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December 18, 2020

Ep 19. Elf is KO’D

In Episode 19, we discuss Matty’s Xmas cards he mailed out with his dog Macallen showing off his red rocket for the ladies. Is there a possibility of the Insurrection Act? We discuss why this is going on. Lin Wood still a d...

In Episode 19, we discuss Matty’s Xmas cards he mailed out with his dog Macallen showing off his red rocket for the ladies.  Is there a possibility of the Insurrection Act? We discuss why this is going on.  Lin Wood still a double agent? Or is he the real deal. Pubes in your food, what would you do?  “The Best” is back with Milfs, who’s your fav? Matty the Elf KO’D????? Movie quotes...even though he’s comatosed...Matty destroys everyone in the quotes. 
