign this on my company, that's when the fucking economy is going to have crash. No, no no, no Go on.
Speaker 4:Do you think it's because of the flowers I touched? This is your fault. It sounds like a multiverse thing, you know, like I don't know. I don't know who to call, I don't know what stone to get. Ghostbusters, of course, no Ghostbusters, you know. Do I have to get to?
Speaker 1:Asgrey Park a junior. Why do we got to talk to him? He knows who to call.
Speaker 4:That's awful, this is awful, I totally took the flow out of it. My fucking sunglasses are steaming. So you know, I don't know what to believe. I don't know, I know I can't listen to anything that's on the news. No, you're not getting any truth there. All right, then I listened to Andrew Tate. Andrew Tate made some good points.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he's not. You know, they tried to ruin him right.
Speaker 4:He discussed what the matrix is. It totally makes sense and that is 100% believable to where? In order to get rid of somebody. You know there's always two parts to a story. The bad parts stay on social media, the good parts and whatnot are deleted. No, we can find any fucking history of it. So they just keep pushing forward all the bad shit in order to get rid of somebody. That's yeah, that's the matrix. So they create bad stories about somebody that's negative. They'll roll with it and take all the good stuff off the internet by algorithms in order to yeah, we've established that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but it's if somebody.
Speaker 4:But the thing is, if somebody's speaking up, so you got no chance. Is what he's saying? Just live your own life in Romania.
Speaker 1:Well it's. It sounds like what's gonna have to happen. Is there gonna have to be some sort of revolution?
Speaker 3:hmm, I Would love. Yeah, well, red dawn, fuck it yeah.
Speaker 4:I'm telling you right now the thing. Wait. Well then, jn scared me. He's a guy, that's easy. He's like 60,000 guys in the woods. You got a fucking dweeb over here with a drone. We're all taking care of yeah. We're gonna need some drones.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we're gonna need some like we're gonna need some shit.
Speaker 1:We need some snipers.
Speaker 4:I can shoot the drone, not even snipers like we're gonna need some shit. We're gonna need some encrypted fucking computers, really fast ones. So, we can hook up to a satellite.
Speaker 3:What are you, Alright?
Speaker 4:so we get to we're gonna need no, we're gonna need a fucking what do you, what do you think that looks like for us?
Speaker 3:Is it like camps? Is that, is that what you're going with? And dude, you got to do camps that are fucking we go in total red dawn camouflage style here, just like the Ones in camps, and they're killing off like the, the mayors and shit like that.
Speaker 4:Yeah the people are gonna be putting fences, shit like that, people who are in the woods or whatever, who couldn't fucking do it. I'm gonna be able to survive, but the problem is you're gonna have a little lacking technology compared to those who are Real military true, you know, they'll have like infrared.
Speaker 3:Yeah, shit, you know. So it's like why can't?
Speaker 4:well, I'm sure I mean listen, I'm sure there's somebody out there who wants to be on our team that that can hack Whoever's out there. Give us a call, yeah, we'll take you on our team.
Speaker 3:We still got the hotline. Drop us an email. Yeah, drop us in it.
Speaker 4:Well, here's the cool thing. Now I set up a thing on the website that if you go all the way to the bottom of the page, there's a microphone and you click it, you can leave a voicemail for us. Really, yeah, no, I should not have told you that, but it says it too. It'll say leave a message, leave a review, as like. If you want to leave us a voicemail, just click the mic to the right. So whoever's out there and wants to leave us a voicemail I Don't even know what a riped is Poppage- I know that? Just a sizzle chest. Just go to our, you know, spotify. Whatever it's on there, click the link. Something pod page.
Speaker 1:Putting some effort into that. Pat spent 12 hours putting that together. Doesn't remember to fucking address? I'll find it shut your mouth, kevin, it's gonna be your a burying weapons and shit in Tennessee, so you go get them. So it's it's.
Speaker 4:It's pod page comm TID show. Pod page comm slash TID show. That's our website. Go there, sign up, click it fucking. Leave a review. Don't be cunts, don't be pussy cunts. We got enough of those in our fucking life. Certainly do tell you that or If you go all the way to the bottom, scroll to the right you're gonna see a microphone. Leave us a voicemail. Give us some ideas, some fucking tidbits, some fucking shit that we can talk about on the show. If not, go fuck yourself. We want to hear from you.
Speaker 1:Yes, our fans are UK fans, especially you fucking Brits. Fucking leave some fucking messages.
Speaker 4:Let us know exactly what's going on across the pond. Let's discuss it. We'll give you a holler, because I don't want to fucking believe the media over here. I want to know what the media saying over there. Is it different?
Speaker 3:Oh, I think it's way different, probably yeah very different, I would gather.
Speaker 1:If we probably look like idiots probably well, that's what our government's setting us up to look like.
Speaker 4:You know, I don't know, it's just I Don't know where to go.
Speaker 3:No, who's say you got go anyway?
Speaker 2:I mean, do you have a?
Speaker 4:tank.
Speaker 2:What do you need? You're gonna be more's.
Speaker 1:You're gonna be in the basement bunker. Where the fuck? Now, what are you?
Speaker 4:kidding dude. Now it is motherfucker if shit goes awry like goes crazy, and the shit hits the fan one day. Yeah, and Marshal law and whatnot, you're gonna need some advanced shit. I'm gonna need an RPG.
Speaker 1:Well, you're gonna have to go kill somebody simple very simple.
Speaker 4:The only, the only weapon I got is I could put fucking see I'd be more worried about supplies. Fat, we're fat, we can't totally get it, but like supply chains weapons you have to, but I'm saying weapons. You're still gonna have to have weapons anyways, if you want to kill deer and whatnot, for fucking food.
Speaker 3:Yeah, sure, okay.
Speaker 4:All right, so food could fucking wait For the time being, for the first dude's first 48 to 72 hours. If shit goes down, you're gonna be like I'm gonna go stop. You know, stop and shop.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna try, but that's what that's what the stupid people are gonna do.
Speaker 3:I'd be looting like a motherfucker.
Speaker 4:And that's where Kevin dies. Yes, so the only weapons I have? I can fucking hook up my drone of Roman candles on it.
Speaker 3:Hey, nice so.
Speaker 1:Distance, if we can. If we can keep Kevin alive, he could throw beers at the well coming troopers my buddy JN.
Speaker 4:He's got a wild assortment of weapons. Yeah, he's got a lot. He's stockpiled over there. I know that for a fact. I've seen it. He would probably be the first house I may want to go to hold you down, but the drone's getting you. I. I suppose yeah this guy's got cloaking technology or something.
Speaker 3:No, I'm just saying, like you think you're gonna like, just sweep the the land with drones, and why not and kill everything that they?
Speaker 4:why not with with with facial recognition? Why not you got that now To black up guys on like? Look at that it's Matt, pat and Kevin. They're not part of our crooks.
Speaker 3:Oh.
Speaker 1:Yeah, who are these people?
Speaker 4:Oh, that's the hosts of the. Take a deep show, can you we use her scud missiles for those?
Speaker 3:three.
Speaker 4:You know that's the voice of reason out there. They're gonna get killed, but we would end up being like Woody Harrelson in 2012 we would find an antenna To fucking transmit from the woods.
Speaker 1:You know I'm talking about. I'm not fucking carrying your computer, I'm talking about you?
Speaker 3:should you can make like your own EMP pulse. Here we go. Yeah, the only time Pat pulses.
Speaker 1:It takes four minutes. He's got a way, an hour to do it again.
Speaker 4:That's what I'm divulging. So how you making an EMP?
Speaker 3:pulse.
Speaker 4:I'm sure you can figure out see, you know what, Kevin, I don't like when you say that some kind of magnetron.
Speaker 2:All right whatever.
Speaker 3:Decepticons. Okay, sir, you could.
Speaker 4:That's megan so you make it sound like you can make any MP pulse and I'm like how do you make any people's? I don't know, you know it sounds pretty easy.
Speaker 3:Well, I mean not, I'm sure somebody could you know, like in a lab.
Speaker 4:That's what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:We need a hacker nice, I'm gonna, I'm gonna Google this and there's gonna be a knock on the door in about 10 minutes.
Speaker 1:I'll do you want me to search it till. I'll search it. Thank God the missus is sleeping. I'll put Matt Farnman is searching.
Speaker 4:EMP pulse. That Would be absolutely great.
Speaker 1:I'm so picked a wrong week to quit drinking. I'm so blind.
Speaker 4:And then what's gonna like? We're gonna be in the woods how to make it.
Speaker 3:Hey making it how to make an EMP at home.
Speaker 1:Don't click on that one.
Speaker 3:Well, it's just like it's not the link, it's like the yeah you know it doesn't matter, you don't need to direct your phone is already listening to you. Yeah, I know, you know this is recorded. This is all for fun, you know I.
Speaker 4:Don't, that sounds fun.
Speaker 1:I'm doing it. Okay, do it.
Speaker 3:I'm very uncomfortable with this whole thing? Emp generator.
Speaker 4:All right, wait, wait, wait, wait, time out.
Speaker 1:We are breaking news Dr Mine crime over here Carlos Santiago.
Speaker 3:This is for March 23rd this year, so this is so.
Speaker 4:So if anybody wants to take notes, time to start taking them. This is for when the NWO takes over.
Speaker 3:I don't know. Should I tell the world how to do this? No, why not? I wouldn't, are we?
Speaker 4:getting in trouble for it's for the people's.
Speaker 3:I haven't even clicked the link, dude.
Speaker 4:You got it on the internet we're allowed to say that's real, there's, it's. Is there any fact checkers? So you?
Speaker 3:know what I'll do. I'll read it and I'll I'll let you, I'll read to myself and I'll let you know if it's feasible to make this Feasible we're talking about at home.
Speaker 4:We're talking about what's gonna happen with the NWO, and we're talking about feasible.
Speaker 3:Well, it's a defense for the drones. You pop that and all the drones die.
Speaker 4:You know it's that's called the Iron man suit.
Speaker 3:Well, I'm just saying, you know, this is merely a defensive talk here. Oh, you know.
Speaker 4:Yeah, you think they're gonna go back on our tapes and be like alright, this is how they're gonna do it.
Speaker 1:I Could see it now. Somebody's gonna be going. I know they talked about it. Which episode was it you? Know, let's start from the beginning and listen all the episodes. Shouldn't have kicked them off the internet.
Speaker 3:Here's an. Here's another link. The this D DIY electromagnetic pulse generator is a simple to build. It seems like it's.
Speaker 4:Why is it so simple?
Speaker 3:I mean, need I Because?
Speaker 1:like you probably did. Did you ever? Did you ever see the fucking oceans 11? The one with Clooney?
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, when they did, they got, they got they got the pinch.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah that's the in essence, what you're doing is 13, wasn't that?
Speaker 4:that was 11.
Speaker 3:It was one of the ampoules.
Speaker 1:That was 11. Yes, was that 11?. Yeah, the first one on Cheetle.
Speaker 4:Yes, yes, can we get one of those war machine. Can we get one of those? Where do we have to go MIT? Mit is gonna be abandoned anyways.
Speaker 3:Now, like it seems like it's pretty easy to do okay, you know, is it plausible to discuss?
Speaker 4:I?
Speaker 3:Think people can research the that on their own. It's boring yeah.
Speaker 4:So I shouldn't search it right now on the computer and blare it out now you can, I'm choosing not to oh, it's your IP addresses, not mine.
Speaker 3:Well, what do you got? You got duck, duck, go or Google.
Speaker 4:Google Chrome. What do you got?
Speaker 1:duck, duck, let's let's not, let's not, let's move on. Now it's protected. Let's move on day it's protected All right, we're moving on.
Speaker 3:What is it like? We could definitely do it. I'll just say that.
Speaker 4:Okay, what's the main?
Speaker 1:Thing you gotta get, though the main thing is a large can is shut the fuck up, and we'll take care of it.
Speaker 4:We have to. And this is guy with a r15 in this house. Very scared.
Speaker 3:Um, so I'm just saying that they'll have to be some sort of like Back ground knowledge of things, because you need some circuit back around.
Speaker 4:Now I'm back around knowledge of my own life. You know how to build a circuit board.
Speaker 3:You need some circuit boards, but you need them from video cameras.
Speaker 4:What? Why is that I?
Speaker 3:Don't know. It just said Get that far. I was just kind of do video cameras pulse, so pulse, pulse, please impulse you do need some knowledge to do this, but it seems like you can get it done.
Speaker 4:It's the only knowledge I got. Does it hook up to my ps5?
Speaker 1:What I'm wondering, yes, are you able to play hockey, I'm not quite sure you can make an EMP out of your.
Speaker 3:PS5. You'd probably have to and you think you'd be able to do that. Would you be able to like?
Speaker 4:figure it out.
Speaker 3:No, just got your ps5 to use the parts. Yeah, why not? I never have the PS5 again.
Speaker 1:If we're both the fucking rules ending or anything action.
Speaker 4:Yeah, kevin, I'm like no, not the controllers Come on.
Speaker 1:No, we got well, you could go online and see if maybe you could play Putin in NHL 23.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I'm sure I can find out his fucking, his, his plays. I will play you a green name.
Speaker 1:I will play you for Eastern control. I will play you for poison best out of five.
Speaker 4:Yes, you'll be the 80 Russians, I'll be the 80 fucking.
Speaker 1:USA team stop checking.
Speaker 4:That's it. I'll let Kevin play, because Kevin's fucking the worst person to possibly play in the game, because he'll kill you. That's all he cares about. Well, it's big part of hockey, oh, speaking of which, so we were talking about our, our shenanigans on the NHL, right yeah, this fucking lying motherfucker.
Speaker 3:This okay. I mean it may be a slight exaggeration, but it's not it's not a slight exaggeration.
Speaker 4:He played the fucking game, was it professionally?
Speaker 3:It wasn't professional. No what was your ranking In the country. As a team, we were probably ranked in like the top 10, top 15.
Speaker 4:He was a gamer. What?
Speaker 3:this was when, like yeah, like that first started coming out, like Even like right before, like the headsets for the controllers came out, like you could play online, you know, hmm and uh hey.
Speaker 4:Kev, how long has it been since you played in a job? No no, 10 years. It was like ps3 never played it before, maybe it was ps3, where you could start doing stuff like that big fat liar. I'll never play him in the game again, ever.
Speaker 1:Nope, no game ever.
Speaker 4:Nope, I'm sitting there like as good as I was in it. I'm like this motherfucker was just schooling me. Nope, never played this game before George.
Speaker 3:I didn't say I played it. I said I was pretty good. I said you'll probably be surprised.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I got it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I got him. It's a good thing I didn't sit down and bet you ten dollars game? No, I wouldn't.
Speaker 1:You're right.
Speaker 4:I told you before.
Speaker 3:You just kind of laughed it off like, okay, whatever.
Speaker 4:Yeah, exactly Exactly. I know I was decent in the game. Okay, and Kevin has found the illegal, the legal illegals in the game to fucking clean people's clocks without getting fucking in trouble for it. He tries by home depot and picks up his place pretty much. I think it was. Dave's video is where you go by.
Speaker 3:You know right, I'm going over to pick up the one over there in Brewster.
Speaker 4:You know, talking about?
Speaker 1:I certainly do.
Speaker 4:I don't think Dave's videos there anymore, neither of the glory holes. Just saying you okay over there, maddy, can I get a soda? So what is what's what is more believable to you? No, I need some caffeine in any Pepsi, please. All right, so I Can just. You know what, fuck this, tighten that up. I'm gonna sit back in my chair, I'm gonna cup the balls and I'm gonna pull it to me.
Speaker 1:Now put it back, slide it back, yeah, yeah like that.
Speaker 4:Let me just wait one second, I got it. Oh, so much better. Now I could just sit down and talk.
Speaker 3:All right.
Speaker 1:Just let it slow it all hang out. Pat Trent, there we go.
Speaker 4:Oh, now you just feel fat. So what's more believable to you? All right, a Corrupt government Working hand-in-hand with other corrupt people throughout the world or Kevin, or be being ranked 10th in the country. That is as corrupt as can be. I'll tell you that much because I don't know if it's believable.
Speaker 1:Believable shenanigans very, I'm calling shenanigans and I call bullshit.
Speaker 4:So Okay, then he's like, then he's like this maybe the team was ranked number 10. I was ranked number one.
Speaker 3:Oh, I could see him saying that no, I don't think I paid attention like individual stuff, yeah, whatever.
Speaker 4:You weren't paying attention to individual stuff. That's a ball face I. How many hits were there? How many hits did I?
Speaker 3:have individually like you're a single person, I think it was like really like, oh, you know, and then when we played on this team, it was just Hmm. It was, it was remarkable, remarkable so. I'm pretty good now shut up. Just saying you saw the product dude.
Speaker 4:Yeah well, the product fucking went bad in the fridge. Now, what's more believable? The NWO happening the faking of alien invasion to Create fucking fear in everybody, or Yellowstone exploding? What's more believable? What is gonna happen first?
Speaker 3:that's the question well, it's gonna be the government that's gonna be aliens, and then and the NWO, then the Yellowstone is gonna be faked by holograms.
Speaker 1:It's hard to fake that. No, it's not.
Speaker 4:Do you guys see Kidding? They could do fucking anything. I'm telling you right now you want to know why I think they can do anything is the goddamn technology they got from the fucking UFOs that they're not admitting.
Speaker 3:That's the whole thing that they just blasted on Hawaii, yeah.
Speaker 4:Did you see the dad photo?
Speaker 3:laser beams have you seen those talks yeah what's the name of that?
Speaker 4:Direct energy weapon so a DEM W.
Speaker 3:W you know what I mean, they call him do's.
Speaker 4:D, d-w-e-d-h-h-h weapon upside down W do's man. So this is like what? Was that movie? The fucking laser Akak.
Speaker 3:The laser.
Speaker 4:Oh my god, it's. It's the same as that fucking thing awesome powers.
Speaker 1:No, not awesome powers like the shorts with the first laser beams.
Speaker 3:Was it the Death Star? Well, I mean, you got the Death Star to speaking of Death Stars.
Speaker 4:You got the fucking rain moon right Um.
Speaker 1:Hello, moon moon. I believe moon raker, that was a satellite weapon system, but that's what I like it if we have satellites that are capable of doing certain. But this all there's definitely this all falls under the Star Wars Line item in the budget, doesn't it? We don't have anymore whatever, it's bullshit. We have it.
Speaker 3:It's out there aliens gave it to us. I think we took it.
Speaker 4:We're paying an ecto slime. It's get that by the jar. It's a little luby. That's how we, that's how we pay our debts off. We got a divulgence to some of that ecto cooler. You know what I'm talking about? That green stuff you put on your dick. Now you're not up for that, not right now. Okay, so the story is we are actually fucking created by aliens.
Speaker 3:Like Stargate.
Speaker 4:Well, the lady who worked for the government who sent that video, who was that One of you she was talking about? She read this documents talking about how the creation of Homo sapiens came from the aliens I might have sent that. I wish I could find that fucking video but to check your text messages.
Speaker 1:I send most of my shit in text anymore.
Speaker 4:No, you don't, you do. You send them everywhere you need. You need to send to one spot.
Speaker 1:I've sent a lot of them to text now.
Speaker 3:No, you don't hear a lot and that kills me because I never checked listen, that's not my fucking problem.
Speaker 1:Yeah, thanks.
Speaker 4:You're like, hey, how about you just click the three dots and copy link? Well, he's just got. He did get a little fucking saucy. He's angry off.
Speaker 3:All right, let's see feel better, betty white.
Speaker 4:Oh, can we talk about? Scout be my BFF.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, he was gonna get kicked in the. She was gonna get kicked in the throat upstairs. I was getting my jumble eye Go fucking tired of that dog.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she's just a blue.
Speaker 4:Hair. You didn't send it to the fucking are you sure?
Speaker 1:Yeah, all right, then check messenger. We want me to tell you it's not a messenger either, then then we're fuck cuz I Might as well. Just let that one go. It's a totally couple seconds.
Speaker 4:Let's see there's many excuse me, I think you may have spicy.
Speaker 2:My own research that once you have wide, wide metastasis, small cell lung care.
Speaker 4:Oh, by the way, everybody research rife, rife Industries, right, right, just rife industries, rife. Yeah, anything you got. You get that cleared up with frequencies, just so you know. Oh, my god, who's, who's stomach is that?
Speaker 3:That was like my uh.
Speaker 4:It's like really bad.
Speaker 3:It was like sort of a burp.
Speaker 1:Guys around vacation for two weeks and came back made some jumble eyes go little bubble guts.
Speaker 4:I am fuck man, I have no idea. It's pretty good. It was good, it was very good where Mattie sent this fucking.
Speaker 1:I think I have less of an idea rife frequencies.
Speaker 4:Yeah or rife industries, industries.
Speaker 1:Now I take the sunglasses so you probably will see better.
Speaker 3:No, I got pretty good eyes, fuck yourself.
Speaker 4:Ouch so it was a lady. Yeah, it was a lady who she had. I believe she's a reporter and they gave her access to some crazy shit and she was told she was able to read All the paperwork, not allowed to copy anything. Just remember what was what was given to her. And she's stated that she got this whole packet about how there are aliens within the government. We were created, created by aliens, and they created Homo sapiens. I didn't send that and we were just like in this Petri dish. That sounds like the plot line X men.
Speaker 3:Well, it's like the Sort of like the story of like the Anunnaki stuff, all those fucking Sumerian gods and whatnot. Who the Anunnaki?
Speaker 4:Anunnaki. Hi Anunnaki on your door. Hi Just ball Anunnaki on your face.
Speaker 3:You don't know about. You'd never heard that like the Anunnaki. No no, yeah, I got some shit you can watch on the, on the old Amazon Prime.
Speaker 4:Well, can you, can you divulge?
Speaker 3:It's like it's creation story of, like the Sumerians, um, how these people came down from. You know Nibiru, this infamant plant, the infamous planet X that's gonna come to like flip the poles and shit like that. I'm sorry. Can you hear Maddie breathing? You know about this at all Nothing, um, so, anyway, it's it's creation story. But aliens came down here and and tankered with, tankered with the old DNA and Well, that's, that's what they're.
Speaker 4:You know they're saying it's, it's. Yeah, we're created from Aliens.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we're like an island of dr Moro Thing that the aliens made did you know?
Speaker 1:can we put? Can we put the curtain back?
Speaker 4:Did you know? Did you know? Sharks are older than trees. Explain that one.
Speaker 3:Miss lippies car is green 400 million years old.
Speaker 4:Sharks are 400 million years old.
Speaker 1:I know they're pretty old.
Speaker 4:Have you noticed? Okay, check this out. Crack does pretty old. Do have you noticed? Beach is being closed in California and on the coast due to an acidic algae, and I haven't seen that one, yet Do you want to know why? Sharks are divulging in the water. Sharks are becoming extinct.
Speaker 1:The sharks are. What is that why they're biting everyone? They're trying to get it out of the system before they go.
Speaker 4:They're sharks all shark species are considered the doctors of the ocean. Do you want to know why they actually know which? You know? Fish and whatnot are our populations are being small or whatnot? Like say they're getting smaller, they'll stay away from that population and let it, you know, get bigger, right so? But the problem is, shark soup has become this crazy thing over in China. It's shark fin soup. Yes, yeah, it's worth millions and millions and millions of dollars. But the problem with that is, they said they're, they're taking out like a hundred million sharks a year.
Speaker 1:Good Well, could they swing by some of the New York beaches and take some of those motherfuckers.
Speaker 4:So because of that see a problem with their well, they're not keeping the whole process.
Speaker 1:They're ruining the ecosystem because of grouper.
Speaker 4:Since there's less shark. Less shark are attacking grouper grouper, are getting bigger, but they're attacking the fucking what's it called the penta clown for some, some fish that takes care of the algae, but Nemo. They're attacking Nemo, similar, similar to lap. Oh, those fish clown fish. I think, I think it is they're gone and Because of that dude, they just stayed there, closing beaches out in California, in Irvine, california, down the fucking coast and everything because of the acidic algae, like the reefs Are dying and they're not filtering out. Guess who? Guess who solves that problem?
Speaker 3:well, sharks.
Speaker 4:Okay, I mean honestly, like I'm sharks divulging the reef sharks sound like they run the shit. No, I'm kind of done with the ocean anyway, yeah, but still like activities, you know, like it's like monster central, I agree. I don't, I don't like it.
Speaker 3:I don't like it. What is that?
Speaker 1:There's just shit in there that's like I don't like it.
Speaker 3:I don't like it you know what is that there's just shit in there that I don't need to be around.
Speaker 1:That's. That's, I think, the the tide's either trying to pull you out and drown you. There's something in here trying to bite you.
Speaker 4:I think the ocean probably has the scariest shit, especially the fact that you the mount of the ocean that hasn't been discovered Due to the depths right. Well, then again we can ask. I mean, we could put a sub down.
Speaker 3:Well, those things aren't gonna come up to the beach and grab you.
Speaker 1:Hey, you know any companies that?
Speaker 3:you know, companies I rent out right to the bottom. I heard a one.
Speaker 4:Yeah, what it? Okay, you want to. You want to get in this mini sub and go go down to the Fuck. If we could build an EMP.
Speaker 1:Out of the Fucking we can make a mini saw.
Speaker 4:We'll be the only clan out of the militias with a mini sub. We're gonna be like what's her name?
Speaker 1:We could go down at least 10 feet. Nothing, yeah, we'll be like, just just just staying like not in the ocean.
Speaker 3:Well, yeah, you're gonna lake or something? Yeah, I can make one.
Speaker 4:No, you want to go Loch Ness, I can weld.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm gonna trust your welding.
Speaker 1:Fuck out here with that only one company will worse welders. I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 4:You. I mean you really handle the bunker and and getting fucking resources. I am not getting in your mini sub. I just thought fat guy in a mini sub, fuck, no, are you kidding me? Him and I will probably claw each other to death. The second we get lower than 10 feet inside of that it's not even a question. I'll start sweating at my butthole. I Can not be in enclosed spaces, especially with larger men like Maddie, and him and I in the same space. That's like, oh, two mongoose is going at it.
Speaker 1:That's no good. Yeah, that'd be rough. We'd have to be. Well, somebody's dying just just to keep the fucking sub Waded properly.
Speaker 4:We'd have to sit on opposite sides of the sub, and whoever's getting on a sub actually has assigned a waiver now no longer a mini sub.
Speaker 3:What was it? A wedge? No, I'm just saying like sounds like you're gonna need a lot of room.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 2:Which one.
Speaker 4:You want to go Kaiser roll. What do you find?
Speaker 3:Hi Kaiser.
Speaker 4:No, fuck that of here, dude.
Speaker 3:I am not.
Speaker 4:I'm not not trusting your welding.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's fine, it's fine. We should stay away from the ocean anyway well it's.
Speaker 4:It's just crazy hearing that and the I guess there's like there's been five major extinction Situations that have happened and that's gonna be the sixth is sharks within ten years well, a lot of a, a lot of shit like like wildlife and marine life and stuffs affected by that fucking tango volcano that blew like four or five years ago.
Speaker 3:That shot like billions of gallons of water vapor into the stratosphere Like 50 miles up in the air, and that's why they, like you, get all ocean warming right. Sounds like Pat on the sun, because it's a greenhouse gas. Backed up all weekend and since then I think it's like the average temp has gone up. Definitely gonna be like Yellowstone when it blows 1.5 degrees, and that's pretty sort of at a critical level right now 1.5 degrees the ocean. So well, now it's already gone, like the world has gone up that much since that that event no so you can't blame humans for that. No, you can't like, but you don't hear about that. You know. You don't hear that correlation made a lot. You have to search and find it and read it, you know. But it's a, you know that's why you got all this ocean warming and shit these, sure you, sure you like, not like what's his name from, can we can?
Speaker 1:we maybe next week have a day after tomorrow.
Speaker 4:This is a positive show. We are pre-planning case. There's militant action and Volcano is exploding with walking sharks, so Frickin, laser, laser, beams, dude.
Speaker 1:When it all goes down, just call me, because you're just gonna hear me shooting until I can't shoot no more. Now.
Speaker 4:Do you think like say, say there's an asteroid coming to the earth. Does the government tell?
Speaker 1:no the world, no fucking chance, no way.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I think we have more of a chance of that happening than anything else. The government telling us now so just can him by the asteroid. Um what do you got over there, carmen Santiago?
Speaker 3:getting hit by like the big one.
Speaker 4:Yeah, you know like, like we're getting hit by John Holmes's dick, Wow.
Speaker 3:You know, I'm talking about Wow.
Speaker 1:And you weren't expecting it Mushroom bruised at a forehead.
Speaker 3:I mean, it's like a you walked into it.
Speaker 1:Like it's oh, what was that? God Damn it oh.
Speaker 3:I think. I think Yellowstone goes before we get a hit by a story. Yeah, because they're both going to happen. It's just a matter of when. You know it could be fucking tomorrow, could be 200 years from now, could be 10,000 years from you know. You know it's going to happen.
Speaker 1:I'm 48 years old. Give me a 25, 30 more years and then whatever's going to happen, let it happen.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's like I was like just give me 30 more years, I'm good, you know, then I'll sit on my fucking beach chair with a fucking Mai Tai ready for it to roll in. Yeah, this is going to burn. Woo, god's getting hot down here. All right, hey, if the sun exploded, would you sit there and watch it? I would, with my.
Speaker 1:Mai Tai, I'm going to call into a new show, like I used to do this podcast a bunch of years back. Yeah, we got fucking kicked out of the country. So we're just wondering Just save those, save those internet files so future people can listen to what a bunch of assholes were.
Speaker 4:Save the seals.
Speaker 2:Oh, my God.
Speaker 1:Well, that was a. It's interesting. How long have you been going, patrick? Well, we've been live for an hour, hour and 16.
Speaker 4:You sound like you're you're not having fun over here. Matthew, have you read the Bible lately? No, don't.
Speaker 1:No, we're not doing that.
Speaker 4:Don't.
Speaker 1:I haven't done that for the first 48 years. Start now and get out.
Speaker 4:Best thing to do is is uh believe all the conspiracy theorists.
Speaker 1:The best thing to do is, like when you're an airplane put your head between your legs and kiss your ass. I'm not going down.
Speaker 4:Depends on what we're talking about Really depends, but I don't know. Yellowstone first.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:Foreaster Before the government too.
Speaker 3:No government first, Like that's. That's going to be like a week.
Speaker 4:That's happening right now. Yeah, I mean, that's happening right now. Go out and get your fucking like your toilet paper.
Speaker 3:Like we're going to wake up one morning and not be able to use a credit card one day soon, I think.
Speaker 1:I'm definitely not paying that shit off then.
Speaker 3:Oh man. Yeah, I think so, man. That's how you're going to know.
Speaker 4:How would?
Speaker 3:like I don't think there's going to be like, um, like a red dawn event. Like I think it's going to be like that, like you're going to wake up one morning. Electronic your whole fucking life is like you're going to wake up one morning not going to be able to withdraw money on a debit card. Pay for anything with a credit card.
Speaker 4:How is it going to be paid for?
Speaker 3:You're not going to get it. You're going to work for it. You're going to have to.
Speaker 4:God, do I have to hustle on the corners?
Speaker 3:You're going to have to fall in line to be able to. Yeah, not happening. I'm just saying that's. That's one theory as to what. I've heard that's probably.
Speaker 1:We're shooting at the windows of shop right now. We're looting.
Speaker 4:You know um that was uncalled for that was loud A little bit. It's a little loud.
Speaker 1:That was fucking uncalled for.
Speaker 4:I'm not going to lie Like um, that wouldn't bother me, because I'm like you know what. I've already been broke my whole life, so let's loot. We're going streaking Straight down the fucking stop and shop. You know it's you got to get, but you got to get all the canned goods, of course.
Speaker 1:Nothing, nothing like um, I'm getting this rib roast you know you get the pork butt Unless you're going to cook at that night. Kevin, you're bringing your smoker. Put the smoker in a truck.
Speaker 4:You know, fuck and it's wood and it acts and some weapons.
Speaker 1:Listen, grab every edged weapon and 10 W 40.
Speaker 4:10 W 40.
Speaker 1:Always going to need that for something duct tape.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I totally have like sword on my side the whole time, Like like, maybe one of them like half fucking like samurai.
Speaker 2:Colonel Mustard.
Speaker 3:You know, like maybe two, like a samurai sword. You're talking about like the sword from Aladdin, Like a katana, you know, like who the fuck are you?
Speaker 1:What a katana oh well, he's going out and he's fucking stabbing the Russian soldiers.
Speaker 3:Sorry, last samurai, you know whatever.
Speaker 1:I'm going to hide under a bush with my scope.
Speaker 3:Whatever those fucking sharp as things that the.
Speaker 4:Chinese stars. Are we allowed to say Chinese stars?
Speaker 1:Isn't that what they are, or are they just?
Speaker 4:throwing and I'm not talking about Jackie Chan and fucking the other actors.
Speaker 1:No, wasn't good, where's the cricket button? I?
Speaker 4:don't know if I got that for myself. I got sucks. Okay, so you're going to carry a Aladdin type sword.
Speaker 1:You know what he was watching? A walking dead and he wants to carry, carry a sword like that chick?
Speaker 4:Yeah, he wants to be. Oh, is that how you identify? I'm just wondering. Identifies who she identifies A black woman with a sword.
Speaker 1:I think you should update your LinkedIn. My pronouns are pussycunt.
Speaker 3:Wow, here we go. And katana, no more food for you guys. Ever. You're now cut off.
Speaker 4:No, you don't need a fucking. Why would you need a sword like that? Well, just for close combat, you know Fucking, chasing porn. What is going on with you?
Speaker 1:behind the scenes.
Speaker 4:This guy is talking like he's fucking enemy lines.
Speaker 1:Do you have your black ninja suit from when you were a teenager? You're just going to put that shit on and put the mask on and go. Do you have the claws so you can climb trees? Kung Fu fighting.
Speaker 4:Fast as lightning.
Speaker 3:They seem pretty sharp, pretty strong blades. I don't know Seemed like it'd be okay. You probably want something.
Speaker 4:No, understood you make me feel like Michael Douglas in Black Rain. You don't want to be popping guns. Nice, seriously, you're Andy Garcia. You're going to end up beheaded.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 4:Can I have your katana now? You pass it down that way, but you're fighting. I'm sorry You're going straight up Kung Fu on fucking polar bear bro.
Speaker 3:I'm just saying, I definitely have one.
Speaker 4:Dude, you could have a fucking machete.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but I think I'd want something a little longer or an axe.
Speaker 4:I understand what he's talking about. The strength of the blade. It not chipping and whatnot. As sharp as it is, you can cut down fucking bamboo, whatever you want. But that's a dangerous sword For someone who knows how to use it. I want to wield on a fucking. What about a meat pounder? Like they do with the chicken? That's going to be my thing, but a bigger one. A meat tenderizer, let me just tenderize you real quick.
Speaker 3:Get over here with your birdie lips. It's like twice as good because you got a smooth side.
Speaker 4:And like the pyramids. That's when you know you're naughty. You're going to use the rough side.
Speaker 3:That's the kill side yeah.
Speaker 4:I'm going to tenderize that bitch.
Speaker 1:As I'm going through town looking for supplies, I'm going to see people with fucking, fucking, fucked up. Pat must have been new to this meat tenderizer. Looks like that one passed that one pissed him off.
Speaker 3:It's like a brand on the forehead.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I don't know. I think my weapon of choice, yeah, crossbow, oh we're going of choice.
Speaker 3:Yeah, there you go.
Speaker 4:Well then it's tough to go crossbow because that's tough to reload. So you need something quick.
Speaker 3:That's not that long to reload a crossbow. It's difficult, it certainly is.
Speaker 1:Compound If you're fighting zombies and you got a second because you know they ain't charging Compound bow.
Speaker 3:You definitely have to have a bow, compound bow, you know.
Speaker 4:You have the one that.
Speaker 3:But you're going to run out of arrows.
Speaker 4:You have to make your own. You've seen Avengers. Let me get one of those. Are those real? I'm going to turn mine into a laser and cut some trees down. Kevin, you're fucking. Your sword sucks. Watch this. Look at my compound bow.
Speaker 3:Zzzz.
Speaker 4:Fuck, yeah, no, I don't know. I mean, you know, 9mm.
Speaker 1:I guess, Easy, quick and easy. Not a lot of stopping power with that bow Bow bow, maybe like 45.
Speaker 3:Bow bow.
Speaker 1:Do you want a little something that's going to pack a little more of a punch, do they?
Speaker 4:have any of those pussy gun handguns. They're really small pink ones.
Speaker 3:I think I go 45.
Speaker 1:That gun that shoots labias 45, 46, whatever it takes Right, give me a fucking grenade launcher, let's go.
Speaker 4:No, you know what you're talking about too. The one that was in Predator. No, that's like the Gatling gun.
Speaker 3:There's a few guns in Predator.
Speaker 1:You can't hunt a deer with a mini gun.
Speaker 4:No, the one that was in Terminator 2. He kept on shooting the grenade launcher.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's what I want.
Speaker 4:I want that, but like instant explosion, not waiting, waiting for it to explode Some instant.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 4:What's yours Like out of the gate.
Speaker 1:Yeah, weapon of choice.
Speaker 4:You're AR-15. I'm sticking with my. Yeah, AR-AR is probably like that's probably going to be the weapon of choice for everybody.
Speaker 1:But let's be honest, that's just the gateway to pick up other shit. What is it?
Speaker 4:Like a key.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you unalive somebody and you take their shit.
Speaker 4:Oh, you divulge on somebody.
Speaker 1:If I was really that upset with him, I would divulge on somebody.
Speaker 3:Now, would you see it? I think I may go shotgun. That's good choice, because it kind of like sends a.
Speaker 1:You hear?
Speaker 3:shotgun. I got birdshot.
Speaker 4:That's pretty fucking loud.
Speaker 3:It's like a psychological game.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but you're.
Speaker 3:You're talking about distance.
Speaker 1:It's only just close.
Speaker 4:I was just going to say, yeah, you're, while you're playing, sawed off shotgun hand on a pump. From speakers in your car. Wow, and you're that guy. You're driving around with a system shooting people with shotguns.
Speaker 1:There's so many things wrong with that.
Speaker 4:I don't know even where to start.
Speaker 1:Stay away from that guy. He's crazy, he's insane in the membrane, that was good.
Speaker 2:That was good.
Speaker 4:I don't know, maybe just for like home defense Now do you think when, when shit hits the fan, is everybody killing each other or people teaming up with each other? You know what I'm saying? Like no. Like if somebody's like I think I'd have Ready fucking drawn on you and you're like no, no, I'm for the cause. What are you doing? How you getting out of that situation? And you don't have any weapons on you and they want to kill you.
Speaker 1:If you have no weapons on you, you're fucked in the ass.
Speaker 4:That's what I'm saying, but then you're like running through the woods and like Some dude with an AR-15.
Speaker 3:Maddie.
Speaker 1:No, someone have to run. I'm just saying.
Speaker 4:Somebody tripped over that bump in the ground and it was him. Covered by leaves, that's just bad.
Speaker 1:And then I'm shooting and not asking questions. Now are you?
Speaker 4:defending to the point Like it's instant kill who you see?
Speaker 1:Or Well it kind of depends.
Speaker 3:That's what I'm saying. You know they roll up like sneaking through the woods. You're going to get a couple of shots popped at you and then we'll see if you got something else to say.
Speaker 1:Or do Listen if I roll up on a bunch of guys that are eating fucking noodles with chopsticks out of fucking white containers. I'm shooting.
Speaker 4:Fucking noodles.
Speaker 1:I was trying to get there. When I got in there, shit, you got there and it went there pretty quick, I don't know. The Russians are going to come and camouflage, so you know who they're good with.
Speaker 4:That's going to be Now, like you got to find, like a fort in the woods.
Speaker 1:I mean, you think you're, you think you're going to ride, rides there, dude, here's a great spot.
Speaker 3:No, I got the hill behind me.
Speaker 4:Yeah, but that's where you got to worry about dude. I was sitting out back the other night with the dogs outside and I heard some rustling in the woods.
Speaker 3:There's some shit out there.
Speaker 4:And I'm not going to lie, I got no problem being by myself, but this shit was moving and was moving heavy. Yeah, dude, there's a, and I was like you know what. Scout, do you want to go inside? Let's go inside. I'm done with this cigarette.
Speaker 3:after two drags it's probably deer but like there are bear, there's some coyote. I would have been able to find out if I can wrestle a bear, but like.
Speaker 4:I told you, if you caught a little bear, rub its belly, you're fucking best friends forever. Look at me and Scout. I knew he was a dog. She's a dog, it's okay.
Speaker 3:But most of the big shit don't come around because I think all the dogs you know you'll still get deer that walk through. It's probably deer, maybe a wreck.
Speaker 4:And we're all worried about this. We're all bunkered down in the woods. First thing that's going to kill us is a fucking bear. Absolutely, that's how we'll die. We're mulled by bears.
Speaker 3:That's why we stay here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but still I'm not leaving my house.
Speaker 4:You might, because you're, it's populated there. It's like house after house after house. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but I got the reservoir behind me, yeah but they're going to fucking poison the reservoir Right.
Speaker 3:Maybe right, like what else where we were talking about the tunnels?
Speaker 4:right, we were talking about the tunnels and whatever come like the aqueduct.
Speaker 3:What do you know about the aqueduct? They're gonna need water. Is that real? You know they're not gonna poison? Of course there's an aqueduct.
Speaker 4:Are we getting water from it? Do you know this?
Speaker 3:We don't.
Speaker 4:We send water away put the fucking curtain back. I'm just saying what's the tunnels used for?
Speaker 3:I Mean, you did see, it goes down to the city. Okay, does it, it does yeah how do you? Know my father actually worked for the water department.
Speaker 4:Oh, so should we trust Kevin.
Speaker 3:With what? Anything I feel awkward. He was like, he was like a foreman at those, you know, like those big brick fucking buildings that are on the reservoir like he was. He was like a foreman there.
Speaker 4:No, he could have been a foreman there, but not know what actually is going on.
Speaker 3:Well, I mean he had, he had to like repair valves and you know, like all this kind of shit, like huge giant things like he brought me. No, a couple places there's huge, huge, giant things. Yeah, dude, like when you look at your plumbing for like your sink, just imagine that on an enormous scale. It's, it's pretty cool, pretty cool stuff.
Speaker 4:Hmm why would they be so big? How big of the pipes down there.
Speaker 1:Barry Wood Sush like 30 years ago.
Speaker 4:That's a big pipe. That's a big fucking pipe. It's some large shit right there. Dude, get the. You get the BBC run through the aqueduct. Fuck, fuck. Well, it doesn't matter, listen, all I know is this he definitely stand in them, though he could standing on it in him. Oh, that's a tripod. Yeah, that reminds me of what's that show that's on a. I'm prime the one with the superhero, the, the guys, right guys, the guys, the boys, the boys. Yeah, that reminds me of that. Why? Because there's a guy that shrinks down to like a little dude and he's gay. He was inside the dude's penis and then he sneezed and it's any expanded and the guy exploded.
Speaker 3:Because he was Are you serious? So where to?
Speaker 4:go. You never saw this dude. This show is fucking grits. It's insane that the fact they even show it on prime the boys it's nuts, Apparently okay. Maybe I shouldn't have said that that that would be the first one you wouldn't watch. No, it's, it's you gotta. Why it's it's fucking nuts. Some dude talks to fishing. He likes octopus. Totally different channel you'd watch on browsers. We're going Closing, closing closing arguments are Shit are we going watch the. Watch the boys. I'm sweating. Guys blowing up in. I thought you guys watch that show. No, maybe I was thinking somebody else, perhaps, okay.
Speaker 3:No right.
Speaker 4:So so we don't know, the new world order possibly coming in in two years or next week next week, you know If we're dead, you know why oh, don't say shit like that.
Speaker 3:Why because everyone who dies says that before they die, or Pat said it or Pat said it. Oh, I guess that's that it.
Speaker 4:I can edit that out. I could do it switch, switch a rune.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I just like.
Speaker 4:Alien said it wasn't us, so thank you for joining us for episode 72, the most irrelevant number in the world. Yeah, we're all gonna die whether we found out. No, it's either gonna be from the new world order.
Speaker 3:Well, you think that comes from the new world or yellow stone you think death comes from the new world.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, for those who don't, for those who don't fall in line in population control.
Speaker 1:Yep. Yeah, no doubt not a big rule follower.
Speaker 4:I'm not a sheep but like what?
Speaker 3:if you just like pretended to go by the rules, then you're making a really bad fucking lifetime movie resistance.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I understand to be punching pie.
Speaker 3:Just me well into the resistance like, would you or would you like? Just kind of go over this in Wellington right now like Go along with it at first and like buy yourself a little time to figure out and get yourself a month.
Speaker 4:No, because of that it'll be so difficult to escape. I think they're gonna have eyes and ears everywhere, yeah. So if you have a chance right away, find your boys, find your circle, get your shit, go. Have a plan. So what's our plan? We're gonna come here and just do a show, telling everybody.
Speaker 3:Wait a minute, I'll tell you. We could probably make it internet.
Speaker 4:Please, gentlemen, we have breaking news. It is Sunday, august 13th, the NWO is on its way, so hopefully you guys bunker down, get some resources, make sure you get toilet paper, water and lube whole Colgan and Kevin ash will be here soon. The NWO yeah, who's oh?
Speaker 1:raise. Ramon's not gonna be here cuz Kevin is just cuz him and Kevin don't get along since Kevin will throw from 80 feet away and hit him with a.
Speaker 4:You're gonna hit him with a fucking cup of beer, right?
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's how the story went.
Speaker 1:Not once, but three times times.
Speaker 4:So you know, for for the NWO? Oh no.
Speaker 2:I'm not sure if you're gonna be here for the NWO, so bunker up bitches.
Speaker 4:Episode 72 is in the books. Run to the hills, kiss your ass. Goodbye, cuz it's either gonna be the NWO sharks or Yellowstone taking you out Maybe not sharks, they're all dead. Take it deep, bitches.
Speaker 2:Oh, oh.