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December 31, 2020

Ep. 23 The TID New Years Eve Extravaganza

In this episode we discuss 2020 year in review. If 2020 was a movie what would the title be? We announce our 1st annual Golden Dildo Award nominees ..........and the winner is??? Three of our closest and dearest fans join u...

In this episode we discuss 2020 year in review.  If 2020 was a movie what would the title be?  We announce our 1st annual Golden Dildo Award nominees ..........and the winner is??? Three of our closest and dearest fans join us during the show...........which ones made 2020 memorable? Patty Pipes is in rare form as he gets hammered drinking Manhttans laced with moonshine cherries.  Mr. Despicito is once again in studio with the crew.  Tommy O is dead behind the black curtain.......or is he? Just like 2020 this episode brings a mixed bag of craziness.......but it was much funnier than the year we endured.  Thank you from the crew for making our 2020 as memorable as we could have hoped for.  We look forward to ringing in 2021 with TID Nation and our soon to be new loyal listeners this year.
